Anna suddenly finds herself on a plane headed towards Forks, Washington. When she arrives and comes face to face with Cullens she not only realizes that she is in the world of Twilight but she is.... If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy!
Edward's POV:
"Edward…ughmhh," my love panted breathlessly as she was a trembling mess in my arms. I slid my hand out of her tiny bikini bottom while I eased us down the stone I had braced myself against into the warm water.
Anna melted against my chest while I was licking her honey of my fingers, growling because of the exquisite taste. I could feel the content smile on her swollen lips as she rested her head against my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck, breathing hard and shallow.
I enjoyed her taste on my tongue, her body against my own, her intoxicating scent clouding my mind and her thundering heart beat that pounded through both of our frames as I grinned hugely with satisfaction about having put the last two days to very good use.
"Do you think we will be still like this in a hundred years?" She asked me after she was able to speak again.
"What do you mean love?" I asked her confused while breathing in her scent as I brought my nose close to her neck.
"In love like teenagers and horny all the time?" She giggled shaking her head.
"Yes." I breathed with absolute certainty.
"Really?" She questioned as she cranked her neck to look at me.
"Really. Our emotions for one another will never change. Once a Vampire found their mate that's it. The only thing that will change is that we will be able to control those emotions a little better with the years. We will be able to keep from jumping one another in public….." I chuckled despite being serious about my statement.
"Even when I was dying because I was so turned on…. N.E.V.E.R!" Anna slowly shook her head laughing at the thought.
"Just you wait."
"We'll talk about this again in a few weeks." I chuckled and kissed her temple.
"I will miss this place." My soon to be wife (I loved to call her that) sighed wistfully while she was sitting between my legs as we were both sitting on a level of the river that meandered it's way through the forest behind the bungalow that we occupied.
There were several pools along the way of the small river that invited to sit down and enjoy the nature of the tropical beauty. The water was clean and slightly warm as it streamed past our bodies.
"Me, too love but we will have the chance to come back here. I promise." I murmured while I was planting baby kisses along her bare shoulder.
"How did Alice even managed to get this room so quick?"
"Emmett is one of the investors of this resort," I murmured against her skin.
"Hmm….he found this place in the 70s when Rose and he were exploring the underwater world of the Pacific Ocean. We don't need to breath as you know and even in the dark our sight is still pretty good."
"So you guys pretty much invested in everything that turned out to be successful in some way?"
"You can say that," I nodded while sucking lightly on her earlobe.
Anna relaxed more into me and moaned quietly in contentment while the warm wind was slightly swaying the lush green above and around us and the sounds of the singing birds and other residents of the tropical forest engulfed my love and me.
We had three beautiful days on this Island, swimming in the ocean and the various ponds and rivers that were on this little piece of paradise, enjoying a couple spa day (I wasn't participating in everything but still always there), having dinner at twilight on the beach…..
I loved to see her bright eyes sparkle when she would see something that she liked and that beautiful smile on her seductive lips made my heart swell with love each time I saw it. Even a silly triviality like the exotic flour that I picked up for her after a run through the area made her smile at me brightly. It warmed my heart.
One moment I was still nibbling on her delicate neck and the next she was out of my arms. I couldn't help the pout that formed on my face at not having her close to me anymore.
"Catch me if you can," her laugher rang through the green around us as she stood in front of me and made to slid down the natural chute. The water polished the stone riverbed over the hundred of years creating a chute that was a few feet long and ended in a small waterfall. The pool beneath the waterfall was rather deep and Anna loved to slide down diving into the pool.
I took after her, enjoying the short ride along the green around me and once I resurfaced from the waters my love splashed me. We were goofing around in the wet element and having fun until she was breathing hard from exhaustion and demanded a break.
"Thank you love," I mumbled while I pulled her between my legs as we sat down on a shallow ledge near the waterfall.
"What are you thanking me for?" She turned to face me and raised a questioning eyebrow while the water was powerfully falling down a few feet away from us.
