

If you want to read this fan-fic then do check the novel version, it has the same title minus the fanfiction ver. You can find many chapters in that novel. The novel cover book has a title on it unlike this one.

Nikhoollas · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 7: One Week Has Passed?

'Was that too much?..'

It was the first time Cedric ever gave a speech like that. He was overthinking if what he said was too ambitious...



"A-Amazing!! You are so cool Libra! Oh gosh hearing the speech made me have butterflies!"

Curre ran to Libra, hugging her. Whilst Cedric was flushing red.

'I could feel it!... Her breasts are touching my breasts!'

"Libra, that was truly amazing. We made the right decision in following your lead. We are even willing to dedicate our lives to your objectives."

The others nodded with gleeful smiles.

"Your so cool Libra!"

[The other creations have full trust in Libra!]

[Their loyalty towards Libra is at its maximum!]

[Mission 2!]

[Description: The path to becoming a god is long and filled with deadly obstacles! Libra will face many dangerous monsters and foes! As such strong and loyal companions are needed for the long journey!

Mission Objective:

* Ensure that all the other mermaids' and merman's loyalty does not decrease!]

[Time limit: None]

'There aren't any positive nor negative effects attached to the mission?'

This was the first mission without any negative or positive attached to it.



"You have been dozing off, is something wrong?"

Cedric shook his head in response to Curre. It was strange that the mission he was given during the mermaid race was about the path of Libra becoming a god. The system hasn't issued a mission on the mermaid's race survival or necessities, unlike the Beastmen race.

"There it goes again! You're losing focus again Libra!"

Curre with a cute pout, pulled Cedric.

"Are you hungry Libra?"

Cedric who was lost from his immersive thoughts was in his little world. He couldn't hear Curre's voice and was currently thinking about the mission. He was also slowly making plans for the Beastmen and Mermaid race.

"There she goes again.."

"Currently, Libra is taking a break. She must be using this time to plan for our future goals.."

"Oh, your right Mentem!"

'For now, I have to manage my time taking care of two races…'

"Here eat this Libra!"


Cedric snapped out of his thoughts when something slimy entered his mouth. Cedric who couldn't react swallowed the unknown slime texture.

"You swallowed it in one gulp!"

'W-What did she give me?'

"It's tasty isn't it?"

"W-What was that?!"

"Huh? You don't like the taste? Tuere found it."

[Libra has eaten an ocean slime..]

'Ocean Slime?'

[Name: Ocean Slime]

[Description: This crystal blue slime lives in the ocean.

Weight: 0.5

Skill: None

* A small and squishy slime that lives in the ocean

* Easy to kill and catch]


"It's really tasty, I wonder why the taste does not suit your taste Libra.."

After eating the slimes, the others became full and decided to sleep inside the cave.

Unlike the Beastmen who had many needs, the mermaids didn't have that many. As soon as the others fell asleep, Cedric switched with the system.

[99 notifications!]

"There's a lot of notification.."

Cedric pressed the notification button. And 22 messages popped up.

[Callidus has earned a trait!]

[Callidus now has posses the 'Genius' Trait!]

[Callidus's affinity with Fire increased!]

[Callidus has learned the skill 'Fireball']

[Dux has learned the skill 'Hand-to-hand Combat']

[Dux has earned a trait!]

[Dux now possesses the 'Perseverance' Trait!]

[Dux's occupation changed from normal - Warrior!]

[Fortis has learned the skill 'Axe Mastery']

[Fortis has earned a trait!]

[Fortis has earned the 'Caring' Trait]

[Fortis occupation changed from normal - Warrior!]

[Celer has learned the skill 'Sprint']

[Celer has earned a trait!]

[Celer has earned the 'Playful' Trait]

[Lenta has learned the skill 'Hardening']

[Lenta has earned a trait!]

[Lenta has earned the 'Belligerent' trait]

[Genius trait]

[Description: Callidus, who possesses a higher intellect than others, has learned numerous useful and essential survival skills.

Effects: Callidus's intelligence would be greatly improved by the Genius Trait. This will enable him to easily differentiate between items, memorize complex spell incantations, detect traps, and enhance his magic proficiency. Passive]

[Perseverance trait]

[Description: Due to his unwavering dedication and perseverance in training, Dux has acquired this trait.

