
Wolf tale

WPC Silver prize winner Zachary Richardson Clark entered forest of night dreams to remove the calamity that has befallen on his clan, being son of Supreme alpha responsibility fell on his shoulder. Eva was a fairy in the same forest of night dream and when she was 16 she was turned into a fossil with her brethren and it had been two thousand years since than. Being brought to life by Zach and later claimed as his mate made her world complete that she never thought was possible before. Now not only bringing other fairies back to life and bringing forest of night dream alive again her responsibility but handling a temperamental mate and crazy wolf clan is another responsibility.. Enjoy this journey of Wolf tale, do leave a review nad and comment if you like it... Cover photo is not my work and taken from Google.. Donate : @ApurvaBajpai

Notorious_doc · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Maloras Clark

A tall man with rich white hairs entered inside wearing royal red robe, He had a crest of howling wolf on his chest, it was an old custom to wear robes in official clan meetings and Maloras Clark was stickler to rules. His walking stick carried aura of sleeping dragon making him more magestic.

Some said rules were most important to Maloras and it was common saying in clan that for him rules were just below his true mate while she was the only person that didn't fit into this equation. She was once a famous witch but no-one ever met her since she gave birth to Rudolf and they never revealed her name to anyone. Only thing said was she was in high position in Witch council and it was a respect given to Maloras by not interfering in his matter. It was said she was epitome of free spirit and preferred not to include herself in Clan's matter.

As Maloras sat in the chair directly opposite to Rudolf, meeting officially started " why did you call me Rudolf, you know very well I have no interest in knowing about clan business and I told you to call me when you have no option and clan is about to meet its doom. Nothing else will excite me at this age. So, tell me is clan about to meet its end".

Martha stood up "it's not good to speak ill about your own clan father and specially since you were also once Supreme Alpha for this very clan".

Maloras scoffed he waved his hand as if batting some annoying fly and clan business was same for him, just an annoying fly" Martha tell me about this when you yourself is 2000 years old, you young pup don't know how tiring living is when death is far, very far in the future while you have to do nothing but wait for it".

Zach scoffed " even for humans who have 100 years to live, are same as you. They think death is very far in the future and living is very tiring and just wait for death. It's just they meet with it far sooner than you. Are you jealous gramp" Maloras growled in annoyance.

Taking a deep breath Zach stood up " father let me lead this part of the meeting, I think I know this old man better than you. As you yourself sent me to live with him for 400 years, which is much longer than you spent with him".

Maloras glared " brat, you have got quite a tongue, I think it's time I give you some family teaching". Zach grinned " another time gramp, now that I have my own mate, I have no time to play with you, specially when my mate is available to me unlike yours who ignored you for the better part of your life".

Maloras glared, if anyone else talked about his mate he would have taken his throat by now, but he himself shared stuff with this grandchild of his that gave him the upper hand. Grumpily he sat down " get to the point, I have more stuff to do than attend your meeting".

Zach wanted to scoff " we all know you have nothing to do old man",but to save him some pride he started the meeting "as you all know I trespassed the forest of night dreams, but I met someone who will interest you all".

Maloras who was childishly playing with his nails paused when he heard the name said by his grandson " Richardson Clark".

In a flash he left the chair and placed his knife like claws around his own grandchild's neck " I can ignore all your grievances but will never tolerate your lies about him, you know that boy. Now don't waste my time and I warn you speak only the truth".

Zack wiped the blood , that came out of his lips, this was the pressure Maloras exerted which was just the size of nail in his little finger. But it was enough warning for everybody. By now every single person was standing, though their stance were doubtful if they should attack this powerful entity or run away for saving their lives.

Zach continued " Richardson Clark left a portion of his concious on a book, that I found on the castle ground of Fairy Queen". There were murmur around them, because there were many legends about the kingdom of fairies but no-one was alive now to speak about it and now Eva entered their clan and became mate to Zach, which still made them confused if she truly was a fairy or a species malfunction formed by merging trait of multiple species.

Maloras was among the very few people who had seen fairies and specially fairy castle when he went their as a child, but due to being so young all the memories were blur. Shock went through Maloras body, if he knew his elder brother left his conscience inside a book, he would have ransacked the damn forest even if he had to face those damn dark ones. With tired sign he spoke " what did he say and tell me you brought that book back".

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PS : thnk you Zai_Chi and Arvind for your precious power stone

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