"For having stepped into my life." I told her honestly, she rolled her eyes at me before a brilliant smile broke out on her face and she leaned in to kiss me.
"Love there is something I wanted to ask you." I breathed against her lips what caused her to pull away a little.
"The New York Symphony Orchestra will be playing in Manchester I though maybe we could go there."
"When do they play?"
"It would be about three days after we returned from our honeymoon. I would really like to take you out before the change."
"Sure why not." She agreed shrugging her shoulders while wearing a smile on her seductive lips.
"You are not into classic that much. I was worrying that maybe that wasn't what you wanted to do last as a human….."
"True classic isn't exactly my forte but as long as I do get fries, a burger, pizza and cookies and lemon ice to eat first I'll survive." She quipped.
I scolded at her.
"OK. OK." She rolled her eyes, "Though I'm serious about the food."
She gave me a look and I nodded. The chef of the five star restaurant was going to have a heart attack but oh well…if that's what she wanted.
"Listen about going there, you are exited like a child on Christmas when you listen to the music and are able to tell me what the piece is about. It makes you so happy and that is reason enough for me to go with you." She told me before placing a soft kiss against my temple.
My heart swelled with love for this woman in my arms as my embrace tightened around her. I nuzzled my face in her neck and took in her intoxicating aroma. A huge smile stretched my mouth that threatened to split my face in two while my entire being hummed in contentment.
"That's so beautiful," my love sighed.
"Huh?" I pulled away from her and followed her line of sight.
The small river we were staying in disembogued into the ocean that was slowly turning from it's usual blue silver to a deep orange to red colour. The sheet of clouds that prevented the sun from shining for the last few days had become thinner and the red sun could lightly shin through creating an unbelievable sight.
As beautiful as the twilight was that settled over the Island I couldn't help the sadness that suddenly took hold of me.
"You'll always have to live in the shadows from now on." I mumbled while I placed my chin on her shoulder and tightened my grip on her pressing her further into my chest.
She was quiet for a moment only once exhaling heavily.
My stomach twisted as fear swept over me that she might after all regretted what she had to give up for me. I knew it was irrational but a tiny voice in my head, the pessimistic part of me knew that what I had was too good to be true.
This tiny voice waited gleefully for my happiness to shatter, constantly telling me that I would lose the most precious thing I had ever encountered in my very long life.
"I know." Those two whispered words hit me like a fight train and sucked the air out of my lung as the venom in my veins froze.
"Edward," she called my name and turned in my arms to face me. It happened so fast I could barely mask the pain and devastation I felt and that surely showed on my face.
Anna smiled warmly at me while she took my face into her hands, stroking her thumbs over my cheeks. My eyes closed shut on their own accord as I relished in her touch. The anguish I felt didn't hurt so much under her fingertips.
"Edward what I'm giving up is worth what I'm getting in return," my eyes shot open at her admission.
Her expression was soft and peaceful as she looked directly into my eyes.
"To be honest it is not a decision without sacrifice and pain but it is the only one I can live with. I know the challenges this new life will throw at me and I will struggle with some of the aspects that I yet can't comprehend but I know that at the end of the day it will all be worth it."
"How can you know that?" My words sounded broken even to my own ears.
"Well," she said and seemed to think a moment before she continued her answer.
"First of all because I have you by my side…"
"Always and forever." I vowed fiercely.
A cute little smile graced her lips while her hazel pools twinkled.
"I can't really explain it but it somehow feels right. I have no doubts." She confessed and I could see in her eyes that she was speaking the truth.
She really was at peace with become what I was.
With Anna it was easy to tell when she really wanted something or when she was just compromising. A huge weight, but not all of it, fell of my heart when I could see in her eyes that she was alright with what would happen after our honeymoon.
"Is the anxiety attack over or is there more to come?" She teased me lightly with a slight grin on her beautiful face.
"Sorry." I ducked my head.
"Don't be," she shook her head as she softly raised my head with her delicate hands.
