
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasi
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89 Chs

Love and Cherish: The Twin Sisters ( Part 4 )

Mu Linfeng took a bite and shouted, "Shopkeeper, your beef noodle soup is too salty."

The shopkeeper, feeling annoyed at Mu Linfeng's pickiness, asked impatiently, "What do you want me to do about it?"

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "I want to exchange it." He then called out to the gentleman at another table who had ordered shredded pork noodles, "Sir, would you like to exchange your shredded pork noodles for my beef noodle soup?"

The gentleman thought he couldn't eat anything anyway, so he agreed to the exchange.

As soon as Mu Linfeng took a bite, he immediately exclaimed, "There's no shredded pork in this shredded pork noodle soup, how can I eat it?" He then asked to exchange it with the gentleman who had ordered fried rice.

Mu Linfeng continued to exchange dishes until he finished his meal, while Zheng Lianxiang watched from the side, wondering what Mu Linfeng was up to.

The other three patrons only took a few bites and then decided to leave. Despite negotiating with the shopkeeper for a long time, they were unable to meet their demands and had to pay and leave. They stood next to Zhu Yunian and watched as Mu Linfeng tried to leave.

As Mu Linfeng saw the four of them standing to the side, he wiped his mouth and walked over to Zheng Lianxiang's table, taking her hand and preparing to leave.

The shopkeeper hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sir, you haven't paid for your meal yet."

Mu Linfeng asked in surprise, "What meal payment?"

The shopkeeper replied, "You just ate a bowl of fried rice, and you haven't paid for it yet."

Mu Linfeng slapped his head and exclaimed, "Oh? So it's fried rice." Then he said, "The fried rice I ate wasn't from your restaurant, it was given to me by that young master. You should ask him for it."

The shopkeeper anxiously said, "But what about the shredded meat noodles you exchanged with him?"

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Shopkeeper, your memory is really bad. The shredded meat noodles were from that young master, you should ask him for it."

The shopkeeper also became confused and said anxiously, "But you exchanged it with beef noodles, and you haven't paid for the beef noodles yet."

Mu Linfeng burst into laughter and said, "The beef noodles were ordered by that young master. Why should I pay for it?"

The shopkeeper asked, "What about the chicken soup? Didn't you order it?"

Mu Linfeng patted the shopkeeper's shoulder and said, "Shopkeeper, I didn't drink your chicken soup. That young master did. Why are you asking me for money?"

The confused shopkeeper apologized and walked over to the three young masters to ask for money.

Mu Linfeng laughed heartily and pulled Zheng Lianxiang away.

Zhu Yunian and the others became anxious and wanted to leave, but the shopkeeper held them back and asked for money.

After Mu Linfeng had shaken off Zhu Yunian and the others, he stopped and saw Zheng Lianxiang panting behind him. He smiled and said, "Miss Lianxiang was frightened."

Zheng Lianxiang looked at Mu Linfeng's hand silently, and he suddenly realized his mistake. He quickly let go of her hand and apologized, "I was impulsive."

Zheng Lianxiang lowered her head and said softly, "No, Lianxiang hasn't thanked Young Master Mu yet."

Mu Linfeng smiled and asked, "Why did Miss Lianxiang come to Nanjing alone?"

Zheng Lianxiang said softly, "Originally, my cousin and I came to Nanjing to visit relatives together. Unfortunately, we were separated by the crowd at the Qinhuai River, and the address of our relatives was with my cousin. I searched everywhere but then I met those four..."

Zheng Lianxiang's tone was gentle, and she didn't know what words to use to describe the four people she met. Mu Lingfeng sighed and said, "It's really troublesome now. Nanjing City is not small. It's not easy to find someone."

Zheng Lianxiang also felt distressed. Mu Lingfeng looked at her at the moment and thought of Zheng Xiyu. He quickly asked, "Does Miss Lianxiang have a twin sister?"

Zheng Lianxiang looked at Mu Lingfeng in surprise for a long time before asking, "Has Master Mu seen Xiyu before?"

