
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

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350 Chs

Finding You (II)

By the time those eight men arrived, both Ice Fist and Shadow had lost their fight and were half-dead and paralyzed in the woods.

Eleazar, who was studying the Frost Gloves, looked up and glanced at a few people.

"Is there such a proliferation of transcendental equipment over in Loran?"

There was no conversation, four rushed forward, four backed up, and various attacks came from all directions.

Long swords, daggers, and axes shatter with a single knock.

Arrows, projectiles, frost rays, and ice pick spells, all fail.

Looking at the transcendent metal fragments all over the ground, the scene was dead silent for half a second before those eight figures suddenly turned around and ran.

Witcher took a deep breath.

A red light spread up from his chest that his clothes couldn't even stop.

"ROAR!!!" An earth-shattering roar.

The eight people's heads directly blanked out, all consciousness extinguished, and they flew out backward like rag dolls in the shockwave that rolled behind them.


The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the entire suburb, making the earth quickly scorched black shockwave spread for several kilometers, trees, boulders, and everything along the way all shook up, slowly turning into ashes, an adjacent bridge directly broke, and the river boiled, the distant farm also shook for a moment, and then slowly collapsed, the green stone road crumbled inch by inch, the entire orchard turned into a piece of scorched earth.

In the center of that scorched blackness, all that remained was a brownish-yellow land that looked like an island, and two people on the ground looked up in disbelief.

"What class of ability is this..."

It was a high temperature that they could not understand at all, and everything around them was instantly incinerated.

The only ones who had managed to maintain a bit of an outline in this dragon's breath were the eight Transcendents who had been turned into charred corpses.

Sensing the transcendental activity slowly settling in the distance, Eleazar turned back toward the two and said faintly, "Welcome to Celine."

The two Transcendents finally reacted, and their faces were instantly filled with panic.

"No... No, don't give us to the Acolytes!"

"I'll tell you everything, please let me go!"

The two who had already had their arms and legs broken begged bitterly.

Eleazar ignored them and instead walked over to the fruit tree, which had completely withered, and curiously touched it with his hand.

"Strange, what is it?"

The charred trunk of the tree, suddenly a pair of eyes opened.

It was followed by another lightning-fast flash of residual shadow.

The Titan Defense, which the Transcendent Team had no point in doing anything about, was directly pierced through by a dagger.


Eleazar froze and suddenly kicked the tree trunk in front of him, staggering back and covering his bloodied throat.

The man who had emerged from the shadows at his feet sent the dagger gently into the back of his heart again, stirring it, ducking his head to avoid the sweep of his arm, and speaking faintly:

"Do you know how all the Witcher died in the distant past?"

"They are like kittens, full of compassionate curiosity, checking out everything with their senses, and scratching with their claws when they can't detect any danger."

A wave of fire rolled through, finally forcing that terrifying Shadow Martial Artist back.

"Cough cough..."

Eleazar covered his throat and breathed hard for a moment, his eyes looking dead at his opponent's weapon.

"All of the weapons crafted from Titan Divine Steel are divine weapons, and it's a waste for you to use them to transform them into legendary defenses."

The man in ordinary clothing and extremely ordinary appearance gently flipped the dragon tooth dagger in his hand.

"Although you can crush people with such high characteristics that mongrels can't understand..."

"But all the same, we can crush you hard with all sorts of high traits you can't understand."

The two stragglers on the ground, after finally discovering that the so-called commission was just a death bounty for summoning cannon fodder to test the waters, frantically tumbled outside in an attempt to escape from the center of the maelstrom of high-ranked Sequencers' fight.

Eleazar, who was mobilizing transcendental activity to heal his wounds, discovered that he had also been injected with some horrific poison system that made his body incredibly cold and rigid.

Silently mobilizing his Dragonflame again to resist the cold invasion, he lowered his gaze.

The Shadow Warrior disappeared again without warning.

Mythic Weapons, Mythic Poison System, and that prop that's immune to the Dragonflame Burst...

The normal five senses could no longer catch the other side, leaving only the superb psychic perception that was given to tracking evil, which could barely foretell some strange movements around them.

He suddenly ducked his head, dodging the slash that swung to the back of his neck.

The palm of his hand opened and closed again, and a silver sword appeared, backhanded and backlifted.

Without even looking at the results of the counterattack, the silver sword quickly flipped again, the tip of the sword down into the scorched earth, energized at full force.

The sudden eruption of white-silver light blew that ghostly figure out.

"What a strong sense, worthy of a Witcher."

With a sigh of approval, the Shadow Warrior looked down again at the black inner armor that was melting a bit on his body.

"Silver is the nastiest thing in the world."

Circling Witcher somewhat cautiously, he suddenly laughed:

"You don't have a second silver sword, do you?"

Dropping the lone hilt, Eleazar pulls out his revolver.

"Don't get embarrassed with something like a silver bullet."

The opponent raised his dragon tooth dagger to knock away five bullets.

"Hand over the Elder's collection and maybe I can let you die a quick death."

"And don't expect the acolytes to come to your rescue."

The Shadow Warrior licked the dagger cruelly.

"Just while you were dealing with the stragglers, I've finished with all those fireflies in the church."

"It's a good place you picked, and they're all dead because of you."

Looking at Witcher's unchanged face, the Shadow Warrior narrowed his eyes and laughed again:

"Oh yeah, and the little acolyte who secretly helped you with the magic potion ritual."

"She's moist~"

Eleazar, who had thought his heart had been rock solid inside him long ago, found that it was still a little twisted in his heart upon hearing the news.


Eleazar's face remained unchanged, indifferent as if he didn't have a trace of emotion as a human, except for the red mist that filled his body at some point.

Witcher spoke slowly, "You, are classified as evil!"

"Is this your killing intent?"

Looking at the bloodthirsty Witcher, the Shadow Warrior narrowed his eyes.

"Igniting transcendental activity with hatred and exploding beyond limits?"

"But isn't that a passive ability?"

What answered his doubts was an invisible sword light that seemed to slice through space and time.

Very peculiar invisible weapon.

It's not much of a special effect, it just makes it impossible to defend against it.

His brain couldn't react at all, and if it wasn't for the subconscious reaction provided by the <Combat Master> ability, he might have been split in half by a sword just like that.

The lightning-like raised dragon tooth dagger managed to block the sword's light, and the shadow martial artist flew lightly backward with the huge force that was transmitted.

"Sure is scary, is this how those dark creatures feel when they come face to face with you?"

Witcher on the ground slowly raised his head.

In the next second, the red mist dragged out a lurid crimson trajectory, swooping down the figure and flying slowly backward in the air.

The Shadow Witcher just wanted to launch his Shadow Escape ability, but he was horrified to find that the Witcher, who had donned a pitch-black armor at some point, had that pair of black hand nails glued to his shoulders as if they had melted, and the veins in the surrounding area had become pitch-black and horrifying, and it seemed as if they had already fused in some kind of miraculous way.

He couldn't bring two men to dive into the shadows.




In the afternoon, the Arbiter arrived in a hurry with a whole team of acolytes.

In the remnants of the sun, in a branch church full of bodies and blood, Witcher slowly turns around with a woman's body in his arms.