"I would be just as concerned if the roles were reserved. I understand."
Looking into her understanding eyes I felt my body tremble with emotions and my lips crush to hers in a desperate and needy kiss while I pressed her frame flush against mine needing the contact of her skin against my own.
"Don't worry your doubts will go away once I settle into my new life. It will take time but we will get there."
Words failed me and all I could do was to cradle her in my arms and pressed her to my body. She knew me so well. Sometimes better then I knew myself.
I placed a little kiss on the top of her head and rocked us both while we sat on the shallow ledge near the waterfall.
Anna sighed heavily next to me as the plane was about to land.
"Is something wrong my love?" I asked while I lifted her hand to place a tiny kiss on the inside of her wrist.
"Our wedding is just a few days away."
"And that is something bad?" I asked a little unsure and nervous since I couldn't decode her sudden mood swing from blissfully happy to sad.
"What? No," she whipped her head around and laughed lightly.
"It's just the peaceful time is over and Alice will drive me mad." She sighed again.
"Don't worry love I will save you if she goes too far."
"As if! I have a better chance at stopping Alice then you could ever dream of." She snorted and was right. Alice knew exactly how to push my bottoms to get what she wanted.
"Anna there you are finally!" Alice squealed eagerly as my love and I walked out of the terminal. The little pixie ran up to us, pushed me out of the way with a short smile and fast hello in greeting before hauling my fiancée away from me.
"On the way home we will stop by the hairdresser…." Alice rambled away while she was dragging my fiancée away from my side.
I was about to reach out to pull Anna to me for a goodbye kiss but Alice's threatening thoughts stopped me.
Hush you! Edward you had her all to yourself for the past three days and besides I have a tight schedule. She huffed in her mind dismissing me.
I sighed heavily already missing having Anna in my arms as Esme came to me and hugged me.
"Good to have you two back again." She said with a content smile on her face.
"Hello mom," I greeted her before we both made our way to the parking lot of the airport.
"You know Esme I'm perfectly capable of driving." I told her for about the tenth time as she bend the car around the corner.
"I know sweetheart but this is my car and I am driving." She chuckled while she sang one of Sinatra's songs in her mind. She had been doing that for the last two hours.
"What's going on?"
"What do you mean?" She asked back without missing a beat.
"I mean the fact that it had been two hours ever since we left the air port and we still are in Manchester. You dragged me to an antique shop then to a bank where we had to wait fifty three minutes in a queue even though you could have handled that business online and now you are driving around town to find a store that has a certain fabrics instead of making a call and have it delivered. I'm repeating my question what is going on and why are you blocking me?" Just as I spoke the last word everything went silent in my head.
I was about to go into panic at the foreign sensation as Esme's hand touched my arm.
"Don't worry sweetheart this is just Apollo. Have a little patience." She smiled reassuringly at me.
I raised an eyebrow at her but nodded calming down.
A few moments later we arrived at the Bedford Plaza Hotel, one of the luxury hotels in town, and where greeted by Carlisle and Apollo who waited at the entrance for us.
"Apollo," I nodded at him slightly irritated about being kept in the dark. He greeted me back with a smug smile on his face.
"Is everything ready?" Esme asked Carlisle before she placed a kiss on his cheek. He smiled down at her and winked.
"Don't be too late." She ordered before she disappeared inside of the hotel.
"What exactly are we doing here?" I crossed my arms over my chest demanding answers.
"You'll see." Carlisle smiled at me with an amused glint in his eyes before he placed his hand on my shoulder and started to push me inside.
I threw him a suspicious look what made him chuckle but I complied. Once we arrived in a suite I was ordered to dress into a suit. After Carlisle threatened to send Alice to help matters I quickly slipped into the Armani suit.
