
Wizard King

Old Title: Godfather and Godson Sirius Black was always said to be a playboy. What if he taught his godson a bit of his trade. A more mature and savvy boy-who-lived heads off to Hogwarts for his fourth year. Advance Chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Mark_Ward Website: https://markwardfanfics.wordpress.com/ Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/pYg27q6Zwz

Mark_Ward · Derivasi dari karya
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180 Chs

Chapter 53: New Term

Since it is the holiday and in the spirit of it, I prepared an erotic marathon of EIGHT whole full length chapters of a variety of sex scenes over this long holiday week. With different girls from Hermione granger, Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, and more. So check out my pa/ treon for more!


Without a doubt, it was good to be back in these very old and familiar walls!

Hogwarts was always a second home for him, a time to get away from his abusive relatives, and learn about magic. Something any child would be fascinated with.

Now finding out that he was the heir to three of the four founders solidified his connection to the place in his mind. And for a few brief moments, he could have sworn the school itself was whispering to him. But he just imagined Peeves playing a prank on him.

Everywhere he went whispers followed him as new children stared wide-eyed at him with tales of him clearly in their minds, and old students talked about him. From the inventor of the Mirror phone to the abused child and everything else in between.

At this point, he was used to all the interest he has been shown, at times he might feel like a monkey in a zoo, but he learned to deal with it.

Classes were going great for him, not needing to hold himself back any more thanks in part to both his relatives who were always rage-filled when he used to score better than their sweet Diddykins. Plus his so called friend which he used to stick to his level so he did not make him out to be the idiot he was.

On that topic, the idiot did avoid him, but he could always hear him and his new best friends snickering in ht background most likely talking about him. However he just ignored, there is no reason to dirty his hands with fools like them, they aren't worth the time or the effort. Plus they are just cowards who could only talk a good talk but do nothing else.

His days were both cramped as he had 10 classes throughout the whole week, but it was also very fulfilling.

With the study of Herbology, three times a week out back in the greenhouses where they dealt with all sorts of plants and fungi under Professor Sprout's a kind dumpy little witch. The class wasn't one of his strong suits as he never really had a green thumb, but with Neville right besides him as they both partnered up it went by like a breeze.

Then there was Professor McGonagall a stern witch who did Transfiguration the magic of changing one object into another. He really got the feeling that he was being babied in that class, as the elder witch who by all accounts was the most fair and strict was giving him preferential treatment.

There was no way he was going to pass that up as she showered him with points for doing the smallest thing correct, and since this was one of his strongest classes he gained a bunch for his house. He wondered if this was how Draco felt in Snape's class, he really could get used to it.

There was also Professor Flitwick an eccentric short little man who taught Charms the magic of adding certain properties to an object or individual. After class he had a small conversation with him as he carefully brought up dueling.

He won't say he was starting to become a battle junkie, but the rush of the battlefield was the most exhilarating thing he felt even if he refused Moody to become an Auror. He really did want to test himself agist his peers and see where he was at, plus more nobly he wanted them to be prepared for the coming war.

Just like the two previous wars, it was very common to see recently new graduates head off to battle during those times, and they were the highest casualty since they were never prepared for war.

And if there was anyone who could be teaching this noble art of dueling then it would be Professor Flitwick. The short little man might look unassuming to most, but Harry did some reading on his Professor during the summer and he was just as surprised as Sirus when he found out the little man was a Master Duellist and then went on to become a Dueling Champion.

Neither of those two titles was something lightly given as only the best of the best like no one ever was could obtain that title.

Once he left the classroom, Harry was pretty sure of himself that he left the little seed he wanted in the little man's head.

Easily the most boring class was History of Magic, which was taught by a ghost, Professor Binns. Harry had no idea how he did it, but the man was just able to stuck the life out of anything, and make the most spectacular thing so dreary. He really had no clue why the old fool kept the ghost around, it was obvious that no one was learning as some students were snoozing away others were chatting among themselves and only a few were even paying attention.

It really was a waste since Wizarding history was much more interesting than you would assume with plenty of great wars, legendary figures, and so much more. Just for taking that opportunity away from all the students, he toyed with the idea of exorcising him.

After that, it was outside to Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid when he went to his cabin a little way off to the forbidden forest, the gentle giant was a mess. He was weeping his soul out for ever bringing him to those terrible muggles.

Harry still felt bad for using the good man like that and so promised him that he was doing good far away from them. He did settle down after that, but he could still feel that the big guy blamed himself for sending to them.

