

Looking at his brothers sudden move, Neel felt heartbroken. He wasn't ready to choose between siding with either the king who had trusted and considered him as his own son for more than twenty five years or Andie ( his twin brother) whom he had just seen and hasn't spent quality time with him.

Wait! Would Neel insist and take part in this fight? The king hoped he would.

Ignoring the fact that blood is thicker than water, Neel walked closer to his brother with folded hands and said, ' I know how it feels when your loved ones take a wrong path and leave you with no choice but to stand against them. I'm not blaming you for this decision of yours because it seems we're in the same boat. We're drifting away from our own blood for the sake of our responsibilities. I'm not angry with you brother for taking this woman's side. I know you're doing this because she was there for you when you needed it the most... and, it's the same reason I'm taking king Beryl's side . He was there for me when I needed him the most.

I can't bring myself to leave him for anybody's sake.

I still remember how those angry men burnt both mom and dad to ashes because they suspected them to be witches. I was there hiding and saw everything. I almost froze when I heard them coming towards me. I knew it was over for me when I felt a strong arm on my shoulder.

I was going to scream but the man had placed his hand over my mouth and was like, 'shuhhhh. Don't make a sound otherwise they'll hear you."

Unto hearing those words coming out of his mouth, I felt I should trust him.

I gave in and then he took me in his car before he drove off.

Do you even know who that man was, it's him. Yes, it was king Beryl who saved my life that day. He didn't stop on that, he brought me here and made me a part of his royal army at the age of ten.

I always thought of paying him back and I think giving the throne back to him is the least I can do for him even if it's the last thing I do.

I swear I'll leave no stone unturned for this. I'm sorry brother.... yes...I'm really sorry to say that I'll fight the world for my king's life and his subjects.

Sorry brother."

Seemingly extra angry Malinda summoned lots of Spears and directed them to shoot them but was left surprised on seeing how Araxie held them back in the air with just one palm.

"Damn this silly girl!"she cursed between clenched teeth. It didn't take long before Araxie turned tables on Malinda by directing the same sharp spears to shoot her up but instead Andie pushed her away and in the long run, he got shot severely.

"Nooo!" Araxie shouted but it was too late to reverse her command. She wanted Malinda to taste on her own medicine but unfortunately Andie paid the price.

"Why did you do this Andie. I'm really sorry."she looked apologetic but Andie didn't say anything.

"You haven't done anything wrong Araxie so stop crying because this isn't a time to fall weak. Andie is my brother but it's unfortunate that he has chosen a wrong way. It's not your fault because I'm sure he knows that you didn't intend to harm him...."Neel was talking in a challenging tone like he was directing a certain message to his brother.

Wait! Wasn't he feeling bad seeing his brother bleed on the ground? Of course it hurt him so deeply but he had nothing to do to change his brother's mind.

His teary eyes were a clear evidence that he was feeling his brother's pain.

Knowing that Araxie's friends were her weakness, Malinda enclosed Judith and her daughter with fire little did she know she was getting Araxie more furious than ever.

Her friends were always her strength and not her weakness.

Seeing her friends shout for help got Araxie's blood boil and was something she would never spare anyone for.

"I won't spare you old woman!"

The reason why Malinda was targeting Araxie, was because she knew she was the most powerful of all not knowing that Trion was also a burning fire that can't be blown by a strong wind!

Trion knew how special Judith and her daughters were to Araxie. He knew it was terrifying for her to see them suffocate in that fire and that's when he strongly blew his breathe that put out fire immediately but unfortunately they had all passed out due to suffocation.

I must say that Malinda's plan worked because for a moment Araxie's attention was on her friends. Marina too was helping her out since she wanted them to come around so she could apologise like she had promised to.

To her surprise they didn't come around even when she asked her bead to heal them. "H... how's this possible? Oh no Lord, you can't take them from me... not like this please Almighty."she cried which got Trion emotional.

Seeing her cry was the last thing he wished to happen. It reminded him of his promises. Yes he had promised himself that he would never make her shed tears but now, she was crying pools of tears and he couldn't do anything to stop her.

"Tia!"he shouted out and just like that, Tia showed up with some tree leaves in her beak.

"Thank you so much Tia. I have faith that your herbs will bring them around. I'll do it as soon as possible."Araxie said after receiving precautions on how to make herbs from those tree leaves.

They were in fact the leaves from the fire tree. They were believed to treat any kind of burns and scalds on one's body.

