
Wizards of Waverly Place: Troubled past

Abandoned neglected and abused, William Schmidt grew up without the love of his parents and as he grew older he became cold. Years later when the boy is in high school he meets Alex Russo, immediately she grows a hatred for him. Will the hatred remain, or will she warm his cold heart and change it for the better?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Televisi
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20 Chs

William's past

William didn't have the best life; his story was tragic and now he was reliving that past. His head turned back and forth as the dream continued.


7-year-old William widened his eyes as a fist hammered into him repeatedly. He often wondered why he was treated this way. Why did he have to suffer? All he wanted was to spend time with his parents but every time he asked, he would get beaten within an inch of his life.

"That'll teach you boy." Came the voice of Richard Schmidt. He was a tall man with raven hair and cold blue eyes. He stared at the trembling form of his son; his eyes narrowed as he glanced at his wife who was watching the scene with sad eyes. "Jenna."

"Yes dear." She said following her husband from the living room and into the kitchen where they began to have an open discussion. Richard stared into the green eyes of his wife. Jenna had brown hair telling everyone William had gotten his Black hair from his father.

"We shouldn't be doing this to him, Richard. He's only a boy. What you're doing is wrong. He's you're son!"

"Jenna he's showing signs of surpassing my power." Richard said as he looked at his wife angrily, gritting his teeth.

"And that's a bad thing how exactly?" Jenna asked. "I mean as a father shouldn't you be thrilled that your he's taken to your lessons? You've been training him yourself."

Richard looked even angrier if that were possible. Jenna just didn't understand. Why was her husband so angry?

"Its an embarrassment! Do you know what the magical world will think? They're going to think I'm weak in comparison."

"Honey, You're not weak. You are one of the most powerful Elementals in the world, I mean come on you even took down a dragon all by yourself." Said Jenna

"You won't get in my way, Jenna, the boy won't surpass me. I won't allow it."

Jenna gulped slowly as fear began to set in. Would he really hurt her just because he wanted to protect him from his father of all people? Jenna knew that Richard would strike her if he needed to and fearing for her life she just nodded. She felt bad for her son but because of her fear she didn't dare say anything further or defend William any longer.

Meanwhile in the living room William had finally lost consciousness succumbing to his beating. He didn't understand why his father had been beating on him lately. Just a weeks ago they were bonding over him getting stronger, why did his father do his?

Little did the parents know this incident would be the starting point to William losing all faith in them and the catalyst for him not caring about anything or anyone.



The next day-Tribeca Prep

William emotionlessly walked through the halls of Tribeca Prep, his steps echoing throughout the large hallway. After a moment or two he walked into the cafeteria where he preceded to get himself something to eat. He waited in line for a few minutes and after he got his food he headed to his usual table. A few minutes later he spotted Alex glaring at him hatefully.

A sigh escaped his lips. Was this going to become a normality? Was this hatred of hers going to continue forever?

William simply wanted to live a life without his parents. Briefly he remembered the day he left the comfort of his parent's house, not that he felt comforted at all living with them. He didn't hate his parents, nor did he love them. At a certain point in his life, he just didn't care anymore, not about them or anybody or anything. It was more like a defense so that nobody ever hurt him again. It's the main reason he never befriended anybody. Although he remembered a time where his family cared for him, that time was behind him and as he grew up, he couldn't comprehend or understand the meaning of love.

He had lived so long without someone's love that he didn't know what it meant, he couldn't understand why others cared for one another when nobody had cared or loved him.

History with Mr. Laritate

"Tomorrow is bring your parents to school day." Mr. Laritate laughed a bit. "You kid's better behave yourselves if you know what's good for you."

The students knew what he meant. If they didn't act right, they could get in trouble with their parents and who in their right minds wanted to get grounded or even get a spanking.

Mr. Laritate smiled. At least tomorrow he knew his students would act right.

'Hmph. Wonder what William's parents are like. I got to admit I feel bad for them, having to deal with him all of their lives.' Alex thought. 'I'm not trying to get grounded so I should be on my best behavior tomorrow as well.' She thought.

'Will they even show up?' William thought as he closed his eyes. 'Regardless I don't really care. Let them come.'


The Next Day

William crossed his arms as he watched the parents of various students enter the classroom. He glanced at Alex as her parents walked over to her before looking at the doorway as more parents filed in and walked toward their children.

He rose a brow as his parents entered the room and began to walk towards him. 'What do they want? They never show interest in me anymore. Probably to make sure I'm still alive. If I died that would put them in a difficult position.'

That was more than likely why they were here. If the law enforcement found out that they had left him to his own devices since he was a mere ten-year-old boy they'd face quite a bit of jailtime. Not that he cared, William simply didn't care about his family anymore.


That ends chapter 3. This chapter explain a little why William is so emotionless and doesn't care for anyone. The next chapter will show the interaction between William and his family as well as setting up the next arc in the story