
Wizarding world: Arc of Embodiment

After death Arjun's soul was in rebirth cycle but higher being brought to his domain and introduced himself as R.O.B. or you can say Random omnipotent being. He gave Arjun gave deal of Reincarnation. Arjun accepted and Reincarnated in harry Potter world with some wishes.... extra Tags: #Multiverse #romance #may be harem #marvel #movies #I am new Author, I tried to write some fanfiction stories before but left in middle. so sorry if you were reader of my past stories. # main point is that if you like my story please! please! give review to my story, rate the story and donate some power stone....... Its really inspire us Author to write, It will be really good if even 1 percent readers review the story..... AND i AM NOT FORCING YOU, ONLY REVIEW IF YOU LIKE THE STORY BUT PLEASE REVIEW SO I CAN KEEP WRITING WITH PASSION....... # I am not good with Romance but I will try it and I don't know if story will have harem or not... # I don't own harry Potter or any other fictional work I will use in future, only mc and some OC characters are created by me... # I also don't own picture used for novel, if owner of picture has problem, i will remove it...

SORCERERSUPREME_7 · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 16. making mess at Leaking Cauldron Part 2

Arjun directly disappeared from his place without making noise and appeared in front of old man and he was still sitting on chair as chair was also appeared with him. He stood up and stared down at old man coldly as if asking him to say another word, old man froze in fear as he stumbled backwards, In panic he fired spell at Arjun, Arjun was surprised that old man held some skills as even in panic he could attack.


" Stop!..... My bar!!...."

Arjun not powerful enough to swat away spell with bare hand so he took action, gold coin appeared in his hand as flicked coin at spell filled with his magic and at same time Arjun disappeared behind all wizards, spell was deflected towards ceiling and debris started falling down. just when old man fired spell, all people joined and all of them started to fire spells, they stopped after some minute.

" did we got him?"

" I am sure he is dead, no one can survive in this bombardment."

" well you are wrong if you think you can kill me with those pitiful attacks."

when all wizards heard voice behind them, they turn in dread. they saw that person who taunted them was seating on his chair and there were gold coins floating over his head. Arjun smiled but to them that smile was that of devil, coin started to fired at them with full speed.


All coin struck down all people's hands which held wands, they howled in pain.

""""" ouch!""""" """""arghh!!!""""""

all wands got absorbed in his shadows, he smirked and asked

" do you want to have another go?"

all wizards started to shook their heads like rooster in fear, Arjun smiled and looked around, while old man was looking at Arjun with anger and fear in his eyes, he didn't want to show that he was scared so he shouted but any one could see his condition from his shuttering tone.

"d-do you know who are you messing with?.... I am from most noble and ancient house of Rosier."

" oh!!..... I don't know and I don't even want to know.... but If I heard another word from your mouth I will snap all wands and I am sure you wouldn't want that, Right?"

All peoples looked at old man fiercely, he cowered in fear and stepped back. Arjun turn towards Tom who was peeking from behind counter.

" sorry about your place. these pure blood couldn't hold back even a little. but dont worry they will pay for all damage.... right folks?"

all of them who wanted to argue kept quiet as they kept their head down fearing that she would notice them. Arjun glanced at all of them last time and appeared besides counter. Tom was bewildered at Arjun's shamelessness. Arjun turned his attention at Tom again.

" So what was I saying? Ah yes!! you should clean this place, change colors of wall, add some decoration, add more dishes in menu and change those utensils immediately... leave it I will do it my self, I like you...."

Arjun waved hands and all damage was repaired, it also got cleaned, light blue and green colors started to add on walls. Arjun waved his hands and furniture started to disintegrate and new furniture appeared in from from his shadows and floated through air replaced old furniture, even counter and cupboard also changed, furniture was made from vibrant green snakewood, chandelier also appeared and replaced old chandelier in ceiling. when all this was happening all peoples were huddled themselves in corner. The place was completely transformed, every one's eyes were filled with fear and awe as they looked around. Tom was petrified after he saw his changed bar.

" what do think beautiful right?.... Now pay up... PAY UP I SAID!!"

Arjun glared at them and asked them to pay, they didn't even had chance to comment as Arjun asked them to pay. one person dared and asked him

" how much?"

"10000 Galleons!!.."

Arjun raised his eyebrow as he replied, that person cried out angrily.

" you are robbing us!! we don't even have that much money."

" then give as much money as you have, then I will return your wands."

all of them pulled out pouches from their pocket and placed on Table, all pouches floated towards Arjun, he muttered something.

" [break]!!"

all protection and enchantments placed on bottomless pouches broke and money started falling on ground as they absorbed in his shadow, seeing this, everyone's faces turned pale. they thought Arjun would not be able to break protection placed by goblins.

" now give us our wands!"

" I will hand them to Tom, Tom help me to open the entrance to Diagon alley please, I will hand all wands to you."

" What if you did not hand them to Tom?"

" And what are you going to do about it? I already said I will hand them to Tom now don't follow me or....."

Arjun looked at them menacingly then turned to Tom, he nodded at Arjun and told him to follow. When Arjun left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, then they all looked at old man angrily.

" all of this happened because of this old man, now you are goin to pay all of our losses or....."

all other supported claim of person who talked, old man couldn't do anything and could only curse to them in his mind.

"what did I do wrong? its happened in panic, he just suddenly appeared in front of me s-so it happened. But did you all attacked..."

When they realized that they all were scared by that man, they looked side way, person who accused old man before said.

" don't change topic, we supported you, now you are going pay for our losses.."

""""""""yes! your going to pay for sure!!"""""""""

other peoples fully supported that person, suddenly one person among them realized and said.

" should we call Aurors, that person is still in Diagon alley, we can still catch him...."

some one whispered in low voice, All of them were startled, then they remembered that person went to Diagon alley.

" call Aurors, we can still get all our money back."

some people ran towards floo network to inform Aurors and remaining ran behind but as they were about to approach entrance of diagon alley, Tom had returned.

" Here! your wands.... now just don't attack someone before you fully know about him."

Tom also left advice with their wands and returned to his counters, wizards picked their wands and left towards diagon alley, Tom just shrugged his shoulder at them, he didn't knew Arjun had just robbed all those wizards cleanly, Tom looking around the pub gleefully.

" Yep! this style looks great on this place!!...."

* to be continued *

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