To distract his mind, he helped him go over his class plan. There was no denying Hagrid was a natural with magical creatures and could go toe to toe with the best Magizoologist if not in theoretical knowledge then in practical.

He had a gift with magical creatures albeit one that tended to go probing into the more dangerous side, still he picked a lot from him in that one session where they went over the schedule for the year than in all his haphazard reading over the summer.

When classes began he could say Hagrid's classes went on without a hitch and more splendidly than he imagined as every student was awed with the creatures he brought in.

The class he was most looking forward to was Defense Against the Dark Arts, he really did want to know what a Death Eater would be teaching and he must say he wasn't disappointed. Quickly the man got into the three unforgivables, very interesting spells but as Sirius put it there were a thousand ways to kill a man from a simple Levitation Charm taught by all first-year students as you can easily make someone trip down a flight of stairs and break their necks. There are much more civil ways in torturing your enemies than through physical pain, and you don't need mind control to get people to do what you want since most of the time, you can make them gladly do it for you.

On every Wednesday at midnight they had to study the night skies through their telescopes every and learn the names of different stars and the movements of the planets with Professor Aurora Sinistra. She was a beautiful witch with flawless chocolate colored skin and dark brown doe eyes, high cheekbones, a snub nose, full dark lips, and a slender curvy figure. With her honey-golden brown robes and her pointed hat, she was the absolute picture of temptation and beauty.

Now that his eyes has been opened to women in general, he couldn't help stare hungrily at her whenever he was able to. He blamed Sirius, the man was a lecherous playboy who took the chance to flirt with just about every woman he meet when they took the few chances to go outside.

Unknown to him just as class was over, Aurora Sinistra stared at his back as he filled out with the rest of the students. She was used to the stares that some of her male students sent her, and she has gotten used to it and just waved it off.

However to have the boy-who-lived goggling at you was a different matter, there was no denying that he had grown up over the summer and was certainly shaping up to be a very handsome and savvy young man.

She wondered if he also did some growing down there, but quickly berated herself for thinking that towards one of her own students. What was she doing! She was a grown woman, she should know better but there was this powerful feel about him and as a witch, she was just attracted to it.

Unlike regular humans, wizarding-kind sense of attaching themselves to those much more stronger and potent magically was much more amplified than the simple maiden tripping over a handsome masculine man. It was genetic for them basically, and has been proven how more powerful wizards attracted witches to them like flocks of doves.

Watching as his back disappeared down the long winding staircase, she couldn't help biting her lips, he was truly a fine specimen of man, and couldn't help wanting to take a bite out of him.

To change up his days, his new courses were beginning and the first class he had was Ancient Runes with Professor Bathsheda Babbling. She was a young witch just like Professor Aurora Sinistra who he heard where given their job offer immediately after they graduated, that how good they were at their respected subjects.

The witch was a slim woman with pixie cut hair and bright eyes filled with joy and energy, she was a bit short barely reaching up to his chin with a delicate and springy figure.

She was ecstatic to welcome him to her class, and if he hadn't known better he would have imagined she would have hugged me in her excitement, not that he would have minded at all. It would have been a welcome surprise he would have gladly taken advantage of.

Ancient runes had their advantage in deciphering old writings that used it, but most importantly it lead to enchanting a very key branch of magic. If you wanted to create a magical item you needed to enchant it, of course, you can bewitch it but to make it stick and lost a very long long time, enchantments were the way to go.

Professor Babbling was a wonderful teacher with both brains and beauty, in their small little class she was able to instruct all her studies in the ancient arts and able to easily convey the knowledge in an understandable way.

At the end of the class, he was able to walk out with a good understanding of what his enchanters did to make the Mirror Phone work. It was really fascinating how magic was drawn from the surrounding to power it, and how it was used to make it operate.

At the end of the week, it was double potions for him with Snape, this was one of the classes he was not looking forward to. It wasn't that he was horrible at the subject, far from it with Aunt Dromeda giving his private lessons he was able to go far in the subject, but it was the Professor in question, he had a problem with.

Immediately as he walked into the class, the man singled him out, "Potter," the greasy old bat spat out as if the name tasted foul in his mouth.

"Yes, Professor," he said acting as meek as a little flower.

Looking a bit taken back as it must have been such a quite the surprise seeing a Potter acting all humble and meek, he was still able to quickly collect himself and sneer out, "Today you won't be seating with your friends....."

