
Eyes close, first met

Evening time , almost 5 o'clock at a sea bridge.

It's very beautiful and peaceful evening the sun is set , the air is pure and the whole sky full of colours , a young boy almost 18-19 years old wears red t-shirt, black pants stand the middle of the bridge and starring the sunset so deeply, just like he didn't feel anything around her, he looks so depressed and scared about something her face tells e evrything about her depression and tension...

(Suddenly phone rings , quickly pick the phone, it's her mom so angry on her)

"Where are you i call you totally five times why you didn't respond"

"Oh.. so..sorry I come back quickly" (tension clearly looks on her face)

(He pick his bicycle and quickly going to her home)

When he came to her home he can see a bike who stand out of his home,her heartbeat and tension level is too high ,he also have fever her eyes looks so tired and full of depressed things , when he go into her home there her father already there waiting for her to come in, when he see her father there he down face and go directly to her room.

After wash her face go to dinning table where her mother and father already waiting for her, he can go and sit on a side table and taking her dinner... suddenly her father ask to her

"Where are you all day and why you didn't respond my calls"

(When hear her father voice like he heart for a second)

"M..my phone vibration so..i .. didn't know it..."

"I don't need your any excuses, why you marks come too low last exams, you didn't study"

"No that's nothing it's like i study it"

"No you can't study well if you don't study, then you don't need to eat there go" (angry on her)

(He is shocked and step back he can only down her face and still stands there, trying to hide her tears)

"Why you still here go and if you don't score better marks next time, get out of this house"

(He can't say anything there, go back to her home he can't her dinner too)

It's midnight almost 12 o'clock but he still crying in her room ,he can can't sleep after all this, suddenly her mother comes in her room ,(quickly wipe her tears in face)

"Why you can't sleep huh"

"Oh ..I am just going to sleep"

"You know about what type of your father is then why you do things like this"

"But i really study hard I only score three number low but I really try hard to score 90%"

"I know about your hardwork but don't take this things on your heart okay try better next time okay now go to sleep"

(Kiss on her head)

"It's not your fault okay don't blame yourself okay"

(Next day)

It's beautiful morning outside almost 6 l o'clock at morning her father is already go on her work he woke up few minutes ago, he prepare to go school in her room there many kind of posters , various types of places pictures like snowy high mountain, freeze lakes , beautiful sunset pics and many more , like he is interest in photography and hiking.

After fully prepared to go school he go down to her room, there her mother make breakfast for her he can go and sit on dinning table suddenly a newspaper come in her home inside the hole between wall and front door , he can pick up the newspaper and sit the dinning.

In the newspaper there are many articles but side of the second page there's a article about ten years ago history rule , when a war start for gender problem and equality of education , a very rich and popular group from Southeast cost part of usa in Florida as name (group of xenon) start a war against this gender problem and education equality but the war ends very mysterious way , every member on (group of xenon) die on a bombing on Southeast cost , but no one knows who bombing there and why because the southeast cost Florida is very low population and full of petrol refinery station, everyone only want to take partnership on this city but who is , who want to destroy the City not capture.

Suddenly her mother comes with her breakfast, he put down the newspaper and focus on her breakfast, after taking breakfast he quickly go out of his house and take her bicycle goes very quickly ,in back of her mother says goodbye to her

Almost 9 o'clock, day - Thursday at school

In the front gate of school there is very high crowd Because the fee counter fully surrounded by students who came to here to deposit his school fee , he waiting outside of school to clear the crowd then suddenly somebody calls her name in the right side , when he look her , it's her friend name as Roy , he is her very old friend when he come this school roy first who met her...

