
Wolves Wolf

Dee_Vyne_4401 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter Eight

Bruce grumbled, and glared at Linda. However he took her keys, none to gently, and went to do what he was told.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Mason. He married into that family. I'm sure they have threatened him into keeping the family free. I'm Sheriff Tanner," said Leo.

"I do understand. Next time I'll let the wolves take care of them," Linda replied calmly.

"If they're that stupid, then the packs can have them. I also take it you're now living at the Mason place?"

"Well, it is mine. The state changed a few laws, so I'll be living here for a bit."

"That's true but I can't say it's bad. The town is about dead, but the old mill is going to finally pay out. I wasn't here, then, but a cousin of mine was killed when it blew."

"My father was killed in the explosion. My mother died not long after, and I was sent to my aunt and uncle's place.

"The timing isn't all that bad, as I just lost my job to outsourcing. I was thinking of taking a vacation, anyway."

"Well, that's the way it's goes, sometimes. If I were you, though," said the sheriff as he watched the last of the weapons come in from outside, "I wouldn't be hanging around too long. Buddy and Ray will be here soon, claiming all kinds of shit."

"Yeah, I figured as much. I'll just drop by the store, and then head home. And thank you for taking care of this. I'm not pressing charges this time, but I want the complaint registered."

"If I push, I might get Ray's probation busted over it. That would get him out of my hair for about two years. Boy, that would be nice," the sheriff said with a chuckle.

Linda did, too. It would be poetic justice. With a handshake, she was out the door. She was in her car, driving away, when she saw an old pickup come racing down the street.

Linda walked into the little general store. It felt to her like nothing had changed, in any way, in all the years she had been gone.

Even sitting behind the counter, was the same man, though she was sure it was now the son.

"Hello, Mr. Calloway."

"Oh, hello. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in, please come in. If you need any help just let me know."

"Thank you. I just need to get a few things. I'm sure I'll be in later to get a larger supply, but I still have to unpack."

"Oh, you just moved here? Whatever for? This place is all but a ghost town."

"Well, I just moved back. I needed a nice place to think and relax."

"Moved back? You lived here before? I know everyone and I don't remember..."

The man paused as if to think and look a bit closer.

"I was rather young when I lived here," Linda replied.

The man's eyes grew very big, and he got very excited.

"MARY! Mary, git out here! Mary, you have to get out here, NOW!"

Linda wasn't sure what was going through the man's mind, but the name Mary rang a bell. Mary Calloway was one of Linda's only friends, when she was growing up.


"I'm coming, Dad. Shit, you yell more than grandpa ever did," Linda finally was heard to say.

"Mary, you need to get out here!"

"All right, all right, what is so important that you..."

Mary hated when her father yelled like it was the end of the world. When she walked into the store part of the building, she froze.

"Hi, Mary," Linda said to the stunned woman. Then Linda was all but bowled over, when Mary ran and took Linda in a bear hug.

Fifteen minutes later, Mary calmed down long enough to speak coherently.

"You little brat! You couldn't call once in a while."

"I know I'm terrible at it. Always have been," answered Linda.

"Well, you're back, now. That's what matters. You'll have to come over, in a few days, after you get settled. We can spend the whole day telling each other about our lives."

"That sounds really good. Well, for now I need to get a few things, then get home before the Harper brothers learn I'm in town."

"What did you do? Start another fight with them?" Mary said with a smile.

A memory popped up into Linda's head about kicking their asses, and two of their male cousins, also.

"It was a fair fight. I couldn't help it if they kept running into each other and ending up on their butts," Linda laughed.

"And what did you do this time?"

"Caught the boys poaching on my land, and threatened to turn them into wolf food."

"Shit, Linda!"

Both women burst into gales of laughter.

Sadly, it was stopped by the screeching of tires, and the crunching of metal. Then Buddy came, yelling and swearing, into the store.