Effects: When Dux's health reaches a critical level, a special trait will activate. This will put Dux into a trance, granting him three seconds of immunity to all attacks. Additionally, his strength will greatly increase, allowing him to deal critical damage to his enemies.]

[Caring Trait]

[Description: Fortis was unaware of the existence of other beings when he was born, but after spending a week with them, he developed a deep love and care for them, which led him to develop this trait.

Effects: When the health of the ally reaches a critical level, Fortis' special ability will activate. During this time, Fortis will experience a temporary boost in all of his stats and be immune to all attacks. He will also be able to deal critical damage to enemies. Additionally, the ability will heal a small portion of the ally's health, but only for three seconds.]

[Playful Trait]

[Description: Celer has developed a fondness for teasing and playing with others, particularly those who are weaker than her. This trait was honed during her time hunting with Dux, where she found pleasure in toying with a weaker deer.

Effects: Celer has a passive ability to taunt enemies, which can cause them to lose focus and become corrupted with anger.]

[Belligerent Trait]

[Description: Lenta developed this trait while engaged in a one-on-one battle with a 200-centimeter wild boar. The thrill and heart-pounding excitement she experienced gave rise to this trait.

Effects: When Lenta's health reaches a critical level, this trait will be activated. It will restore a small portion of health, increase strength, and provide immunity to attacks. The effect of this skill will last for three seconds.]

[Fireball - Level 1]

[Description: Callidus, who has been practicing his fire magic, has developed a new skill! He can now create a small fireball by channeling his magic and releasing particles from his mouth. The fireball can reach up to 190 centimeters.]

[Hand-to-hand Combat - Level 1]

[Description: Dux has honed his fighting skills by practicing with his fists and legs. He has now developed a unique ability that boosts his strength after landing 10 consecutive strikes on an opponent.]

[Axe Mastery - Level 1]

[Description: Fortis has been practicing cutting trees with an axe and has developed a new skill. This skill has allowed Fortis to become proficient in using an axe and have better control over it. If Fortis hits the enemy with the axe three times, there is a possibility of a critical effect on the enemy.]

[Sprint - Level 1]

[Description: Celer has developed a new skill that enhances her agility during hunting with Dux. This skill allows her to sprint toward the enemy, increasing her agility stats. While using this sprint, Celer can deal damage to the enemy and also has a chance of becoming invisible for 10 seconds.]

[Hardening - Level 1]

[Description: Lenta, who was exploring the forest in search of branches, came across a wild boar. She has developed a skill that allows her to enter a state where any attacks made against her will not cause any damage or reduce her health. This state lasts for 10 seconds.]

The other notifications indicated the creations were gradually increasing their stats. They also acquired several essential abilities, including cooking, hunting, and other survival skills.

"How the hell have they grown to this extent?"

Cedric was wondering how the beastmen who were only born yesterday grew to such a state. Not only have they earned traits, but they also have useful skills in terms of fending off enemies.

"When did Lenta encounter a wild boar? And…. A week has passed?"

[New features are added to the system..]

[As the host, you now can fast-forward the progress of each race. Additionally, you can now place creations directly into your inventory.

Note: Some features such as the mission distribution have been edited…]

[The timeline in the gaming world is different from the host's original world. One day in the host's world equals two days inside the gaming world..]

[To make progress faster, once the host selects the auto function for the race system, it will increase the speed..]

"Oh, so that's what happened.."

Cedric's curiosity led him to press the chest icon button to check the inventory.


[Description: As the host, you can add objects to your inventory. However, there is another useful feature. You can also store a creation inside the inventory. When you do this, the creation's mission will be paused.]

"Hold a creation?.."

Cedric put aside the other functions and zoomed in on the Beastmen.

Within a week, the beastmen experienced rapid growth, thanks to Callidu's expertise in tanning. As a result, everyone was now wearing animal skins. Dux sported a cape made from boar skin, Fortis from bear skin, and Callidus from deerskin. The women also had their capes - Celer had a deer cape while Lenta had a boar skin cape.

Their living quarters have significantly improved. Initially, there were only two homes made of wooden sticks glued together, with a triangular stick supporting the leaves as a roof.

However, they have now constructed five small huts, which is impressive considering it only took them a week to accomplish.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nikhoollascreators' thoughts