
A Feeling of Happiness

Looking at Kousaka, Austin calmed down and sighed. No one could utter any word as they were all shocked by what Austin did.

His wives didn't see him angry at all as he always was smiling warmly at them or smiling casually at his enemies.

"As long as you understand then it's okay, just don't judge people based on baseless evidence or just a talk, you know people can say whatever they want even if it was a lie, they even can filter the words to what they see fit.

Because of something like that, I didn't give Violet to the association as I know that they will torment her to the point of death without knowing what happened to her or her conditions. You understand me?"

Kousaka didn't utter a word and just nodded while looking down so Austin couldn't see her face and her expressions.

'Maybe I was too harsh on her? But it was her fault for saying such words about my wives. Besides, she seems in no condition to continue our conversation.'

So he looked at Rinko and Murasaki and said.

"You can back for now and return later, she seems in no condition to talk anymore and I'm sorry for the inconveniences I caused although you are the guests here and should treat you better."

Rinko smiled warmly and nodded along with Murasaki who, for some reason, was blushing hard like lovestruck woman when looked at Austin.

Then with that, Rinko and Murasaki– who was still blushing and was reluctant to leave– helped Kousaka to get up and took her with them out of the house back to their association or the place she lived in.

Sakura said goodbye to them and returned to the living room where the atmosphere was quite awkward, it was silent that the sound of a pen falling on the floor could be heard.

"Sakura, could you get me a cup of ice tea from the fridge?" Hearing her Husband, she nodded and went to the kitchen to get what he asked for, but looking at his eyes, she knew what he wanted to do so she smiled a knowing smile before going.

Now, looking at his wives who were also looking at him, especially Violet and Ingrid, he knew what was going inside their mind.

"I want to say that you two don't need to think about what she has said but I think it is not necessary for me to say that, right?" He said looking at those two.

Asagi, Shiranui and Yukikaze were looking the two waiting for their response as they knew that what Kousaka had just said touched them quite hard and that was visible from their expressions.

They just nodded and didn't respond, so. Austin sighed and made the two float using his magic and pulled them toward him, then made them sit on his lap much to their surprise.

"Why you look sad, huh. You know that as long as I'm with you no matter what people say, you two are still my wives." He said to both Violet and Ingrid considering Ingrid his wife already, but she seemed not notice it because she was affected from what happened earlier.

"You two, look at me, look into my eyes." Austin said making both of them look at him to see those crystal blue eyes filled with love and determination.

"I love both of you and you two know that you can't escape from me, right?" He said it without hesitation, Ingrid included as well.

The two smiled warmly at him and immediately hugged him.

"Yeah like that, you can tell me whatever concern you, I'm all ears for my wives and my dear ones." He said while hugging them. Ingrid who was still affected didn't realize that she was hugging him or even that he said he loved her.

"Being treated as a traitor made me think that I wasn't a suitable wife for you, I felt like I don't deserve you." Violet said with tears at the corner of her eyes threatening to fall while looking at Austin.

He smiled lovingly at her and said in a soothing tone.

"First, it was my choice taking you as my dear wife Second, if you don't deserve to be my wife then no woman in the world deserve it, except those who are already mine," He said smiling at Asagi and Shiranui making them smile as well.

While Sakura who brought the ice tea to him also smiled at her husband words, while Yukikaze seemed quite disappointed making her mother smile mischievously at her. She still didn't realize it.

"No matter what people say, you will be and remain my wife for eternity, this is an oath to not just you but to all my wives and those who will be in the future."

Violet's mood seemed to improve and she smiled lovingly as she buried her face in his neck sniffing his smell.

"I love you so so so so much, darling~"

"That's it my dear, I love you too so much."

Then he looked at Ingrid who had a jealous look on her face for some reason she herself didn't know but to Austin he knew this jealousy too well.

So he smiled at her and said while tightening his grip on her waist, making her look at him.

"You should be more proud of your race, even if you were a demon you still a woman who I became fond of and look so cute and beautiful with her reactions. Your are a powerful and independent woman who has her own choices, so you should be more proud and don't let anyone influence you."

Ingrid blushed immediately and hid her face in his neck from embarrassment but she felt happy by what he said and her heart was beating wildly from happiness.

'Is this what you feel when you have someone who stand for you? If so then I don't want to let this feeling go.' She thought as she calmed down and began thinking more clearly.

Now when she remembered it, Austin said that she was his wife earlier but she didn't think about it due to her mental state, but now she clearly could remember it which caused her to blush even harder.

But she didn't hate it being treated as wife. Slowly, she started to long for the feeling of being held by him and be beside him, her heart began accepting him as its sole owner.

'How nice~' She thought again as she looked at his face.

But then, turned his face and looked at her making her embarrassed, but that quickly disappeared when she heard his next words that he whispered to her.

"You know you can just say it and you will be mine, but I won't force you, it's your own choice after all." His voice was so soothing and sweet in her ears.

And his words made her heart beat even faster that she only could her it beating so loudly.

Austin smiled and let her while began chatting happily with his wives.

The awkward atmosphere in the room disappeared and was replaced by a merry happy one.

But one thing for sure, Ingrid's relationship with Austin would change from now on.


[Don't ever lose hope in life. Out there, there is someone who can stand for you and make you feel happy. Life is unpredictable, but the most important thing is to accept this unpredictability.] – Red



TheSlothfulKingcreators' thoughts