
Witches Forest'

People go missing all over the world. Some get found, but some remain a mystery and then are forgotten over time. The causes of these cases are from a selection of circumstances: kidnapping, getting lost, being a victim of a crime, miscommunication or even mental illnesses. In this case, the circumstances are drastically different. Genre: mystery, bit of thriller, "bit of romance," horror, comedy, action, adventure

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People go missing all over the world. Some get found, but some remain a mystery and then are forgotten over time. The causes of these cases are from a selection of circumstances: kidnapping, getting lost, being a victim of a crime, miscommunication or even mental illnesses. In this case, the circumstances are drastically different.

Cori(15) is on the women's track and field team for her highschool. Since summer is coming up, she decided to make a groupchat with all of her best friends to go on a camping trip in a forest near town. During her break, she texts the group chat her idea to go camping, right after she sent the message, her teammates called her back to keep practicing for the final race for their school.

Kenneth(15) was reading his nerdy books during his after school time, he got a message from the groupchat, saying,

"Cori: Who's down to go camping near the forest this weekend?"

He agreed, he usually spends time studying on weekends but since he has all A's, He thinks it's okay. His parents won't have a problem for a little weekend trip, even though he has strict asian parents. His good grades should calm them down.

Brock(15) is next to notice the message Cori sent, He didn't have any time to answer Cori's message since his African parents force him to do his schoolwork and chores or else they'll take away his video games, so the groupchat had to wait for a response.

The next to reply is Aaron. Aaron(16) just finished his set for his afternoon workout, he likes the idea of going out for the weekend since he could probably go hiking and work out, especially since it'll be during summer break.

Brittany(15) is doing a makeup routine video for her "social media career," which is only a few thousand viewers every live. Still, she keeps up the effort for the attention. She reluctantly agrees to the idea of going out camping, especially because she thinks she'll get loads of views. Although she hates the thought of being outside because all the bugs and dirt.

Back to Brock, he finally finished doing his chores and schoolwork. He says sorry for the late response and also agrees. He said to his friends that it sounds like a video game he once played.

With the preparations all set they are ready for their school year to end and to embark on their trip.

Hopefully y'all like this one..

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