Mu Lingfeng nodded and said, "Yes."

Zheng Lianxiang then nodded and said, "I wondered why you looked at me like that in the market just now. I thought you were..." She couldn't continue, and Mu Lingfeng continued for her, "You thought I was like those four people?"

Zheng Lianxiang blushed and lowered her head in silence. Mu Lingfeng saw that Zheng Lianxiang was so shy, which was a complete contrast to Zheng Xiyu. He couldn't help but wonder, "How can two sisters have such different personalities?"

Mu Lingfeng asked Zheng Lianxiang, "What are your plans, Miss Lianxiang?"

Zheng Lianxiang thought for a while and shook her head, "I don't know."

Mu Linfeng was surprised and asked, "How can Mr. Zheng feel at ease letting you and your cousin, two women, travel outside for a family visit?"

Zheng Lianxiang said, "He wasn't at ease at first, but Meizi said that she has strong martial arts skills, so we don't need anyone to protect us."

Mu Linfeng asked in surprise, "Meizi?"

Zheng Lianxiang explained, "Oh, that's my cousin's name."

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "This doesn't sound like a Chinese name. It sounds more like a Japanese name." Then he thought, "Oh, right, it is recorded in history that Zheng Chenggong's mother was Japanese. Could her cousin be Japanese?"

Zheng Lianxiang noticed Mu Linfeng's contemplative expression and said, "My cousin is not from the Central Plains, she's from Dongying."

Mu Linfeng nodded and said, "That explains it." Then he slapped his forehead and said, "Does your cousin know the Central Plains language? Otherwise, it would be very difficult for her to get around if she gets lost."

Zheng Lianxiang laughed and said, "She has been coming to my house every year since she was young, and she speaks the Central Plains language even more fluently than Dongying language."

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "That makes things easier."

Then Mu Linfeng said, "I have a presumptuous request."

Zheng Lianxiang said, "Please speak, Mu Linfeng."

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Since you don't have a place to stay for now, why not stay at my humble abode? I was originally planning to arrange for you to stay at an inn, but I'm worried that as a young woman, it wouldn't be good for you to frequent inns. Besides, if you encounter Zhu Yunian and his group again, it will definitely cause trouble. So..."

Zheng Lianxiang looked at Mu Linfeng's face and smiled slightly, "Mu Gongzi, you don't have to explain. Lianxiang will go, and it will trouble Mu Gongzi."

Mu Linfeng dismissed the sedan chair and helped Zheng Lianxiang onto it. He led the sedan bearers all the way to the Mu Mansion and then led Zheng Lianxiang into the courtyard. In the courtyard, a group of brothers had formed a circle and were making noise. Mu Linfeng knew it was Wu Xing experimenting with his rickshaw again.

Zheng Lianxiang asked curiously, "So many people in the mansion?"

Mu Linfeng smiled, "It's alright. They are all my slaves." Mu Linfeng coughed lightly and the brothers immediately dispersed.

Wu Xing was sitting on the rickshaw, with a brother pulling him left and right, obviously much faster than yesterday.

When Wu Xing saw Mu Linfeng coming back, he immediately ordered the rickshaw to stop, jumped down, and walked to Mu Linfeng's side, "Brother Feng, this rickshaw is done, we just need to produce it in large quantities." He glanced at Zheng Lianxiang and exclaimed, "Miss Xi Yu?"

Zheng Lianxiang remained silent and lowered her head. Mu Linfeng quickly explained, "This is Miss Zheng Lianxiang, Xi Yu's twin sister."

Wu Xing looked at Zheng Lianxiang in surprise, which made her blush.

Mu Linfeng pulled Wu Xing aside and whispered, "Arrange a room for Miss Lianxiang to stay for a few days."

Wu Xing chuckled and said, "Don't tell me you're interested in her too..."

Mu Linfeng glared at Wu Xing and said, "Don't talk nonsense." He then told Wu Xing how he met Zheng Lianxiang and how he helped her escape.