"Alright I'm done would someone exp….." my words got stuck in my throat when I saw that not Carlisle and Apollo stood outside in the living room of the suit I had been dragged into but my Anna in a beautiful grey silver dress that had a bodice that hugged her curves deliciously and was slightly riffled. The dress reached almost to the ground and as she stepped closer to me I could see the silver heels with the sparkling crystals and tiny pendants that she wore and let her feet look even more graceful then they already were.
Her natural beauty was underlined with a light make-up. Her hair was in a loose up-do and some of her dark locks were falling around her face and on her shoulders. She was a vision.
"Do you know what is going on here?" She asked me what brought me out of my daze that she caused.
"No…..A-Apollo," the English language seemed to fail me.
Suddenly some knocked on the door and an older human man in a suit opened the door. I found it really irritating that I couldn't hear his thoughts.
Ever since I discovered my gift I wished to be rid of it but now that I couldn't hear the voices of the others and have the advantage of knowing what was happening around me I felt off, out of my element. Only in this moment I acknowledged how much the mind reading had become part of me.
"Mr. Cullen, Miss Masen, please this way." He said and waited for us.
We both looked at each other. Anna shrugged her shoulders before I sneaked my arm around her waist.
"You look beyond generous my love," I whispered into her ear as we were following the man who leaded us through the hotel.
He led us to a huge dark brown double door and left with a nod of his head before we even had time to wonder the doors opened and we saw a pompous decorated room where our family and friends, Vampire, Lycan, a single Werewolf and some humans, all dressed in elegant gowns, were standing in and obviously waiting for us.
"Guess that's why Alice wanted us out of the house, huh," my love murmured stunned.
"You didn't think that I would let you miss out on an engagement party, now did you?" The little miss pixie asked with her hand on her hip and a smile on her face.
"Alice wasn't the limit for the number of guests one hundred. Why is the guest list up to one hundred fifty two?" My beautiful fiancé asked my pixie sister stunned.
"It just happened." Alice shrugged not really paying attention.
"How in the world do we even know so many people?"
"Well we did interact with humans here at school and then there are Carlisle's co-workers plus their families and so on." Alice set my Anna in on the picture.
"And besides I just got a call from Peter and Charlotte they will be able to make it."
"And the Vampire part of the guest list knows that the human part isn't their buffet?" My love huffed.
"Shoot… I knew I forgot something." Alice played along.
"Haha…how funny." My love rolled her eyes at our sister.
"Oh, the florist….. I have to tell her about the new flowers and….." Alive went on as I noticed that my love was coming over to me.
She placed herself in my lap as I was sitting in one of the love seats in the living room. I locked my arms around her and kissed her forehead.
"Everything alright?" I asked politely trying to suppress a chuckle at her expression.
"Yeah. Why in heavens name did I thought I could keep Alice at bay?" She sighed.
I just shrugged.
"If you don't like what she is…"
"No, it is absolutely beautiful it's just bigger then I thought it would be." My love pointed out.
"And that is bad?"
"No, my head is just exploding with all the details that's all. I love this, the wedding, the reception but boy….is that work." My love classified.
"I mean yesterday at the rehearsal dinner," she breathed as her eyes became dreamy and a brilliant smile graced her lips.
"Hmm…." I purred as I started to rain kisses down her neck.
My love relaxed and started to giggle as I kissed her.
"You really can't wait for the wedding, can you? Especially for after the wedding?" My soon to be wife had a knowing glint in her eyes.
"Three more days and then I won't let you out of our honeymoon suite." I promised.
"Ah…and that honeymoon suite is where?" She asked alluring trying again to get the location out of me.
"You will find out once you are my lawfully wedded wife." I purred as I run my nose along her delicate neck.
"Uh-huh, you are being unfair…." I started sucking on the sensitive spot on her collarbone.
"You two cut that out now we have a wedding that is going to take place in a few hours!" Alice barked annoyed by our display with her hands on her hips.
"Seventy five hours, twenty three minutes and," I looked down at my watch, "fifteen seconds."
My love looked at me completely stunned before she dissolved into a fit of giggles.
