
Stuck in my head

When I heard that one TikTok song which went like ' only love can hurt like this ' i thought they were joking until now.

I had seen myself happy as i hopped to school, a smile on my face, my eyes twinkling in delight hoping for the best for us. The moment I entered the school gates I wished I had not come, my crush who liked me back was kissing my ..... friend.

I could feel my heart swelling, my mind racing and a panic attack bubbling up inside. Even being angry at that moment wouldn't calm my racing heart. I couldn't stand and watch so i rather ran off and cried myself until I could no longer hear myself sniffling.

And to think I was willing to change for him and he toyed with my heart..... even sarcasm wouldn't help me so i stood up, wiped away my tears ,put on my mask and headed to class

I saw them both hand in hand strolling in the school yard, my heart ached seeing them but well the heart wants what it wants.

Plus, may people like me are destined to stay alone till the end of time, with our demons tormenting us every night.....