
His hazel eyes intrigue me.

I looked him in the eye trying to understand what it was he meant by his words. His gaze seemed to see through my walls and peer into my soul, hollow and weak.

' You're gonna be alright I promise, it's not gonna hurt when it ends' , he murmured under his breath knowing well I could hear him.

'And if it does?' , I asked staring at him hoping he would assure me it wouldn't and that we would stay.

' I'll make sure it won't my dear' , he said holding my hands in his warm ones .

He sweetly kissed them both and kissed my forehead,eyelids,cheeks and my lips last, softly and full of love.

' I will always love you my dear, and whenever you need me I will be here waiting for you, fall asleep if you wish for me to appear my dearest, I shall appear once you arrive in our world of fantasies, for now return to reality it wishes to be graced by your beauty and grace . Now awaken and embrace the day once more.' , he sweetly whispered into my ear as he tucked me into the snow white bed sheets of our room.

He disappeared into the light as I blinked away the daze of being in my dreams with what I expected of the men in the world but whom I could only see in my dreams.

Let us tackle the world again then,shall we?