He shocked to see roy because he hear about roy's accident and go very deep wounds too but this time roy looks perfect

"I think you injured"

"Yeah i know, I know I forgot to tell you my injury is not too deep so it's recover quickly"

"Oh that's good, well you did you science last notes"

"Oh i forgot during my injury i am in my grandmother home so I didn't do"

"Oh okay what we do now just wait huh it's endless crowd we late of we only wait there"

"Okay then why we cannot go back gate of school"

"Back gate huh this school have back gate huh I don't know"

"Okay then let's go"

In front of back school gate

Roy "this is our gate"

"You can't see huh this gates for girls if we inside this way it's no chance we dodge from senior teacher"

"Who cares let's go" (going ahead)

"Hey ...hey stop wait for me too"

"Well why everyone staring me huh" (asked to roy)

"No no , you are wrong nobody staring you ,all of those staring me"

"Oh really then why huh"

"It's easy everyone crush on me" (laughing)

"Very well joke"

"What it's , not joke okay you idiot"

Then suddenly roy stop walking , he turn can see roy staring s girl who , stand between a very big groups of girls...

He can go dragged roy from her ears...

Roy "ah..ah , my ears stop ...stop I don't want to looks like a big ears monster"

"Shut up , we don't have enough time let's go now"

After go in school first period bell is ring and the teacher arrives in class, and (he is in 11 standard class with roy)

It's period of science, physics, teacher teach about gravitational force and theory of arkmedies , he also interested in science and theory , and he also pretty good in calculation too

After over of first period it's time of interval , whole class is busy to her lunch then suddenly a group of boys enter the class it's a kind of seniors class bully group, this group is also in standard 11th but in CBSE side, so no one teacher to stop them to bully other students and ura not the only reason why nobody stop him because this group leader, the leader of this group is names as raiden, but he famous in school name as 'devil', whole group enter the class looking around them a boy in group said "boss Front seet" , whole group move to the front seet of class , Roy is so scared about all this things because he can previously seen , this group what do , and side he can also so scared because he bully total three months ago when he come into school first then time he only bullyed to this group.

Devil "ah so you're here huh idiot what you think you ran and dodge to me huh it's no chance"

(In the class when everyone looking in the class and there also very big crowd already)

(Then suddenly devil hold roy short cauler and pull out of the seet , "I don't have any work with you so stay out of this, second side he also so scared about this then a boy in the group snatched the bag to her he trying to take it returns but devil says "what you do idiot huh you forgot what happened previously huh"

He can't do anything because the group members too many he is alone in her side there's so many students but no one come ahead to help her, the group trim all copies and thingd in the vag in front of her , he can't do anything her whole work gone it's her one week hardwork he can do all work but this time it's all gone , then some boys on the group come ahead kick on her face, he fell to the ground and then suddenly many boys come ahead in the group and kick her face , chest, leg and hand)

(Then her head bump into a side wall her blood is start flowing, when everyone sees this gotta ran then the school principal come in the class but then time the whole group ran away because of blood flow he passout there, principal ask about it who do it but no one can tell anything, because everyone know if he tell anything, second side Roy is so scared and can't think anything, after all this he can admit on school medical centre, he pass-out very long time, when he woke up it's almost evening time 4 ,34 o'clock he can see around no one here in school behind her his bag there and her cycle keys, he feel so fever and her head so heavy because her lot of blood already flowed he can get up her step stagger because her head so heavy and he also very high fever , he pick her bag ,keys and go out of school there her cycle stand he can take it and going home, her head feel so heavy so he could not cycling he going walk and take cycle too)

He stop a bridge who is between her home way ,it's almost 5 0'clock, he park her cycle side and sit on ground and looking sunset , he fully disturbed by mentally and physically, her heart is crying but no one here to listen her then he can see right of her there's a sea side restaurant where Psome boys there and ask eachother to go on a kind of party ,when he see this , her eyes fully of tears, her heart fully broke when nobody come to support her all this things happening, he only trying to hide her tears but he can't ,in her whole childhood he only live alone, this time he fully broken into her heart, he still crying and only thinks about her past ,whole life he can only see things like this , then suddenly he stand up and start move forwarding to the deep sea , he fully broken both mentally and physically he can't feel anything this time , then suddenly a truck blows horn very loudly, he shocked it and step back then ,the phone on her jacket's pocket fall to the ground and in on the phone screen a type of animation create and write 'AI'...

