

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasi
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60 Chs

Twilight’s Extravaganza

When Antonio's metal boots stepped into the Grand Master's study, there were only three corpses lying in different positions in the dim room. The candlesticks in the room had been extinguished by the cold night wind blowing in from the window, and the curtains beside the window were The howling wind blew them everywhere.


"Son of the Dragon" Antonio glanced at the room calmly, slowly raised his right hand, the palm of his hand emitted a bright golden light, and a shining golden spear suddenly appeared in his hand. The light emitted by the spear instantly illuminated the entire study. Bright.


"Oh my God!" Tully, the mermaid guardian standing behind Antonio, couldn't help but screamed when she saw the withered body of Grand Master Constantine lying on the ground. All the magicians present were screaming. His face was pale and shocked.


Antonio slammed the spear in his hand into the ground, leaving a deep hole in the hard wooden floor. The light from the spear illuminated his short crimson hair and the solemn look on his face.


He came to the Grand Master's body and squatted down, looked down at the wound on Constantine's back, then turned his body over and checked the wound on his abdomen. There was no blood in either wound, nor on the clothes next to the wound. There was blood left behind, which made Antonio suspicious.


"Something sucked their blood." He raised his head and glanced at Tully and the magicians in the direction of the door, his frown still unresolved: "But there are no wounds in the throat. It doesn't look like it was caused by a vampire. .As far as I know, no vampire can defeat Constantine except the Ghost King."


"Maybe you should say 'him' instead of 'them'." A sudden voice attracted Antonio's attention. He looked back in the direction of the bookcase and saw adventurer Murphy walking away from the body of a magician who fell to the ground. stand up.


"There were no wounds on the body, but there was blood on the knife that fell next to him."


Murphy handed the knife he picked up to Antonio. The knight leader saw obvious blood stains on the tip of the knife. He got up and walked towards the body of another magician and found a similar knife.


After checking the magician's body, Antonio walked towards Murphy and said: "This body does have no wounds. The cause of death was a strong impact and a broken spine."


Murphy nodded in agreement and said, "The same goes for the one next to me."


"Obviously these two people were killed by the Grand Master. The knives in their hands matched the wounds on Constantine's body, but they obviously failed to kill Lord Constantine. There must be another person in this room, and he is The mastermind and murderer who killed the Grand Master."


Antonio looked around the room as he spoke. Suddenly, a gust of night wind blew in front of him, blowing something soft from the ground, spinning around him and then floating down.


The knight leader casually grabbed it in his hand, and when he opened his palm, he saw a piece of jet-black feathers.


Antonio stared at the feather in his hand and thought for a moment, then suddenly looked up at Tully and asked: "Miss Tully, if I remember correctly, is there a black owl next to Roger?"


Tali was stunned for a moment when she heard this, nodded subconsciously, but then asked in surprise: "Your Excellency, you don't think it was Rogge who killed the Grand Master, do you?"


"Maybe it's him, maybe it's not, but this feather at least shows that he has appeared here!" Antonio turned around and shouted: "Douglas!"


Douglas, the deputy leader of the Silver Dragon Wings Knights, walked in from the door and heard Antonio order: "Order the Knights to set off immediately and find Rogge! Only by finding him can we find out the truth!"



"Only by following him can we know the truth!"


In the dark night sky, Lilith, a little owl with black feathers and red claws, used her claws to hold Roger and Catherine, who had been transformed into little hamsters by the transformation spell, and took them flying silently in the air.


Not far in front of them, a man in black robes could be vaguely seen floating in the air, flying towards the snowfield north of the City of Light.


"How far are you going to fly? You two are so heavy that I can't catch you!" the little owl cried out delicately.


"We have to follow him, little baby, hold on, I don't think he will fly for long!" Roger, who was turned into a black hamster, said softly.


Just as he was talking, a black forest appeared on the snowy field ahead. The black-robed man "Bloodhand" William landed steadily on the edge of the forest. He looked up at the shadowy forest and walked slowly into the forest. .


"Quick, follow him. The woods are a good place for us to track him!" Rogge said to Lilith in a hurry.


The little owl flapped its wings hard and swayed into the forest, placed the two of them on the top of a tree, then spread its wings and lay on the branch without caring, breathing.


"Hey, can't you hold on a little longer?" Rogge glanced at the little guy lying on the branch. Lilith closed her eyes tightly and ignored him.


Roger had no choice but to turn around and say to Catherine: "Forget it, let's go there by ourselves. Anyway, we are very small now and will not be easily discovered by that guy!"


Two "little mice", one black and one white, jumped along the branches into the depths of the forest, jumping and gliding between the intertwined branches. They soon discovered the traces of "Blood Hand" William, and the two quietly followed him to a forest. In the shadow-shrouded clearing, he hid on a tree to spy on his movements.


When William entered the open space surrounded by bushes, three men in black robes similar to his own emerged from the nearby bushes. They came to William side by side, bowed respectfully, and said in unison: "Your Excellency , I have found out what you ordered."


"Where is that woman?" William still asked in his hoarse and cold voice.


"It's in the Snowman Forest not far from here." The leader of the men in black robes replied softly.


"Go, deal with her, and do it beautifully!" William gave the order in a cold and emotionless voice. The three men in black robes bowed slightly and said in unison: "Follow Twilight's order!" After speaking, they turned around quickly. Step left.


After the three people left, William remained standing there without making any movement. Rogge on the treetop stared at his back, wondering what his plan was.


He glanced at the direction in which the three men in black robes were leaving, turned back and whispered to Catherine: "I guess the woman they are talking about is Alice!"


Before he finished speaking, William on the ground suddenly turned around and looked at the tree where the two of them were standing. He pointed with his right hand. The tree where the two of them were standing instantly withered in a burst of red light and fell to the ground. The two of them fell from the tree. , fell into the grass.


Rogge struggled to jump up from the ground, and suddenly found himself enveloped by William's figure. The dark wizard stretched his hand towards Rogge, and Rogge felt an invisible pulling force sucking him towards William's hand. At this time, As a little mouse, he couldn't escape this power.


Suddenly, a shadow flew silently over William's head. In a flash of red light, Rogge suddenly appeared in front of the dark wizard. A sharp silver light passed over William's head. William's head was chopped into pieces. He fell to the ground on his back.


"Being your partner is really a good thing to train your reaction speed and heart endurance!" Rogge breathed lightly and said to the little owl that just landed on his shoulder.


Lilith glanced at him after hearing this, and counterattacked like a barrage of fire: "Who told you to be unorganized, undisciplined, free and undisciplined and disobeying orders, leaving me behind?"


Before Rogge could speak, William, who was lying on the ground, suddenly disappeared in a black mist. At the same time, William's figure appeared again behind Catherine, extending a flashing red hand to her.


Feeling someone behind her, Catherine suddenly turned around and raised her gun to fire. The silver bullet penetrated William's head, causing him to fall on his back again, and disappeared without a trace a moment later.


"Come here quickly!" Rogge called Catherine to his side. The two looked around back to back. They saw four groups of red lights emerging around them, and four identical men in black robes appeared in their sights at the same time.


"Nice to meet you, 'Lone Wolf' Rogge," the four men in black robes said with hoarse and gloomy voices, "Originally I was a little worried, fearing that you wouldn't come to take a trip into this muddy water, but I obviously worried too much, welcome to join this twilight event!"