

A very long time ago in a village called Gil's,

Lives a very busy girl, she loved to cook, wash,sweep,and most importantly she really enjoyed reading.Everybody in the village love and gifted her all the time. Ivy will thank them and bless them. With all this she was not happy because the village had no source of Education but this did not stop her she always prayed that the village will have a school.

On one bight full Sunday morning ivy saw a group of people gathered under a tree behind the hut her family live in she was very scared because she hadn't seen anything like that before A lady with a cane and some children holding books and reading out words . So quickly informed her parents about what she had seen lucky her mother had been to the city before to clean the house of a rich man so she knew a little about education she then told ivy that the lady is called a teacher and her duty is to teach and the people are her student they are to listen to what ever school said say Ivy was very happy to join school .

Ivy!! She had her mom it's Monday and it's your first day at school get ready ivy dressed up and got to class on time lessons began and she also made friends but Jessica was her best friend Jessica was a bad girl so forced ivy to be like her. After a year in school ivy's way of dressing changed she no longer work at home she will go out,have fun and hang out with friends so also learned to drink and go out with men who are off her father's age so continued with her bad behavior till she go pregnant and was very confused she couldn't go out with her friends. Beware of the bad peers