Our pixie sister rolled her in annoyance at us.
"Oh come on Alice," Anna tried to smoothen her but no such luck.
"Say goodbye to each other now or you won't see one another until in the church. You have two minutes." Alice wasn't kidding.
"We have to put those two minutes to good use." Anna smiled and placed her lips over mine.
"Absolutely." I breathed against her mouth before kissing her enthusiasm.
"Two minutes up." Alice growled way too early for my taste.
My love and I sighed. She got up and left my lap, leaving me pouting. Anna laughed at my expression, her laugh already sounding like bells.
"Seventy five hours. I love you." She whispered.
"I love you more." I purred desperately.
Longingly I watched as Alice dragged her out of the living room. I sighed and decided to go up to our room. Once I settled on our bed I grabbed Anna's IPod that was lying on the nightstand and switched through her playlist.
I decided to listen to Vanessa Mae's interpretation of Bach's Toccata & Fugue. A smile tugged on my lips as I imagined Anna's surprised face once she saw Miss Mae play on our wedding.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the music while watching my beloved through the eyes of my favourite sister. After some time Alice showed mercy on my fiancée and let her free.
I listened as Anna made her way up the stairs and into our bedroom. I didn't move nor did I open my eyes while Anna inched closer to me and joined me on our bed. I heard that she grabbed something from her nightstand before she snuggled herself closer to me.
My arm wrapped around her and she giggled. I opened my eyes and saw her holding a book in her hands.
"Interesting book?" I asked. Her choice of books was always something unexpected to me.
"Yeah." She nodded not looking at me and opening her book.
"What is it about?"
"It's called "Snow Flower And The Secret Fan". The author is Lisa See. The story takes place in 19th century China when girls had their feet bound and are oppressed by men and the society. During that time women in one remote county developed their own secret code, nu shu – "women's writing". This book tells the story of two girls as they grow up from little girls to women. It's a great story but also a tragic one."
"Lisa See I don't think I heard of that author before."
"Well you can't know everyone out there now can you but she is a great writer I think I'm going to buy her other books "Peony in Love" and "Shanghai girls" as well. She also has some other great books but that are the ones that interest me the most right now."
"As long as it brings you joy." I smiled down at her as she finally allowed me a look at her beautiful face.
"What are you listening to?"
"Vanessa Mae."
"You better enjoy the last peaceful moments before the guys will drag you out for your bachelor party." She laughed teasingly.
"Ahhh, don't remind me," I groaned and hid my face in her chest.
"Can I ask you something?" She said while she was tugging on my hair.
"Mhum," I hummed as I enjoyed her heavenly assault.
"Are the southerners still looking into what happened a few months ago?"
Her question surprised me which was why I lifted myself up to look at her.
"Why are you bringing this up?"
She shrugged.
"I was just wondering. Because of the wedding preparations I kind of lost track of that topic."
"The situation had calmed down a little though they are still on their toes. The leaders of the several covens especially the ones that had been affected by Lear want answers."
"Didn't some of the covens been taken over by others because Lear took their members? Didn't such a change been noticed by the Volturi?" She asked me concerned.
I shook my head.
"Carlisle told me that Aro wasn't looking forward to ever deal with the southerners again. The Volturi was able to defeat them the last time but it was to close for Aro's comfort." Anna looked curiously at me.
"They did get to know about the happenings in the south about a month ago. Aro and Caius are concerned about it but there isn't much they can do since not even the southerners found any evidence. Alice saw Aro's decision to observe the situation. We destroyed all traces they will never find anything that would lead them to us and even when they do we are prepared."
"Good," she nodded thoughtfully.
"Don't worry my love." I placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. "I won't let anyone hurt you."
She just smiled warmly at me and lifted her hand up to play with my hair that fell into my eyes as I was hovering over her. She looked like an angle resting against the cream coloured pillows underneath me.
"I can watch out for myself, sweetheart. I wasn't afraid I just wanted to be up to date." She sighed.
