

Meanwhile Sara who had dozed off due to so much exhaustion, now woke up after the just-risen sun cast its rays onto her through the slightly opened door, and the very moment she opened her eyes, she simply couldn't take her eyes off this handsome man that slept on an old couch next to her.

"What a wonderful creature!"she breathed.

That could've been her chance to run away but her mind went blank suddenly and she was all lost in admiration for this elegant and dashing man!

He had slept off while facing the ceiling and his...it was covering almost a half of his face and Sara felt like getting closer to him.

What was wrong with her? She thought her legs were still paining, however that wasn't the case. She could stand on her and and even walk without feeling any pain or complications. "He's really my prince charming! I can't feel pain any more."Sara found herself smiling alone just like an idiot but she didn't want to care!

She always heard people talk about love at first sight but never in her whole life did she ever think that she would get to experience it firsthand. She never would've thought that through that hilarious kidnapping, she would find the love of her life!

Sara seemed lost in thoughts that she didn't realize when her hand reached for Jann's face and before she knew it,he had opened his eyes and the very moment their eyes met, Sara experienced that spine tinkling feeling....her palms got all sweaty, her heart skipped a beat while she winked several times like an idiot, she couldn't deny that unique gut feeling that this was really it! -Yes!, Jann was that kind of man Sara's whole life had been building up for ever since she broke up with her first love who brought her nothing but pain that she hated love and its meaning till now!

Surprisingly Sara saw like twinkling stars when Jann's face came into contact with hers while he was trying to sit upright while he gave a grin.

All that felt like an impossible dream for her when she set her eyes on Trion and the rest of her family members who had come to her rescue.

She stood there frozen like a statue when Andie broke the old door and grabbed Jann away just like a piece of rubbish.

"Noooo! You can't harm him, brother in-law."she screamed and everyone was left shocked by her actions.

"What on earth was happening?"

On realizing that they all had come to kill that man, Sara took a few steps to her sister who had a double-edged dagger and whispered," I swear I won't spare your husband if he dares to kill my love. I won't spare you either."Aurora could feel pain in her sister's voice.

"Did you say 'love'? Do you realize what you're saying?"Aurora couldn't believe it.

First they found out that she was kidnapped and here,... she's saying that he was the love of her life!

"Hold on sister, do you know him so well? I mean... do you love him?"

"What can I say sister.

I'm in love. This man is the love of my life. I love him."Sara said which brought tears in her sister's eyes.

"After such a long time...my sister has finally relearned to love again! Snatching the love of her life would leave her shattered. No, I won't allow it to happen."Aurora thought in realization before she ran to the scene where Andie had held his sword to stab Jann but before he could realize, he had already stabbed his wife Aurora who chose to sacrifice her life for her sister's happiness.

"A-AURORA!! What did you make me do? Why did you save this monster?"Andie cried in confusion.

""He's not a monster! He's my sister's boyfriend."Aurora could hardly speak."I never thought someone would ever make sister feel so comfortably in love again after what happened to her. And now that she's found that someone, we really can't kill him like this. I'm sorry."

Ignoring everything else, they rushed Aurora home to revive her and luckily they managed to bring her back to life.

Days elapsed and Jann came to realize his inner feelings for Sara. The days he stayed away from her seemed like a torture for him.

"Do I really love her?"he wondered before he summoned his magical pen and paper and began writing to her.

My dear,

They say love at first sight doesn't exist, but I know better. I know it all started the day I first saw you alone in the dark when I had come to kidnap your friend Araxie. Your smile was so radiant and mesmerizing, I couldn't help but be drawn to you.

I kept seeing you in my mind for days, remembering your beauty, your angelic presence and how that translated into an undeniable attraction. The next morning when I looked at you, I realized this was more than a mere infatuation. That's when we first smiled. It was as if we've known each other for many years, you felt so comfortable with me even though I noticed that you're generally shy.

It's strange that they took you before you could say anything to me but luckily I could read what was in your mind and I've tried for so many days to relive our first meeting in my mind, word for word. I keep seeing your adorable face and I know I have to see you again, to be around you, to be with you.

You are all I want and all I need. You are my true angel from heaven and that first day I saw you is still vivid in my memory and always will be. it's how it started - true love at first sight!

I love you Sara.

Elsewhere Sara who seemed lost in thoughts since that incident,was still impatiently waiting for Jann to come to her because she was hopeful that he felt the same for her and to her surprise, she received a letter from him, which she found on her dressing table in her room.