
Wizard of Fate

There comes a moment in everyone’s life where you accept the sheer insanity of being a human. You realize that in the end, you are but a speck of dust being swept around while more significant, more powerful beings move. Gregory had thought he understood this principle well enough….that is until he woke up in what could only be described as a sewer with only a vague recollection of signing a pact with some monstrosity that gives him a headache just thinking about it.

RustedNail · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Lost and Confused

Many signs were telling me something was wrong. The cold and damp ground instead of my warm bed, the sound of rats scampering around likely hauling a meal home, but the smell let the reality of the situation set in. My nose burning from the smell, I jumped up, searching for the comforting sight of my bedroom and only seeing a tunnel with a trail of the most rancid water splitting the middle. Yet, despite all of this, I couldn't feel any fear regarding my strange circumstances. Thinking back to the horror that no doubt dropped me here, I had a feeling these were the first of the most likely many unintended side-effects from "The Gift." Looking down both ends of the tunnel and seeing no better alternative, I decided I might as well see if the "benefits" really were as exciting as it had made them out to be. Besides, any Diviner worth his grain of salt knows never to explore anywhere without properly scouting. Closing my eyes, I began pulling on the tiny threads of mana I could muster in this world and weaved the simple spell pattern to summon my familiar. While confidently weaving the spell pattern, I began thinking about the chance I had finally gained. I knew I had time since the 'Conjure Familiar' spell is notoriously easy, yet depending on your location within Ordo could take ages. Then again, judging from the fact that I couldn't sense the mana from the Empire's beacons, I had a feeling I was no longer there. But none of that mattered in the end; the Empire and its endless wars of dominations, the abominations released by the Mad Clown, and even the Holy Tree Mother Church could rot now that I had it. The dream of every fortune teller, diviner, and clairvoyant all rolled into one. To be invisible to fate and yet able to read its workings like a book. I had become what every King, Knight, and Merchant dreaded; I had become a Fateweaver. Others might call it a wasted wish, but I have dedicated my entire life to divination and know that true power is and has always been knowledge.

All of it was at my fingertips; past, present, potential futures, the entire record of the world mine for perusing. But right now, I needed to escape this literal shit hole because despite whatever it had done, I am still a human and can only endure the backlash of Divination spells after thorough preparation. With the final touches of my magic done, I sat down. I meditated, feeling my mana dart down the tunnel and pierce into the mind of a wild rat overriding its consciousness and replacing it with that of my own familiar. Using my link to it, I commanded it, " Find another human or a way out." Wasting no time, my Familiar ran off into the darkness without making a sound. It didn't take long before I felt a tug on the connection and focused my senses on my familiar. Surprisingly what greeted me wasn't a cityscape or even some scamp hiding from guards; instead, I saw what looked like some bunker that at one point was most likely secure but now appears to be abandoned.

With my target in sight, I urged my Familiar to take a closer look, and I could see how in disrepair the place indeed was. The metal door was knocked off its hinges, sitting on the floor, allowing a full view of the inside. Within the room, I saw what appeared to be a laboratory with broken beakers and the remains of some strange plants lying on the floor. Oddly I saw no Runes, Spell Diagrams, or even Soul Snare giving me no clue the purpose this place initially served. Going further, I finally saw an exit to this place with stairs leading upwards to what I assume is the surface. This would serve as an excellent place to set up base until I find something more comfortable. Feeling I had seen enough, I cut the link with my Familiar and started moving towards what would be my new home for now. By the time I had arrived, my Familiar had already confirmed that the stairwell led to the outside. But right now, my priorities had changed drastically after catching sight of my reflection in a shard of broken glass. To sum it up, I had aged... a lot. My once black hair turned to thin strands of snow hanging limply along my head; my face was covered in wrinkles, and my eyes turned into a pitch-black abyss. Even my clothes had changed from the magnificent robes of a master wizard to pure black, and the only color change was a white collar around my neck. With so many questions I decided I needed to make preparations to begin truly utilizing my skills to their fullest.

Hey, everyone, I'm a new author so go easy but be honest I just want to have fun but I honestly need practice writing so I'd say expect a chapter every 2 days if not sooner.

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