
Wolves at my new highschool

"Wulfric?. Who's your mate?" I hesitated a little, still hazy from the coronation vision, "Mel Howard. The new girl." ***" Secrets at Prime academy?. Werewolves?. Werewolf with distinct colors and fur hiding amongst humans. After humans took over Prime Valley dominantly leaving the wolves to retreat back. Mel Howard thought she was going to Prime academy for a fresh start. A very very very fresh start, so fresh she's hiding her red hair to attract less attention, maybe no attention at all. A fresh start to ignore her wolf and live a normal life she had thought. But as always, where ever Mel goes, trouble follows. She completely 'unintentionally' hits the young, popular, 'to be' Lycan king on her first day of school. Now she's enemies with him and his short best friend Andrea. Mel is eventually caught in a triangle with her ex boyfriend, they Lycan king and an heir. With that unstable love life, she finds out blood moon pack wants her dead for the crime her father committed. Just great. The young Lycan Alpha receives a vision on his coronation that his Luna was Mel. He found his mate and he's not ready to lose her to the other two. Mel is caught between accepting her wolf, becoming a Luna, saving her life and accepting her true self or keep believing she's normal.

Author_Hik · Perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
95 Chs

5. New phone

Mel's POV

I was so upset about my phone and necklace that I eventually had to sleep it off.

When I woke up, the sun had gone down fully across the horizon and it was well after evening. I combed out my red hair and braided it so it'll fit more into the wig..

Then, after a snack of Pringles and diet coke, something hit my window hard. I thought it would be a bird, those birds are always flying into a window at home and killing themselves..

I placed my wig lightly on my head Incase someone was down, "First bird I'm gonna bury at Prime academy" I said to myself. 

Wait what?. There was no bird on my window seal, instead there was a rock..

"Pssst!" I heard a voice call. I cringed my eyes down, a nearby streetlight was casting it light over the ground and I could make out a figure. 

"Heya Mel!." 


"Freddy?" I asked, recognizing the voice.

"Yeah. Glad you remember me" he said, his voice a whisper, sounding distant. 

"How'd you get here?. How did you know this would be my room?" I blushed slightly whispering back. 

"A little bird gave it to me. Also I might have made Knight go into the principal's office to check the student information book and room number and I kinda guessed it's be this one." 

I laughed out loud. Yeah, of course he did.

"Now would you please come down before I freeze to death. Take a sweater, it's cold" he said rubbing his arms together. 

"Aiit. Gimme a moment" Not bothering to ask why he wanted to see me I closed my window, made sure my wig was in place and went get into proper clothes. 

I climbed down from my dorm room since I was upstairs and ran outside to meet Knight. .

There, standing under the clear moonlight with spiky red hair covered in hood, and glowing red eyes was Freddy.

"So you got my dorm address from the student's information book. You know you could be called a pervert for standing at the back of the ladies dorm at this time of the night."

"Hey. Good evening to you too." 

"Hey!" I laughed awkwardly. Gosh I've never been goofy about a guy.

"Hey. So I wanted to apologize about your phone and about Wulfric, he'll pay for that!. I figured I could get you a new phone since it's partly Naomi's fault for spilling water on it and she's terribly sorry. I mean unless you're a good girl and can flunk school for a night."

"Good girl?. Screw that!. I'm totally in if you've come up with the perfect plan to leave this place. You're not a boarder like me you know, it's easy for you to leave." 

"Oh I have!. I parked my car outside school already."

"Fine. Let's go unless you're suddenly a p*ssy" I cooed. 

"Ohhh" Freddy cooed in amusement.

Freddy was clad in all black, a black hoodie, black jeans and black shoes. But his red eyes and hair are still outstanding as he took off the hood, I can't believe I'm gawking at someone's boyfriend. 

"Let's go then."

"After you, my lady."

"No!. Lead the way dummy!. I don't know anywhere here."

We both laughed and the Freddy led me away from the dorm and to a fence far down the road. 

"Behind this fence is my car, all we have to do is jump, okay?. Climb on my shoulder."

"What do you think I am?. A cockroach?. I can jump over this tiny thing."

"Hm, your boyfriend taught you?."

"Ex boyfriend."

"Hmm I see!."

"Is your girlfriend coming?."

"No. Just me and you. Now on the count of three we jump. 1 2 3."

Something peculiar happened, we both jumped at the same time and landed at the same time over the not too low fence.

"Wow, you weren't kidding."

"I'm more than just mouth Mel," I winked at him feeling proud. 

Me and Freddy got into his car and he drove off. 

"Where are we going exactly?."

"Don't laugh. It's a phone store and we're gonna get back at someone who deserves it" Freddy said turning a corner. 

"Hope it's gonna be worth it!."

"Trust me every minute will be worth it" he smirked glancing at me with side eye. 

"Hmm. I like the sound of that. Just hoping you aren't going to murder my ass" 

"Don't go giving me ideas" 

"If you try it dude. I'm gonna rip your pretty eyes out"

He unzipped his jacket since it was starting to get hot, "You think my eyes are pretty?. 



