
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
109 Chs

Chapter 5

Another night has arrived to rule its position. People were driven to slumber, even her. She sleeps very early at this time.

Far far away from the place of Cantanna, to the north side of the map. In the place called Kell where the castle was built. Three cities, one wide space of the dangerous forest, and one wide lake called 'lake of Simlon', someone shall pass through before arriving at the castle. At the very first step of feet at the land of Kell from the sailing of the lake, the danger would rouse if the presence was not welcome to the king.

In an exact half-mile journey after sailing, about a hundred feet of well-built walls would be seen. The large gate was well closed and before this gate, two hundred armies of the king are being put on this place to guard. Firm metals are where their gear is made of. Pointed and sharp swords, arrows and bows, and other kinds of warrior's things for the battle were present in them.

Then after the walls, billions of billions of soldiers throughout the whole world were gathered in this place.

This place was a home for the King's armies.

Inside the castle, an honorable man sleeping on the red big bed that was made out of gold and decorations are diamonds and many kinds of gems. Being covered by his sheet almost half of his body at the lower part. The crown was being put at his front, hugging it tightly as if so no one would dare to take it from him.

It was slightly dim inside this amplitude room.

His face was almost covered by his brownish beard. He has a tattoo-like on his forehead, it was a chain and three spots at the center while in between the two, this one was bigger than them.

At the glance of an eye, sweat from his every pore on the forehead and neck was visible. He's likely settling something frightful. He was under his nightmare.

Blurred surroundings he could see while the very fast breathing from him could be heard. Running as much as he could in an unknown forest and he could feel that in every big step his bones in there are ready to surrender. After a few seconds, he was being stumbled and made himself kneel on the ground because of the big roots of a tree. All of a sudden, a strong and big chain was put fiercely at the front of his neck and because this person's strength was stronger than him he fell on the ground backward and he was dragged back from where he began. During dragging him, he felt pain. Scratches on his arms and face were present.

Finally, somebody's dragged for him has stopped. He felt dizzy and very weak. Someone just holds him very tight in his neck then he felt difficult to breathe and at any second he could lose his life. He cannot see the face of this person but he could see the tattoo on the neck.

An immediate horrible bite came then he suddenly woke up in an intense fright. Sweats are falling down and often swallowing followed.

"My King!"

He suddenly looked at this man with very wide eyes and in nervous.

After saying those words he kneels and bowed.

"My King, a report. Trolls rejected your offer."

His eyes suddenly become horrid. Stopping his feelings not to explode. He put his crown on before standing and walking into the throne.

He smashed his two fists at the golden table five meters away from the throne. This army just followed him and stands straight at his right side.

"Foolish trolls! How could they reject my offer unto them?! I am the king in this world so how dare them to ignore my commands?"

And smashed again the table.

"The others? Send the message to others."

"Yes, my Highness."

He bows his head before leaving the king alone.

At this big table, different kinds of animals were drawn in the golden table. From mighty to weak, that's how they are being known.

Indeed, the King's neck was uncovered for he has no tattoo that can be seen there. He closed his eyes then trembled because of anger.

"I must succeed."

He said exquisitely.

He turns his sight into the throne. It was like he was having bad feelings for this throne. He felt disappointed and the firing angered inside his chest.

While far far away from this castle, Fontana was in the midst of sleep. The time was about three minutes before fully turning to 11:00 pm. All of a sudden, a small rock intentionally threw into the front door then fall to the ground and it bounced. It made a loud sound for it releases too much force.

Because of that sound, she woke up unintentionally. Eyes are wide open and in the meantime her ears are seriously focused, expecting that she might hear a second sound on the front door then yes, she heard it. She heard the sound that was made from that rock again.

Her eyes widen more when she abruptly remembered the event that should be done this night.

"It must be the sign."

Then she sits on her bed and coiled very well the fabric on her neck to make sure no one would see her tattoo.

She breathes loud at once then stopped in a moment. Hesitation knocks at her. What if it's just a foolish trap? What if somebody was just messing around with her? Those are the questions that were bothering her. But no, she felt something that she must take this opportunity to know who they are.


Eyes suddenly changed their direction of sight at the front door. Her thoughts about the hidden message were right for she knows that it keeps calling her attention and knows that someone is waiting for her to step out from this apartment. She wears her boots then started to walk towards the door. As she starts to open the door, her heartbeats getting faster.

A cold and fresh air welcome her and was well as the silence. She took one more step forward and gather more strength inside to make herself stronger so she could fight her fears and doubts.

