
Wolves and Ravens

In a kingdom ravaged by a bitter cold war, young lord Sage is burdened with the weight of isolation after his father's passing. When he uncovers a grave threat that surpasses the war's significance, he embarks on a mission to reconnect with the world and uncover his father's secrets. Along the way, Sage encounters unlikely allies, all with a motive in common: To end the tyranny of the Halians, a mysterious race of self-imposed gods that dare to delve in the darkest of magics.

jessikali · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Alluring Flames

The pristine snow sparkled with an enchanting glimmer as the sun kissed the slopes of the mountains. Sage traced the footsteps along a time-honored passage, a lifeline amidst the majestic Ethereal alps that resembled a grand highway. However, the relentless snowfall had claimed much of the path's protective fencing, devouring it in its wintry embrace. Only faint traces of angled fence posts emerged from the Ethereal expanse, marking the last vestiges of the once well-defined route. The horse persevered through the deep snow, its head lowered in determined effort to overcome the challenging path. Eventually, as Sage declined from the heights, evergreen trees peeked out from the depths of the snow, scattering dark green hues over the rolling white landscape. The snowy mounds eventually eased into rough, rock-strewn terrains. Deep pits where the smooth rock surfaces had split posed a fatal threat for a stumbling horse. The faint sound of trickling snowmelt could be heard ahead as Sage neared a narrow stream. It wove itself intricately between crevices in the rocky faces of the mountain and under small, eroded caverns of carved snow. As the water traveled a ragged path over the ice and rock terrain, it accumulated in a deep crater in the face of the descending slopes. In the crater, turquoise water filled with glacial minerals pooled and overflowed down the slopes.

Sprigs of aromatic grass attempted to grow within the deep crevices of the rocks, attracting smaller animals. It was the perfect place to hide a snare, as any small creature could stumble in the wrong path while climbing over the uneven surface. Sage dismounted from his horse and guided it towards the stream, careful to choose the safest path. Releasing the reins from his hold, Sage crouched down to the pool of water and scooped it into his hands, drinking the pure, healing Ethereal spring. He looked up at the horse, which seemed hesitant at first, but with some beckoning, it lowered its head and drank from the pool. "Trust me, it's far from poisoned," he heartened. Sage gently brushed the flank of the horse's nape as it drank. He sighed deeply, welcoming the peaceful stillness of the wilderness. He stood back to his feet and cautiously stepped along the ragged rocks, hopping across wide gaps between them. He eventually reached a tree line framed by the rock terrain. Nestled between the rocks lay a large lifeless rabbit with the snare tight around its dust-colored body. Sage cut the rabbit off the snare, salvaging what he could of the rest of the line and resetting the trap. A strange smokey scent took his attention away from bundling the snare wires. He stood up, looking around for the source with wire clenched firmly in one hand and the fresh-caught rabbit in the other.

Faint footsteps suddenly rushed towards him. They got closer, and after a short moment before he could identify them as a fleeing horse from the woods. The Arohk man rolled out of the way and used his wings to cushion his fall. The horse tore through a rime-covered shrub and reared in panic. It had encountered the obstacle of the staggered rocks and was halted in its flight. It was a dark, nearly black horse of a smaller build than the mountain-built horse he rode in on. Its two front legs were tipped with white sock-like markings that were stained with patches of blood. Sage concluded it was likely from running through the woods and scraping against the foliage of the forest floor. He watched as the horse bellowed loudly before crashing its hooves into the ground. He noticed its flank covered in burn marks and soot as well. It was fleeing a fire. In a fluid motion, the Arohk man unfurled his wings, propelling himself into the sky, seeking an elevated position to scan his surroundings. The downwash from his wings created a cloud of white dust, startling the horse from the woods to rear up once more. As he climbed over the trees, he spotted a large plume of black smoke that poured into the sky. Curling his wings around himself, he dove towards the ground, flaring his wings to slow his speed for a softer, controlled landing. He landed next to the panicked horse and grabbed its reins before it had the chance to flee. Sage noted the leather embossed bridle and reins that dressed the horse. His eyes traveled over to the loosened offset saddle, which indicated its rider may have fallen. Sage walked over to his own horse, slowly pulling the smaller horse with him. He put away his supplies, securing the rabbit in a saddlebag, then mounted his horse. He urged it cautiously over the rocks and to the treeline where the other horse had sprung from. He leaned off his saddle and gently wrapped the reins of the horse around a nearby tree. Then, with a quick movement to grip his reins, he kicked his heel into his horse's flank to send a message of urgency. The large mountain horse quickly responded and dashed down the path into the black, smoke-filled forest.