"Geez, you know you have pretty eyes, don't make me say it."

"And you know you do too" he said with a wink.

I placed both hands on my wig pretending to enjoy the air but inwardly just stopping it from falling as the windows were winded down now. 

"Your eye?" He asked.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked, feeling shy.

"Nothing. Nothing. It's just that, hmm. It's like mine."

"I figured. Been trying to get it to black since forever."


"Well because it's Red. It gets too much attention and it stands out from everyone else."

"What is bad about that?."


"It's not bad for me. I like my red and I'm showing it to the world. Why be like everyone else?."

I couldn't think of anything smart to say. I knew he was right. 

Freddy drove us to a place called Prime circuit city, at the west of Prime valley.

"Here we are, we gon get you a new phone here,"

"Wow, this place is huge, it's like an entire mall" I gasp. 

He replied through thin lips, "it's not bad" he stated leading me inside. 

"Wow" this really was circuit city. Look at all those computers, laptop, phones .

"Follow my lead" 

I did as I was told, falling in step with him 

"What do you two want?!" A low throated voice growled making me jump.

I glanced up to stare into a pair of angry blue eyes that looked strangely familiar..

"Wulfric?!" I found myself saying.

"You two get out" He yelled, making me flinch as his blue eyes glittered with anger and hate.

"Ain't a way to be nice to customers!" Freddy came to stand between Wulfric and I. They were almost of the same height but Wulfric seem taller standing on the podium behind the counter. 

"Shouldn't you be doing your make up?. Your big party is tomorrow" Freddy said. 

"That's none of your business bastard, get out of my zone" Wulfric pushed Freddy back leaving the counter to stand in front of him. Heads of the few people present were starting to turn towards us and it was making me feel really nervous.

A very very very very tall girl wearing an 'assistant' tag came to pull Wulfric back but he yelled at her and told her off. This guy has no manners. 


"You can't tell me where to go, over aged bully!" Freddy fired at Wulfric while Wulfric met my gaze with an angry glare.

"Your zone?" Wulfric asked with a scoff. This is the west Prime valley, do I have to remind you who the west side belongs to?" He pushed Freddy's shoulder making me gasp.

Okay this isn't about my phone anymore, these dudes must go way back. 

"Prime valley doesn't belong to you shit boy!" Freddy punced Wulfric straight to the nose this time. I half expected him to fly across the tables but Wulfric barely moved an inch.

A very dry laugh left his lips instead, "I see you like to cross your boundary."

"As long as it's Prime, There is no boundary for me."

"Argh!" Wulfric groaned, throwing himself on Freddy and they both fell to the floor in a loud thud getting screams and yells from the other customers. They began to run outside. I didn't know what to do as the two began exchanging punches and groaning, each taking turns to slam the other against the floor.


I flinched as a cold voice suddenly vibrated through the phone store. The aftermath of the voice left the entire shop completely silent as Wulfric and Freddy stopped fighting.

"Get off each other!."

The cold voice said again, startling me again. I traced the vibration of the voice to see a very tall man with a very smooth fair face, and sandy brown hair standing in front of the counter that Wulfric had been. I had been so distracted I didn't notice him before. 

Wulfric and Freddy obeyed immediately as if he was their dad, I was more surprised by Wulfric, he seemed soft just by looking at the man. This man must be something to be obeyed like that. 

"Warn your grumpy Alpha to stay in his place!" Freddy snorted.

"Mr Fredward, what are you doing here?" The man asked. He looked young, yet seem old by the sound of his voice.

Wulfric stayed silent as Freddy spoke. 

"Your bitch broke my friend's phone" Freddy said out loud. 

I saw Wulfric's hand clench and unclench in a fist but he didn't throw a punch. 

The man turned to me as Freddy pointed to me, his eyes trailed down my figure before stopping at my eye. His gaze narrowed as he stared into my eyes. 

"We just want a new phone" I said quickly looking down. 

Freddy came to stand beside me, "Yeah. We want the one he broke intentionally to be replaced." 

The man sigh heavily before going round the counter to pick up a phone from the show glass. He came back and gave it to me. 

So easily?. He won't didn't ask for proof that his bitch... Sorry I mean Wulfric broke the phone..

"Hm.... how much is it?. I can pay now or make a transfer with my card" I said..

Freddy took the phone from the man on my behalf, "Thank you, Mr Fredrick," he said. 

"You may go" The man said plainly, "Just leave. No need to pay. And I'd reckon you don't come here anymore."

As Freddy and I left the now disorganized store, there were some broken phones on the floor because of the that we had to jump by. 

Wait a minute,

"You said, Alpha?." 

"Hm?. Oh that's just something they call him" Freddy had a wide victorious smile plastered on his face. 

My mind went down to the only possible thing, "Werewolves!". Oh no, please tell me I'm dreaming!. I couldn't have possibly jumped into a new city of werewolves when that was what I was hiding from in the first place. 


Writing is my life passion,

I hope you enjoy readying as I enjoy writing

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