

It wasn't long before the three of them teleported straight to the palace where they found Malinda still disguised as someone else. They fell speechless when they found her serving meals to the king who seemed comfortable with her presence.

Without thinking, Trion rushed and threw down all the dishes that were on the table thinking that Malinda might've poisoned the meals but was surprised when his dad slapped him on the face without even asking what was happening.

"How dare you insult her like this! The poor lady has prepared this meal with so much love and for you.... you've dropped it, that too on purpose?"he scolded him which left Neel speechless at the moment.

"The poor lady you said... Do you even know who this lady really is? I'm sorry Dad but you're being fooled. This woman here is none other than your one and only witch, Mrs Malinda Beryl Jackson. Wow, it's so hard to believe that you've slapped me because of her.

And you evil woman, how dare you mess with me! What do you want,huhh?"he was shaking her like nothing when his Dad intervened and threw him off Malinda.

"Father!"he called with a confused face full of different emotions.

"Just let it be Trion. First come with me."Neel said but before they could take a step forward, the king spoke coldly.

"Don't take any step further. What's your name again.... whatever! Who brought you here sir. Neel, throw this man out of here. I don't wanna see him ever again."he was instructing Andie thinking that he was Neel. For Andie, whatever was happening, he liked it all.

Grabbing his brother's hand, Andie pulled him so quickly to the door since he was afraid the king might go back on his instructions and maybe let Neel stay which was going to be the beginning of their downfall.

He was feeling so happy while pulling his brother, Neel, before Araxie appeared in front of her and blocked the way out.

"Where do you think you're taking him? Let go of him right now."she was barking at him. This left those who knew her surprised by her new version.

"Impressive! My Araxie can stand up for herself! I really like this change of hers."Trion breathed before he recalled that she was not his now but someone else's and she was getting furious because they were harassing her new boyfriend.

"Damn it!"he couldn't stop but to curse inwardly.

It was like Andie was determined to throw Neel out despite Araxie's threats because it didn't take him a second before he pushed this Araxie out of way.

Feeling like she was falling, she realized she was in someone's arms. Yes, she was in Trion's arms. He had caught her from falling.

Wait! Isn't it like history is repeating itself here? Trion hoped it was and maybe Araxie would realize soon that she belonged to him and not with Neel.

Feeling like she was doing something sinful in presence of her boyfriend, Neel, Araxie quickly pushed Trion away and said, "thanks for catching me. But next time leave me to fall because I'd like it that way instead of you holding me so tight without giving me a room to breathe."

Now why did she scold him! Oh yes, she wanted to put the blame on him and save herself in front of Neel whom she thought she was in love with.

Feeling disgusted with whatever was happening, Trion grabbed Andie's other hand before he slapped him straight on his face.

"You've managed to fool Dad but don't forget that I'm still able to understand what's happening around me. Let go of his hand right now. I said let....go!"he was commanding mercilessly which forced Andie to give in and did as he was asked to.

"Just like you've listened, take your mom and go far away from here."Trion added.

"Hahaha... silly man! Listening to you doesn't mean you'll order me around just like your puppet. Mother and I aren't going anywhere.

And let me make myself clear, I'm the only Neel in this game of ours and if you want to prove, then you're more than welcome to ask your father. He's the only one who knows what am capable of, right Beryl?"

"Yes sir. He's my Neel and no one would talk about this matter hereafter not even you Trion.

By the way... what gives you the right to question him? I hope you haven't forgotten that you're under my roof now."

Looking seemingly irritated, Trion walked away and stood outside, he was so sad that his dad scolded him like that which reminded him that he had no place in that palace,- he only belonged under the Sea.

He wished Araxie was in her rightful mind and maybe they would've gone back to the Sea and stayed thereafter.

He was weeping when Neel and Araxie came to console him.

"Don't feel bad about your dad's words. He loves you so much and I'm sure something is behind this new behaviors of his."

"Yes, Neel is right. I have a feeling that these people have caste a spell on him and now,... I'm afraid he'll do everything in a way that works for them."Araxie said.

Looking at Araxie take his side, Trion felt stronger than ever. He had to fight those people and come out victorious for the sake of his love, Araxie.

He had to save his father as he was the only one who could break the spell under which Araxie was.

"Thank you both. I'm feeling lighter after listening to you. I have to stay back. I'll only leave once I've shown these people their rightful place."

"That's my love."a word accidentally escaped Araxie's mouth the moment she held Tia in her hands.