"With the exams then graduation and the wedding we had little time for one another and when we were together we did not talk much."
"Do you miss talking with me?" I questioned while a lazy smile broke out on my face.
"Don't look so smug," she swatted my chest as a pout formed on her delicious lips.
I chuckled before my lips crushed over hers.
"Alright bro it's time for your bachelor party." Emmett boomed and I heard disturbing things in his head.
"What are you up to?" I asked getting worried.
Suddenly the others entered the living room, Apollo and all the males of his coven, Eleazar and the rest of the male part of the Denali's, Jasper and a very uncomfortable looking Carlisle.
I'm sorry son I couldn't stop them. He apologized looking guilty.
When someone suddenly thought about half naked woman before Apollo shut me down again I considered running for it but before I could finish my thought they were around me blocking every escape way.
When they said that they wanted to organise a bachelor party for me I was thinking about a hunting trip where they would mock me with tips about marriage and give me embarrassing advices for Anna's and mine love life. I should have known Emmett and Jasper wouldn't let me off that easily.
"Now Edward are you going on your free will or do we had to drag you there kicking and screaming? But you should know either way is fine with us." Garrett smiled deviously rubbing his hands.
I was looking around from one of the males blocking my way to the other and evil grins spread on all of their faces except of Carlisle's.
My father looked like he wanted to run for the hills as much as I did. To be honest I had never seem him this uncomfortable. For a moment I had hope that he would end this bad joke but then Eleazar put his hand on Carlisle's shoulder and he sighed in defeat.
"Fine." I growled defeated as well.
"Alright let's get the party started." Emmett boomed excited.
I'm so sorry, son. Carlisle apologized and the bad feeling I had about this entire operation amplified.
Emmett and Jasper came to my side and grabbed my arms.
"What are you two doing?"
"Now, now Edward we know you. If we don't restrain you, you will just run for the hills. We can't have that, now can we?" Jasper stated amused I growled at him.
"Young one, don't growl so much it's still too early to be a grumpy old man." Eleazar chuckled amused by the whole situation.
"Do your wives even know what you are about to do?" I asked them hoping to get some sense in them.
"Of course they know sine….." but Alain shut himself up before ending his thought.
"Since what?"
"Nothing! Nothing!" Tristan waved off.
"No, there is no nothing. You are hiding something from me. Tell me what it is now!" I demanded while my brothers pushed me into Em's Jeep.
"Edward you should enjoy your last night of freedom before you are going to be chained down in a marriage." Dominic mused.
A growl was my only respond to him. Did he even know what he was talking about? I didn't want that so called "freedom".
Heck if it would have gone my way I would have been married a long time ago. I want to get married and I want to be chained, united or whatever term there was to my Anna.
"Were here!" Emmett happily announced as we arrived at a club.
A strip club!
"A strip club are you out of your minds!" I exclaimed not being able to believe where they dragged me off.
I got dragged out of the car again and pushed to the entrance. Emmett and Isaac had to carry me there while I was fighting against their hold on me. At the door a man welcomed us and led us inside.
They, as in my dear brothers, who I would kill first chance I got, had rented the VIP part of the club.
"Edward, stop looking this murderous you are scaring the humans." Garrett hissed from behind me.
"Then let me go and you won't have that problem." I barked at him.
"Sorry, can't do bro." Emmett laughed.
We were guided to the private room. The room was decorated in dark, velvet, red. There was a stage with poles coming down the roof and topless girls were already swinging on them.
At the sight of those half naked women my upbringing kicked in full force and I could help but to be disgusted with their display. I knew that the times had changed, heck, even in my time such places existed but that was not how I had been raised neither by my biological parents nor by Esme and Carlisle.
Around the stage with the poles was a round couch. The whole bachelor party entourage seated on that couch and I was captured between Emmett and Garrett.
"Here beside me that's the bachelor." Emmett informed the girls on the staged loudly pointing at me.
