
Words & Herbs

One, a cursed Mage. The other, a lost Witch. Both Kier and Ina are running. They’re running from whatever they left behind, and are looking for their own way. They want to be alone so they can search for themselves without anyone else telling them who or what they are. Kier wants to stop an “i” from becoming a “y” in his name. Ina wants to make amends for the red of her hair. But what happens when they realize that both chose the same forest to get away from everyone and everything? An incredible adventure ensues, in which both begin the journey to learn what it means to be Human among people...

JLongtain · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
185 Chs

#169 Unstoppable Force

The sun was setting. Irel had calmed down, but her body still shook and her ribs still jumped with quiet sobs.

"What do we do?" asked Ina. She grabbed Kier's sleeve unconsciously.

"There's really nothing to do. Nothing we can do against the oncoming squall of tears and dolorous screams," said Kier. He took Ina's hand to drag her closer to Irel. "But we can be here for her." He lay down next to the girl, face up.

"Are we sleeping here tonight, little cannibal?"

Irel didn't answer. She was lying on her side with her back to Kier.

"That's fine. I've never minded sleeping out."

Kier raised his head to look at Ina. She just stood in front of them, her hands clasped over her mouth, eyes full of concern for the little girl.

The Mage gestured for her to lie down on Irel's other side. She hesitated. It didn't feel right sleeping on a grave.

"I dare you to try and move her from here," said Kier.

Ina lay down next to Irel, an arm over the girl.