
Ch 6

After telling Gael my decision the next few weeks we started planning our trip and we also started getting familiar with on another. The (male) dragonborn name is Taverk , the (female) half-orc name is Mag, the (female) teifling Akta , the (male) halfing is Dudo , and lastly is the human female whose name is Anna.

Taverk is cool headed / leader type , Mag is the brawn , Akta is more of the mage , Dudo is kind hearted / healer and lastly Anna is quiet paladian but you can tell she is pretty nice. Overall we all got along surprisingly really well. ////

I felt the sweat dripping off my head , I stare non-blicking at my oppenent all of a sudden we both clash. After who knows how long of blurred movement we finally ended it. " It's my win again Taverk " I playfully teased " Hahaha I guess it is " I reach out to pick help him up.

" Wow Tarverk you got your arse kicked " Akta starts gigging " I don't know he did all right " Meg started defending him. ' Looks like someone has a crush ' Dudo came over and used a healing spell and sighs "Be more careful next time".

Anna hand us a towel " T-Thanks " Tarverk blushes , she just nods and returned to her book. I looked around my new group..... hell my new friends , this new life is the best. After the talking and laughing for a bit we went in the mansion for some supper and then Gael crept out of the shadows.

" It's time" thats all he said ....that's all he needed to say, suddenly all the laughs and the smiles were gone. " We have guide for the Cursed tree forest so be prepared to move out tomorrow " .

With that the dick head elf left leaving us in a silence " All right team you heard the boss said lets get a goods night rest " Tarverk tries to cheer up the mood. We all laughed and said goodnight to one another.

In bed I tried to relax but my heart was beating fast I don't know if it was from excitement or fear. ' Don't worry nothing could go wrong right '