I growled at him lowly so only the Vampires could hear.
"Oh come on Edward have fun." Eleazar encouraged. I just gave him a disgusted look.
Didn't they know me any better? As if I would enjoy myself in such kind of place. The girls danced and the others had a blast but every time one of those dancer came close to me I was sure to show her a little of my teeth, what made them back away, thank good.
I just prayed for this nightmare to be over.
Anna's POV:
"Open my present first!" Tanya sang excited as she handed me a shiny red box.
Alice had kidnapped me and drove me to a hotel in Manchester. Manchester wasn't far away form Kingsten only forty minutes with Vampire driving and it was also the biggest town in New Hampshire.
We checked in the Radisson Hotel and Resort a luxury hotel of course. I got guided into the honeymoon suite where everyone was already awaiting me.
With everyone I mean the whole female part of my family, Tanya and the others, Tia, Lethia and even Aya was scolding from a corner, also Mischa and every female from Apollo's coven.
I chuckled when I entered the suite because I knew that with the Denali sisters present the evening wasn't going to be tame.
"Should I be scared?" I asked as I looked at the medium red box.
"Open it." Tanya giggled as she gave me a mischievous grin.
I carefully opened the box and was greeted with little, black g string and a matching big hole stretch fishnet chemise with off the shoulder styling trimmed with satin spandex.
"Tanya …that …is…..ah….wow…thank you." I giggled rather speechless as I looked at the lingerie in my hands.
It did posses some sexy lingerie but nothing quite that extreme. I still had been going for the slightly sexy, sweet, innocent look.
"Edward shall enjoy his honeymoon. The poor guy is a virgin now for far too long. I hope the presents are going to help you to coax out the prude and throw him in the trash." Tanya mused.
"OK. though I think the prude has left a long time ago at least in our bedroom." I giggled shamelessly.
"Ahem." Rosalie breathed.
"What? ….What was that?" Kate piped in amazement and surprise.
"Well from the sounds that they are making I would say he knows what he is doing. The bride to be certainly does." Alice chirped proudly.
The Denali sisters and Carmen looked with wide eyes at me and I covered my face in my hands while I couldn't stop giggling.
"What are we missing here?" Penelope asked.
"Before Anna came along Edward was like the biggest prude on earth. Oh the good old times." Alice sighed mockingly.
"Seems like the little boy is growing up." Kate murmured.
"You hit the nail on the head." Tanya pointed out and after a short pause Rosalie, Tanya, Irina and Kate started to laugh hysterically before the others also joined in finally getting the double meaning of Kate's statement.
"Alright next present!" I called out before I got as red as I tomato I could already feel my ears getting hot.
"That would be mine." Said Kate as she handed me a violet box.
"Let's see what's that gonna be!" I opened the box and saw something black and white taking it out of the box I let out a laugh.
It was a four piece maid set that includes a babydoll, a g-string, stockings, a cap and gloves.
"That way you can find out if he has a liking for cosplays." Kate giggled.
"If he does like it, he will appreciate this one. Alain does." Irena mused as she gave me her box.
The content was a four pieced nurse set including a crop top, a g string, stockings and a matching cap.
"Say Esme don't you have those nurse sets in all colours and variations?" Carmen asked amused while Esme looked away and would be blushing if she could.
"Seems like Carlisle likes to play naughty nurse and sexy Doctor." Tanya laughed as she saw Esme's reaction.
"And he is brilliant at it." Esme shot out to our surprise.
"Batiste also knows his forte quiet well," Lethia came to Esme's rescue while I heard a quite groan from Aya's direction.
We all broke out laughing and even Esme joined us.
The other present boxes were also lingerie such as a lacy blue babydoll with a sexy sude cut away front from Esme. Rose bought me a sheer net babydoll with slightly padded underwear cups of course the matching panties were included as in all the sets.
I got a white, satin strapless corset with matching stockings from Alice and I received a white chiffon baby doll with worked in lace cups and cut out lace sides from Carmen.
