

Although Casey was sound asleep, Araxie's kiss did something to her! All her pain disappeared the moment Araxie placed her lips on her forehead and kissed her but unfortunately, she left before Casey could open her eyes to thank her maybe.

•••What a coincidence!

Everyone was left amazed on witnessing such an amazing coincidence.

The moment the priest announced Trion and Araxie as husband and wife, the voice of a crying baby echoed through the walls of the wedding Hall.

"Casey has delivered!"both Trion and Araxie said coincidentally that caused their lips to curve in a smile.

And since the rituals were all done,they both ran straight to Casey's room where they found her rested on the bed with Marina carrying the newly born baby boy in her arms.

"Congratulations on your wedding day. May you live happily together hereafter!"Marina quickly said to those two ( Trion and Araxie) who were still in their bridal attires.

"Thank you so much Mom.

Give it to me."Araxie was asking for the baby. It was her nephew after all!

"It's so cute. It looks just like me."she chuckled on holding the baby in her arms.

"Wow! Now I know how it feels like to be an aunt. So much happiness! Congratulations sister."

"Thank you so much sister. You know what, the moment you kissed me on the forehead,I felt like something was telling me to wake up and push harder. You're so magical sister."

"Hey! Don't cry please."Araxie rubbed off tears from her sister's face.

"At least give me a minute to congratulate my sister in-law. It seems like you two sisters won't get enough of each other."Trion chuckled which lightened Casey's face again. "You're a mother now sister in-law. I think you should forget about your sister and focus on your baby otherwise this lady here would steal your baby's motherly love I'm telling you."Trion never missed a chance to tease Araxie.

Although Trion and Araxie were legally married, they were still not magically and naturally husband and wife. Something special was still lacking to tighten their bond and that's why they had to reperform the marking and mating rituals where Trion had to bite his wife, Araxie and then both of them had to see each other first on opening their eyes the next day.

Two months later, when the royal house was decorated just like heaven for Neel and Casey's baby's naming ceremony, another coincidence took place which scared everyone as they were left gossiping and wondering how things had come happening coincidentally.

It was coming to 2pm when Araxie collapsed suddenly as soon as the guests took their seats.

On examining her, what the doctor told Trion left everyone so happy. "Congratulations sir. You're going to be a father soon. Your wife is pregnant."the doctor said.

For a moment Trion felt like hugging the doctor and swing him around for giving him such wonderful news but then he realized he had to thank his wife instead.

It was because of her that he'd be called father soon.

Taking a few steps towards the bed where Araxie laid flatly unconscious, Trion bent over and kissed her on the lips before he spoke. "It's strange that the reason you're laying down like this is the same reason for this smile on my face.

I'm so happy that we're going to be parents my love. I'm going to be a father and you, a mother. I please request you to wake up and rejoice with me because you're the reason I'm this happy Araxie."Trion said with so much excitements.

He was going to leave the room when Araxie tightened her grip on his hand and Trion could feel that she was listening to him though she didn't say something back.

"You can hear me? I just love you so much baby."Trion added.

The harder Araxie tried to open her eyes and share such amazing happiness with her husband, the more pain she felt that she couldn't bring herself to sit upright too.

"What's happening to me. Why am I in a lot of pain?"Araxie breathed as she composed herself together but she wasn't able to and that's why she shared every detail of her pain with her mother in-law, Tia, who was the one and only ruling queen of the palace.

Everything sounded new to Tia too. She couldn't figure out what the cause of such pain was but then she remembered Mrs Vina's magical diary.

"Oh gosh! Years have passed now....how will i find it? And, won't merpeople fear me? Won't they mistake me for a ghost? Oh no, what do i do now.

How will i explain everything to them now that I no longer possess the bead.

I know they'll find it fishy and they might stop me from entering the mermaidal palace that's why i have to sneak inside without getting seen.

I Should have asked King Beryl to come with me but after what happened a long ago left everyone in the merpeople family very furious at him.

They all know that he was the reason for my death and if both of us present ourselves before them anyhow, they will think that he's fooling them and I'm not their Tia. And if i btought Trion with me, it would be trouble. I'm pretty sure they're mad at him for neglecting them for all these months now so i had to come alone and deal with them on my own."Tia thought as she swam in the Akira sea that was once under her control years ago.

Luckily she managed to sneak into the palace without anyone noticing her but unfortunately, the door to the queen's corner failed to open. It always opened magically using the bead and now, the bead belonged to someone else (Araxie)!

How would she get in because it's where she expected to find Vina's magical diary.

She just hoped to find a way before anyone could see her.

Still wondering how she would break in, the door fell open with a bang.

"Go on. I will lock you in there and come back to open for you later. I have to go before they see me." It was Trion. He had followed her because he felt she would need his help.

Araxie may have been the new queen of the sea but since Trion had not introduced her to the sea and its creatures, everything was still under his control- that's why the door opened under his order.

"Thank you son."

"Don' t be formal with me mother. In fact i should be thanking you instead. I understand that by doing this, you're risking your precious life just to save my wife and the baby."

"Don't forget that araxie is my daughter and right now, she's carrying the precious treasure that has ever happened to me and that's none other than my grandchild. I can't stand seeing her in that pain anymore. And as risking my life is concerned, nothing is going to happen to me.

I may have spent years without the merpeople but I'm fully sure that they won't fail to recognize me. I'm even sure that some of them might have started feeling my presence.

I lived with them for a very long time and during my reign, I never hide anything from them so they'd quickly realize that something is really not right.

They will give me a chance to talk and they'll surely listen to me but I'm confused, i don't know what I'll tell them when they ask about you. Remember they had that you got married and you haven't brought your wife over. They must be angry at you,don't you think?"

"Don't worry mother. The merpeople are my own people, they're my family and someone who's family can't get angry at a fellow family member for so long. They'll forgive me once they get to know what kept me on land for all this time. I hope Araxie gets well soon. I will fix everything and before you know it, they'll be proud of me once again. I will win their trust back."Trion assured before he disappeared.

He had to right next to his wife who was fighting for both her life and the baby's.

On reaching the castle, Trion was welcomed by the voice of a crying baby of which he thought it was Ryker's. Ryker was the name that Neel and his wife, Casey chose for their son.

"Ryker! Why's he crying so loudly?"Trion wondered as he rushed inside following the crying voice that led him straight to his bedroom.

It wasn't just him, everyone else heard the same voice as well so they all found themselves crowded in the corridor to Trion and Araxie's room.

"How's this even possible. The doctor said that our lady is one-month pregnant so.....whose baby is crying in there?"those who liked gossip had already started.

"I'm sure it's something to do with her magic."some would say.