She holds her right arm and slides it up and down as a sign that she feels the night's coldness.

"Please... Show me yourself."

Saying in a slightly nervous way.

After almost a minute of waiting that someone would come out and front her but none of it happened, she felt disappointed and hopeless. She thinks that maybe she predicted it wrong and she was just making any nonsense ideas.

She bowed her head in disappointment.

"Well, maybe I am just hallucinating."

And she smirked at once.

When she tries to step towards the inside of her home, in a very sudden somebody just covered her mouth and nose with a strange hand with a towel. Without expectation, she fell asleep and know nothing about the next happenings.

After how many minutes bygone that was being expended with the forced sleep, she slowly feels the normal condition of her body but she feels a little bit of dizziness. While her eyes are closed she heard voices in her surroundings.

"Can she help us? What if she's just a useless one?"

A woman's voice said.

"She's right. How can she help us?"

A man's voice which was slightly husky one says.

"Stop that nonsense. I don't care about what contribution that she may give unto us or none."

Another man's voice says these words in a serious manner.

Fontana was scared to open her eyes. She doesn't know them. And based on what she was hearing they are arguing about her, and she feels it.

She was sitting on an old chair. Honestly, she wants to hear more from them.

"In that situation, you're just granting your promise to someone without considering important aspects."

The woman said.

"Eliona, that's enough."

The husky voice said.

"No Genus. I won't. Domzkie just making any steps without considering our opinions. Is that okay with you?"

After a few seconds, the husky one speaks.

"Yes, It is okay with me."

Then a forced chuckle was released by this woman.

"Are you just arguing because of a very small reason? What foolish ones. Don't you remember our purpose? Is that what I had trained you?"

They fall into silence.

"Hey, you can now open your eyes."

Fontana was shocked. 'How did he know?', as she thought. And as well as the two and they start to feel embarrassed.

"Come on, open your eyes."

Even if she felt scared about what would happen next she followed what Domzkie said.

She sees three persons at her front, about two meters away from her. A girl was as tall as she is, has almost blond hair that was long and straight, the nose was pointed, and has brown eyes. And the man who was in between the two was a little bit taller than the woman. He has short black wavy hair, has an attractive nose and as well as the shape of his face, has brown eyes also, and has a circle shape of glasses. And the man that was on the left side was much taller than the two. He had natural well-drawn eyebrows, eyelashes are visibly wavy, has short straight black hair, eyes are color brown too, the nose was attractively pointed, and overall, he was simply gorgeous. And their bodies are well-formed as if they perform exercise every day.

As Fontana sees these stranger's faces she felt more uncomfortable to move or even just take a breath. She felt ashamed for herself.

'What beauteous beings. Am I the only one here who's under cursed?', as she talks inside her mind.

"Who are you?"

She said in a sputter way.

The man who was at the center approach her and give his right hand to Fontana while introducing himself.

"I am Genus Rasky."

And smiles.

She slowly gives her hand to him and they shake hands.

"I am Eliona Cuertoños."

She said seriously without taking any action to get nearer to Fontana.

Then Fontana turns her sight to the man who's at the left. She expects that he was next to introduce himself. Before speaking he stares at Fontana seriously within a few seconds.

"I am Domzkie ClayBara. Now that you know us, I want you to know that you are in our secret place. And-"

Fontana made him stopped from talking when she suddenly speak.

"I am Fontana Marie Swundes."

The three looked at her.

"We know."

Eliona says.

Fontana stopped and feel a little bit of shame. She just bowed her head because of what she currently feels. While Domzkie continues his talk that was previously stopped.

"And we are working together to make a change in this world. So, Fontana we are here to-"

And again he stopped because there was a sudden wonder that popped up in her mind and she lifted her head and talk.

"How? How did you know me?"

And again, they three looks at her. After seconds bygone, the two looks at Domzkie, and he gives them a comfortable look. He breathes deep then starts speaking.

"Through Shan Clinton Rameriz. You know him right? And now you know, no more questions about that. I will proceed to what I want you to know about us."

After hearing his name she feels more curious and as this Domzkie insisted that she should not ask more questions she feels like her mind would explode. But with respect for this man, she will follow him but she would find time for her questions to answers.

"We are here to help you."

She suddenly looks at him. She didn't know that there was such a person who's going to say that words.

"W-wait? Help me? W-why?"

"Please! No need to wonder why."

Eliona said in an irritated manner.

"But I wanna know! You do know the rules, don't you? We have rules to follow and right now you're not following it."

"But the question is, do you follow them all?"

She stopped when she realized what just Domzkie said.