Mischa, Penelope, Tia and the others also gave me either lingerie or in case of Leighten and Blake sex toys which some of them left me rather wondering about their use.
I gained quite a collection of sexy underwear on that night. I hoped Edward would like them.
"Now that you have the fitting lingerie do you know how to present them right?" Tanya asked while she snickered.
"Well I certainly I have some ideas but I would really appreciate some advice from someone experienced." I smiled at her.
They weren't about to let me out of this one so why not have fun. I was going to be a married woman in a few hours so why not get some useful tips from someone who know what she was doing.
"Wisely spoken young one." Carmen giggled. "Because you are not getting out of this one."
Turning to face Tanya she continued. "Tanya, please teach us."
Tanya stood up and bowed at us for show.
"Alright girls, getting your husband fired up by a lap dance is always a good choice."
The girls cheered.
"Oh Rose is an expert at those." Alice threw in jumping up from the couch.
"You should see Penelope on the roll! Her hips are hypnotizing." Blake piped up.
"Then what do you think Rose, Penelope? I would say we should teach our newbie." She smirked at the both of them who smiled back at her and before I knew what was happening I was standing in between them.
Rose, Penelope and Tanya were dancing in front of me while Alice switched the music system on and loud music was playing as they danced.
At some point Tanya, Penelope and Rose grabbed me and forced me to dance with them. Rose had her hands on my hips and was showing me how to move them.
After a while everyone was dancing and showing off her skills even Esme. She was quite good at it.
We were all laughing and having fun as all of the sudden someone knocked on the door. Tanya went to open the door and looked taken aback at who was out there.
Whoever it was Tanya let them in and then I saw why Tanya as so surprised four handsome and muscular police officers came in.
"Who's party is this?" Asked one of the officers who had black hair and blue eyes.
"Mine. It's my bachelorette party." I answered a little confused about why they were here.
"Is there a problem officer?" I asked just as it hit me.
Those four were way to good looking to be real police officers.
"Yes, miss I'm afraid I will have to arrest you." The one in the front said as he came to me grapping my hands and hand cuffing me.
"Tanya!" I hissed lowly.
She only chuckled so did the others except of Esme who only giggled disbelieving as I heard music coming from the open front door of the suite.
It was the "I'm too sexy" song, such a cliché. A fifth guy came in and they stared their show.
I was placed on a chair in the middle of the room and the guys they stripping around me and the other female in the room.
While still being hand cuffed the striper with the black hair grabbed my hands and run them down his oiled chest.
As he suddenly had a can of cream in his hands I quickly jumped out of the chair and raced to Tanya.
"Weren't you about to teach me how to drive a man crazy well there that's your chance!" I pointed at the guy with the cream.
"Watch and learn." Tanya purred as she made her way to the chair I left in a hurry.
I sat down next to Esme who was trying to survive this as much as I was. I do like having a little fun but naked men do not fall under that category. Well only a certain one does.
"Let me guess the boys dragged Edward to a strip club?" I asked her.
"Yes." She smiled sympathetically at me.
"Poor Edward and Carlisle got along with it. The two of them must be mortified there." I laughed at the image of Edward and Carlisle in a strip club.
The two of them just weren't from that time and certainly not that kind of person.
"Hmm….Carlisle got outvoted but don't worry they know how to behave."
"You mean Emmett and Jasper because I have no worries for Edward and Carlisle."
"Yes, the two of them are quicker to have fun but they wouldn't dream of doing anything."
"Hmmm…..they are too afraid of Rose and Alice." We giggled.
"And they have reason to be." Rose called from the couch.
The stripers did their performance and left our suite about thirty minutes after they arrived.
They only stripped to their g-strings and beside that they grabbed our hands to run down their chests there wasn't any touching involved except that the one with the cream, applied it on Tanya's foot and liked it off as well as off Blake's cleavage.
The rest of the night we celebrated without a male in sight and I was more then ready to finally be wed.