The density of the smoke was overwhelming and suffocating. Silhouettes of charred trees were barely visible in the black haze. Embers danced in the draft created by the swirling thermals of the blaze. Sage held his sleeve over his face, trying to use the material of his doublet to filter the smoke as he breathed. His eyes stung from the haze, resulting in him squinting as he rode deeper into the charred forest. Suddenly, a figure appeared over the pathway, draped in a dark cloak as if to hide from the surrounding flames. As he drew a short blade cautiously from his hip, Sage approached the figure with hesitation. A young woman lay on the ashen grounds, her face shrouded by dark locks of wavy hair. Sage knelt over her, giving her shoulders a shake in hopes she would wake. No response. He tried again, shaking her harder "Hey wake up, you need to get out of here," he urged. The woman stirred, her eyes opening slightly to reveal golden irises that looked over him in a daze. Shortly after, she fell unconscious again. Sage realized the dangerous situation they were both in and acted quickly. He picked up the woman and hauled her to his horse, mounting it hastily and riding towards the direction he came from. The density of the smoke had increased while he was examining the woman, and the flames had snuck closer towards the path, nearly blocking it. Sage pursued through the woods, taking note of the fiery obstructions. He urged his horse to sprint towards the clearing where flames were upon landing, making for a messier halt. Typically, he would have taken flight, but he would abandon the woman and the horses to their demise if he did. When the horse finally reached safety up the mountain, Sage removed the woman to the snow, hoping the fresh air would clear her lungs. He could feel the heat radiating off her body and removed the black cloak that draped her, exposing her arms to the cool snow. The woman's horse still bound to a tree, lowered its head, and watched cautiously as Sage tried to wake her from unconsciousness. It snorted a few times expressing distrust in the unfamiliar man, digging its hooves in the ground restlessly.

Suddenly, the crash of a falling tree tore through the silence, startling the anxious horse into a fearful stance. Sage took note of the sound as an indication that the fire was moving closer. The restless horse kept tugging away from the tree it was bound to, anxious of the approaching fire. Sage glanced over to the woods and could see the orange haze between the trees, getting brighter. The fire behaved unnaturally and wasn't hindered by the snowy terrain. The flames flickered over the trees, eating away at the forest like a swarm of frenzied locusts. Upon a closer look, the flames curled around the trees in the shape of a beast's talons, and alluring eyes shone through the thick smoke. The longer Sage stared into the forest, the more he felt a pull from the flames. A swarm of troubling emotions had overwhelmed him suddenly, and he felt a weight on his shoulders grow heavier as the flames drew nearer. He heard the wind whisper softly in his ears, and for a brief moment, he closed his eyes and felt the intense presence of a familiar woman behind him. Her presence was so strong that he could see her through his mind's eye. She was present in his mind as if she were standing in front of him.

"Stay," she whispered gently.

Held in the paralysis of his mother's memory, Sage failed to notice the flames crawling closer to the treeline where he knelt. The horse bound to the tree kicked frantically in panic and desperately tried to free itself as the flames neared it. Sage's horse stood resilient in the stressful situation. It was a uniquely bred war horse that wasn't as fearful as its predecessors and could remain calm in the most chaotic environments. While the other horse panicked, the large war horse stood where it was and watched the flames spread. It had seen fire before. Sage's body grew heavier as the flames persisted, and the moment he started to lose hold of his consciousness, his horse started to grow anxious. As Sage's eyes began to close, he briefly caught the sight of a golden light that poured over him. In a short breath, he was swallowed in complete darkness.

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