"Do you want me to partner up with one of your Slytherins?" he asked already reading his mind like the back of his hand. The man was just too easy, his hate for his father which he passed down on to him made blind and easy to figure out.

"Yes," he growled looking frustrated and angry that h had to gall to upstage him.

"Is it alright if I work with Draco?" he asked, if he wanted to drag someone down with him then it would that arrogant little snout. "I am sure I can learn a lot from such an outstanding student."

"No way," the little prick shouted as he went to partner up with Theodore Nott, his best mate. "Why would I ever what to work with you, Potter?" the copy cat asked with disdain. Always a mouth piece for others.

"Yes, I wouldn't want you to drag down my star pupil! You can partner up with anyone else. However, if you don't then you won't be able to get a grade for your potion and lose some house points."

Giving him a blank stare, he could see from a mile away that he was angling for this moment from the start. He thought none of his precious snakes would ever work with him, but he was so wrong.

Walking to the Slytherin side of the room, he came up to the ice princess herself, Daphne Greengrass. "Mind if I team up with you?"

Giving him a blank icy stare, he did not recoil under it like so many other students would have. After a short while which had felt like an eternity, she slowly giving him a brisk nod and he set his stuff down and started to get his cauldron and magical ingredients out.

Before long all the students pilled in, including Tracey Davis who was Daphne's usual partner but Blaise waved her over and she went to work with him. He sort of had the feeling that he insulted her, but figured he could apologize later.

Getting started on the assigned potion, the greasy bat walking around like he had a stick up his ass as he insulted just about every Gryfindor, and silently nodded his head to his snakes. Once he got to his spot, he gave Daphne a narrowed look, "It is such a disappointment that a young lady such as you would lower yourself to work with the likes of some folk," clearly indicating him.

"Lord Potter is of equal standing as me, Professor, so you not only insult his house but my vary own," the young icy witch answered cooly.

"Yes, but that does not remove the stench of low blood in him," he airly answered, not daring to lose patience with her in the least bit.

Losing just about every single ounce of patience he had with the man, he sneered out just so only the two of them could hear, "You know you are such a bore, Snivellus."

Spinning around to face him with both pure shock and unadulterated rage in his eyes, he bellowed out, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???"

Playing his innocent card very well as a look of surprise and some fear passed across his face, he asked, "What do you mean, Professor?"

With his wand out quick as flash, he growled out with pure menace on his face, "REPEAT What You Said, POTTER!!!"

"Professor what are you doing?" Daphne asked in shock as she saw the light of a spell gather at the tip of his wand.

Not listening to her, or even paying any attention to his shell-shocked students who were watching everything unfold with bated breath. He looked at Harry with spiteful hate in his eyes and a bit of madness, and he pushed him wonderfully over the edge as he flashed him a quick grin only he could see.

Losing his top, he screamed out in rage, "I will teach you a valuable LESSON, you arrogant BRAT!"

Harry had his shield up before the spell even left the wand, but he played his part spectacularly as he pushed himself telekinetically into the air and made himself bounce against the cold dungeon walls. There was not even a hint of damage on him as the spell bounced off his shield harmlessly, but he continued with his act as he pretended to be insensitive while groaning on the ground.

All hell broke loose in the classroom as someone let out a piercing scream which he figured most likely belonged to Lavender Brown, and Daphne came running to his side with fear and worry written all over her face.

Poor Snivellus looked out in surprise as panted in and out while he looked between his wand and his prone lying form, then whispered to himself, "T-that.... wasn't suppose to h-happen."

Shamelessly he had the gull to flirt with her even as he laid on the ground and reached out to lightly cup her face and murmur, "You are so pretty. Did someone ever tell you that?"

Blushing a bit as all her iciness was gone from her, she took hold of him and rested his head on her lap, "I think you are going into shock, or maybe it's the spell he used on you. Does your head hurt, or maybe somewhere else."

"I think my heart hurts," he answered as he clutched his robes over his torso area.

"Are you sure?" she asked with anxiety marring her beauty.

"Yea, every time I look up at you, my heart beats a bit faster and butterflies flutter in my stomach."

"Shut it, you idiot," she whispered to him as she put a finger on his lips while a soft smile spread across her face. It was like the moon had come out in a dark, cold starless night as he was blown away by her exquisite perfectionist.

All the while chaos reined in the classroom as it seem like everyone lost their minds and were running around like headless chickens, everyone except Snivellus who was as still as a statue and them who were in their perfect little world.