Wait! Did that mean Tia could remind her of her past? Trion hoped for a miracle. "What did you say?"he asked as he couldn't believe the magic behind it.

Meanwhile, knowing that those three's presence would ruin her plans, Malinda didn't hesitate but to hold the king on gunpoint while asking him to transfer everything into his name. She wanted everything, the castle, all his royal army and everyone inside.

Her plan was to attain the throne and make everyone under her, a slave and that was one thing king Beryl could never allow. He would take a bullet in peace if that was going to save his subjects.

"Put the gun down."Neel barked but she seemed determined to end the king's life which got Trion so scared. He didn't want to lose his father whom he had just seen after two twenty two long years of loneliness.

He knew if he tried his powers, that woman would harm his father which he didn't want, not at all.

Getting the papers from Andie, Trion begged his father to sign everything over to that woman so she could spare his life because nothing mattered to him than his father's life at that time.

Leaving with no choice the king penned down his signature on the papers and just like that everything belonged to Malinda hence becoming the queen.

It didn't take long before the news circulated around the palace which left everyone wondering why the king just sold them like that.

Some thought that maybe he did everything out of love till Trion and Neel gathered them and explained everything to them which resulted into a riot since they didn't want to be ruled by a horrible person like Malinda.

It was then when everyone found out that she was indeed a witch because Neel and the king had tried to keep it away from them for a long time now.

As a new leader, Malinda proudly asked everyone who felt like he didn't want to be under her, to leave the palace and the city immediately and just like that, some people were seen leaving the king that caused so much pain to the king's heart. He never wished to see his people suffering but here, it was happening under his nose and he had nothing to do about it.

"Don't worry Dad. We'll get everything back that I promise you." Trion's heart was breaking into simplest pieces as he painfully watched his dad crying.

Leaving everything behind, Neel, Trion and Araxie took the king away from the city so he could forget about what happened but no, he couldn't stop crying all day and all night.

This could make Trion's blood clot and his heart boiled in anger.

All he wished was to break Malinda's bones without any mercy.

One week later, Trion and Neel teleported and made their way into the palace. "So much has changed within a week. The same place which was full of people now feels empty."Neel breathed inwardly.

Checking through the rooms, Neel couldn't believe what he saw.

Yes, he found Andie tied up with a burning chain just like the one they tied him with some time back!

"Trion, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"Neel quickly asked Trion in a whisper.

"I think it's a trick. Perhaps they've seen that we're in here."Trion said.

They wanted to ignore and go before Andie begged for help.

Not knowing why, Neel felt so attached and helped him but the chain had caused serious wounds on his body. His wounds could've healed right away since he was a witch but they didn't because they were very deep.

It looked like he wasn't tied up that very day....

Rushing him to a hospital, they fell hopeless when the doctor told them that the patient needed a bone marrow transplant but unfortunately they didn't know much about him or his family.

Thinking that he was maybe Malinda's biological son, Neel flew from the hospital in a quest to find Malinda and tell her what was going on with her son but to his shock, Malinda didn't seem worried at all which raised so much questions in Neel's heart.

"I was right. That man can't be her son. It's so strange that she's neglecting him like this after all he's done for her! She couldn't have won the throne over if it wasn't for him."Neel was left in wonders however Malinda too wasn't at rest after finding out that Andie was in Neel's hands and he might end up telling him the truth.

"No. I won't let that happen. I have to find him before he can tell them anything."Malinda thought in panic.

"How would we find his family. It seems Malinda doesn't want to tell us anything about him. Wait, does she want him to die?"

Of course yes, Malinda had tied him up and locked him in the room because she wanted him to die slowly since he dared to ask for his share like they had planned.

Neel didn't have a choice left but to teleport straight to where they had left Araxie and the King, brought the king to undergo test as he suspected he might be the father of that man but unfortunately the results turned out negative.

Seeing that he was going to die with the truth while covering for Malinda's evilness, Andie decided to tell the truth which left everyone emotional.

Neel didn't want to believe after how that man tortured him when he was in Malinda's company till the results came out matching for both of them.

Their looks were a clear evidence that they really shared a relationship though Neel had tried to ignore that feeling since he saw him.

Without thinking about anything else Neel agreed to help his twin brother on a condition that he'll help them take revenge on Malinda and take back everything they lost to her of which Andie agreed on.

Doctors did whatever was necessary and brought Andie's life back to normal again.

In the long run Malinda showed up at the hospital but it looks like she was too late said she couldn't trace Andie's whereabouts.

"Did they take him with? Oh no! I hope he dies before telling them about my plans."she breathed.