

Wait! Was Trion going to watch her change her clothes? She hoped he was mature enough to understand.

Holding the dress, Araxie quickly stared at Trion, waiting and hoping that he would walk away and let her change but no, he kept his eyes fixed on her, without blinking instead.

"What's wrong. You didn't like the dress?"he asked as if he didn't know what was bothering her.

"No."she hurried to say. She had liked the dress but his presence wasn't letting her admire it to her satisfaction.


"Oh... yes. I mean I like it but..."

"But what?"he asked stubbornly.

"I can't change with you here. Can you please give me some space. Come back when I'm done changing "

"What. You mean me being here is bothering you this much. Do you even know why I can't leave you alone even for a second?

How would you know when it's your first time spending a night under the sea."he shouted at her.

Araxie found it strange but couldn't bring herself to ask him anything.

"I'm sorry. I shouted at you for no reason. I didn't realize I was shouting at you."he apologized in realization. "Actually... I don't think I'm a bad creature or that I want to see your nakedness. I can't just walk away and leave you all alone because it's not safe here since a lot of dangerous hungry animals are now roaming around looking for what to eat. They might find you here and....."he explained.

"Feed on me?"she breathed after waiting for him to finish his sentence but he didn't.

"Don't say it please. I don't wanna hear it because I can't imagine how my life would be without you now that I've felt and experienced what love really is. I won't be able to live without you my love. That's why I'm staying here whether you're changing your clothes or not. I promise you nothing is going to harm you because I won't allow that."he assured.

Araxie found herself having no other choice but to wrap herself in a blanket before taking off her clothes, in his presence!

When she was done, she laid down on the bedsheet and covered herself with that woollen blanket that they just got her, leaving one well folded sheet aside for him.

"You'll need this."she mumbled while putting it aside.

As she laid down, she thought about her life and what had come happening with her life.

"What if he doesn't take me back to the top"she panicked at the thought. "No, I've seen he's a good man. He'll surely take me there."she breathed.

She slowly raised her head as she wanted to check if he was still staring at her and found he was still doing so.

"Do you need anything?"he asked.

"No. I was just checking to see if you're still here."

"Hmmm. Is that all?"

"Yes."she lied little did she know he knew it all.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you that you are looking so beautiful in that brown sleeveless dress. You've reminded me of my mom. She used to look so stunning in brown dresses too. Brown was her favorite color you know."his eyes were tearing up as he talked.

His words were getting Araxie emotional that she found herself in pools of tears even when she didn't know the whole story.

"I thought..t-the other lady.... That's why I didn't ask you about her."

"No dear. That lady is one of my maids and not my mother.

My sweet mom went far away from me when I was twelve years old."he told her.

"Why did she go away and left you all alone in this big sea."

"I guess that's how it was meant to be. She never left willingly. Perhaps her time to live was up."

"What are you saying. Did she leave or d.... You know there's a big difference between these two."

Trion was beating around the bush which was getting Araxie lost as she tried to figure out what he really meant.

She thought it was wise of her to ask.

"It's very late. You have to sleep."he was changing the topic now. He felt he should dodge Araxie's question but she wasn't ready to give up -she insisted.

"Yes, she's no more now. It's been ten years since she left this world."he was shedding tears with his eyes closed before he felt that girl's soft hands rubbing down his tears off his face, "shuhhh, don't cry Sir. I can understand what you must be feeling right now. I really know how it feels to lose your loved one because I didn't only experience it once but twice!

The first time was when my mom was beheaded and fed on by the witches (Marina and her daughter, Casey) before my very own eyes at the age of six.

I was shattered. I hoped they would kll me too but they never did. They captured me and threw me into a very deep pit in the middle of the jungle as they were sure no one would ever find me.

There were lots of human skulls and bones. It looked like a slaughtering place for a certain fierce animal.

I was scared and so much frightened that I never thought of shouting and calling out for help, fearing that the owner of the pit would hear me before anyone else could and maybe eat me up. It was a dangerous situation for a six year old girl like me right then.

I just folded myself and buried my face between my folded arms since I didn't want to look at the scary skulls.

I was puzzled, I didn't have hope that I would be saved. I couldn't get a grip of myself to stop thinking about what just happened to my mom that she was no more. she was among the dead!

The second time was when her father died two days after being involved in an accident.