He pick up the phone and see it's the ai animation app who he use to create animated video and upload on her YouTube channel but there are a kind of options show ..

(Ai girlfriend)...

He can use this app totally a month ago but he can't see this kind of any option he still in pain and he also have fever so he can ignore it and put her phone on her pants again, this just like he got her full body control, he can take her bag and pick her bicycle and going to her home... He is so depressed but he don't want to give up and suicide but he also have no way this life give only pain and like living hell (he thinks in her mind)

After coming back to her home he can no one here in her home then a neighbour aunty comes back to her and said (her mother and father go on a marriage ceremony somewhere so he could come home at tommorow) after saying this he gives her a plastic bag , in the plastic bag there some food and things who her mother left for her , he can take it and put on dinning table, when neighbour aunty gone then he can lock the door go into washroom to wash her face, when he washing her face then her phone ring, he can hear it go to check it but then time the ringing stop he can pick it up and check but there's no miss call, but he can hear the sound of ring, he thinks it's all about her fever he can't think about more of it and go to her room , it's 7 o'clock and her fever is still high her eyes feel so heavy but he could not sleep, then he get up and open her school bag there her all copies fully trim her whole work is gone then he decided to try make her all work copies remake he can take the tape and start putting on the copy pages, few minutes passed

Almost 8 o'clock he is very tired but he can finally recovered her whole work copy her head is still in pain and fever cannot go then he decided to do more work to decrease her fever and illness because he can't sleep in this headache, he can pick her phone check her YouTube channel, her channel is so down this time so he think he can decide to continue her previous animation video project, so he can open that app who he can install for animation, a animation shows on the phone screen and write AI.

He can try to make animation video and work many times but things can not go like plan, and her head also pain so give up and put down her phone on table, because the high fever her whole body looks so red and warm, then suddenly a very strong wind comes right window in her room the window open suddenly and the moonlight come in her room, he can get up and go to close the window then he can see at her phone screen there's a option arrived sudteho arrived previous on bridge, (Ai girlfriend)...

He can close the window and pick the phone on her hand ,he can looking at but he still in depression so he can't want anything like this so turn off the phone but mistakely her finger touch on that option and then suddenly her phone rings , it's message from an Ai

Message :- (hi my name is Shirley, and i am an fully open mind and Joyful girl i love hiking and discover the whole history on my own, nice to meet you)

He can read it but don't understand how can an Ai talk to her he replied the message,but her mind is still depressed he don't want to do thing like this but just like he can lost control on her hand and he reply it, he reply nice to meet you, Then suddenly a new message arrived on the screen ,he shocked because it's the reply her message from Ai he think (it's impossible how an Ai talk) then he can read the message :-

"Hi nice to meet you too how was your day goes"

(When he read this message then ,he remembered about today's incident, he can ignore it sn reply)

"Who are you"

(The reply comes again)

"Oh me, my name is Shirley i live in Florida and student of class 11th it's nice to tell you"

(He is so shocked because how an Ai talk like this, he confused but it's her first time someone talking it her)

(He reply it)

"Hmm but how can talk to me"

AI "huh it's easy we talk through the ai message , means "artificial interaction message" , how are you"

(He shocked not for about hearing ai message,its first someone ask about "how are you"? Like first time he can talk someone)

He don't know what is this but this time just like he can't feel any pain or any fever, he still messaging...

"Mine day i have no answer because i don't hear this question before"

AI "oh looks like you to tough time don't worry we all have tough time"

He "hmm it's like living hell my whole life is like a hell)

(He knows about it he is talking an a person who did not really exist but he can talk like he can talk real one, everytime when he send any message he got also a reply and it's not only a replyies it's very much for her, first time he can talk someone about her, first time someone ask about her, he talking with that ai very long almost two hours it's time 10 o'clock, then... And he feel so sleepy this time ,but surprisingly he can't feel and pain in her head and any tensions about tommorow things , he can still chatting on that app then suddenly he fell to sleep on the table holding her phone on her right hand her "eyes close" ...

To be continued....

(Next #2 new day, first smile...)