"These leaves! I mean... how did this bird get them? I remember when our grandma got burnt Mother took us somewhere, that she wanted to collect leaves from the fire tree but unfortunately the tree swallowed all its leaves on our arrival. We had to sing lovely songs till the fire ceased and mother was able to pick out some leaves.

Malinda and I had never seen a fire tree and both of us were surprised to see it on fire and yet the fire caused nothing to it.

I wonder how this bird managed to cease out the fire. You know it wasn't an easy task to do because I remember we sang at the top of our lungs but the fire couldn't get low . It took us like two hours and something but this bird here, I'm simply speechless!"Marina said with a slight smile on her face.

She was sure the herbs would heal those three right away since they had once used it on her grandmother and it worked instantly.

"Thank the heavens! Finally, I'm going to apologise for all my mistakes. I hope they find it in their hearts to forgive me. I couldn't be a good friend to Judith but after today...I promise I'll be a good neighbor."Marina breathed with excitements inwardly whilst Araxie and Casey applied the herbs onto those three's wounds and before they realized Judith and her two daughters had healed and that too, their wounds had healed without leaving scars behind.

"Araxie."they all called with their faces filled with emotions.

"I'm here now. I won't spare whoever has messed with you. I will kill her."she assured them as they helped them to stand up.

"I know you know me as a brave girl, don't you? But after what happened today, you're my superhero Araxie. I'm so grateful that you've saved us though I'm still wondering what that evil woman would do to all of us next."Aurora said

She won't do anything because I won't let her- Trion said before they realized that Neel and the king were tied up with burning chains.

"Neel."Casey cried on seeing Neel in so much pain before she spoke again, "Mother, please do something. I can't lose my husband. He's the father of my baby." She was shaking her mother so much.

Looking at how terrified her daughter was, Marina transformed into a serpent right away which crawled towards Malinda and bit her leg. Before Andie realized, Malinda,the one he considered his mother was on the ground screaming in much pain.

Malinda was strong and dangerous but Marina was more powerful than her when it comes to magic despite the fact that Malinda was some hours older than her.

Yes, Malinda was the first child which made her a pure witch, with two hours older than her sister Marina who was both a witch and serpent.

"How could you do this sister. I can't believe these people have managed to manipulate your mind into doing this to me. I admit that others are angry with me because I snatched all they had from them but you, what's that which I did to you that changed you this much? Tell me Marina. You know I used to think that my victory is your victory and yours is mine but I guess I was wrong. It was all in my imaginations and thoughts but reality has a different story of us.

I got the throne and here, you've joined forces with my enemies to take it away from me when you already know how it really means to me!

I still remember the promises you made to me years ago but today, I'm seeing you're striving so hard to break them.

I didn't ask you to say anything to me back then, did I ? But you went on and made me a promise to stand with me no matter the situation and I think that time is now but unfortunately you've already made new promises to that man.

I'm sorry but you'll regret doing this to me..

It didn't take long before Araxie untied the king and Neel, causing Casey to breathe fine and. She was pregnant and they couldn't stand seeing her sad as it'd probably affect the baby.

Summoning a pistol, Malinda pointed at Casey because she knew hurting Casey would be like torturing Marina indirectly. In fact it was like attacking her from the right spot.

She was going to shoot her and end her chapter along with the baby before someone shot her from behind.

It was Andie. He only did that for the sake of Casey and Neel's unborn child.

"I'm sorry Mother. I couldn't let you end my nephew's life before he could be born. I must say that you've messed with a wrong person and that was your biggest mistake.

I may have chosen a different side but it doesn't stop me from fighting for my brother.

I can't let you to put an end to their love story just like how you stopped me from marrying a woman of my dreams by lying to her that I have a family already. I don't know if it was because of your selfish intentions or something else. I'm not blaming you though, instead... I'm so grateful for everything you did to me but I can't forget the fact that you're a witch and can change colours like a chameleon.

Goodbye madam Malinda. In fact whatever I had said earlier was just a prank to make you believe that I was on your side. Thank heavens we managed to fool you. Brother was write when he said that you would automatically fall for my simple trick.

Thank you Neel." Andie was unbelievable!

Earlier he had made everyone believe that he was on Malinda's side and here, he shot her from behind and is claiming that he's on king Beryl's side now?

The king couldn't figure out what was happening till Neel explained everything to them.

It wasn't long before Malinda took her last breath and hence king Beryl retained back his throne.

Wait! Would Malinda ever come back? They hoped she wouldn't but Marina knew the truth.

She knew that one day soon her sister would come back.