Casey and I were right there in the hospital with our father when he took his last breath.

You can't even imagine how lonely I've felt ever since that horrible day.

That merciless day which marked the beginning of my misery and suffering.

The very day that I lost everything I ever had, my smile, happiness, hope and everything.....all was over!

The day I will never forget no matter how hard I try to."she was crying that she didn't add another word.

Oh God, who was comforting the other? She hoped she didn't add salt to his words as if his own sorrow wasn't enough! She should've comforted him but here.... she was telling him painful stories.

Seeing Araxie's hazel eyes tearing up, Trion began cursing himself for reminding her of her past. He really couldn't bear seeing her cry like that. "I'm sorry dear. I wish I could make you forget about everything by showering you all my love - the best love that you really deserve.

Why can't you just look in my eyes and realize how much I love you. I can't handle seeing you sad like this. It's killing me softly."he breathed with clenched teeth before embracing her.

"Hey, stop crying otherwise you'll be heard. I mean by the hungry beasts."he said as he wiped down her tears with the back of his palm. "My mom always told me that handsome men don't cry and I think it applies to beautiful ladies too. And these tears, they don't look good on your pretty face."he added.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to cheer you up and I didn't realize I was making it worse by sharing the painful incidents of my life with you. You're very emotional."

"What are you saying. I'm not emotional like you. Did you see how you got emotional so easily because of my short story about my mother! Now you're saying that I'm emotional?"he reminded her.

"Hey, I didn't get emotional. I just cried because I saw you do it."

"And what that?"

"Nothing."she said with a slight smile that didn't show out any of her teeth.

Trion felt so happy that he managed to cheer her up. "I love you Araxie."he whispered but Araxie ignored everything and went to sleep.

Meanwhile the expression on Trion's face changed, his face fell as he wondered what he could've said to upset her.

"I hope she doesn't dislike me this much."

After she had kept quiet Trion decided to lay down too.

There was silence for some hours until Araxie opened her eyes slowly and saw that Trion was still there watching over her.

"What's your name again?

Never mind... I remember you've told me about your mom, won't you tell me about your father. You didn't tell anything about him yet. Who's your father."she asked with her head raised.

"How was your sleep. I must say you're talented. You're the best... seriously."he was laughing.

"Talented. What do you mean."

"You're very good at snoring. No one can do it better than you."he was looking for trouble.

"Me. Snoring! Never."

"So no one has ever told you that. Do you think I'm lying. And why would I lie to you anyway."

"I don't know what you intend to win after spoiling my mood. But don't worry because it's not that simple as it looks to be.

I even control my sleep when I'm sleeping.

Like your mother, my dad once told me that beautiful girls don't snore"

"I see you finally accepted that you're beautiful - I'm a little bit convinced that you'll eventually accept my love someday."Trion was so happy. He was aware that Araxie had started liking him a little bit. He could read her mind that's why.

"Why can't you see that I'm already drowning in your love. I'm only scared of my mom. Who knows what she would do after I confess my love for you. I don't know but she might end up killing us."she mumbled softly but he heard it all with his charming magic.

"Did you say something?"

All he wanted was to hear her admit she was in love with him too. But instead of doing that, she was busy sharing it with herself!

"How can I convince you that I will take care of everything afterwards. Yours is only to confess your love to me and let my magic do the rest. Please Araxie."he was talking to himself.

"Hey, I asked you something. Don't tell me that you can't share anything about your father with me. Is he that bad that you can't tell about him? Even if he's that weird you can still tell me. I won't tell him anything and anyway I don't think our paths would ever meet."

"You really need to rest otherwise you'll go crazy. This is how they start."

"So you're telling me to mind my own business! I can't believe this."

"I didn't say that. I only ask of you to sleep."

"I don't feel like sleeping again. I'm not a baby who would fall sick because it didn't get enough sleep."

There was silence for awhile. "How about if we can play this game."Araxie started, breaking the silence.

"What game?"

"I slept and you watched over me. I think you should rest and I..."

"Keep quiet! Do you even realize what you're saying? Do you think it's that easy. Can you even scare away anything."

"Anything. I don't understand."

"Can you chase or fight a crocodile if it comes to attack me when I'm asleep, can you?"

"Why not?"stubbornly Araxie challenged.

She never accepted defeat so easily.