
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

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350 Chs

 Morning Glory Badge

A man was walking down the street with a very confused expression.

He walked into a small restaurant with his eyes dulled and muddled.

The waiter and cook at the front desk suddenly turned their heads to look at him.

The two women at the table next to them also mechanically twisted their heads.

And the two repairmen at the back table likewise.

The man froze in his seat.

The waiter rudely put down a glass of water for him and left.

The man lowered his head but saw that the water on the table was fading away.


He turned his head again and saw a worker behind him moving his fingers around, tapping them as fast as a telegraph.

The other worker's eyeballs, on the other hand, twitched rapidly from side to side as if he were mimicking a train in motion.

"Perdure perdure..."

The chef was mechanically chopping vegetables and kept his mouth open and closed.

So is the fish on the counter.

The posters on the wall were still seeping water down.

Immediately after that, the strange movements of the men became faster and faster, all so that the men could gradually see no more.

The cook made a sudden turn, his features moved up and down, his fingers were constantly lengthened and shortened, and his left and right eyes were wide and small

The man averted his gaze in horror, then saw, again, that the waiter was smiling at him.

Then it was seen that two workers were as well.

And the two women's features followed suit.

The man was terrified as a tiny hand suddenly burrowed out of the waitress girl's eye, as bloody as a still developing embryo, and grasped the eyeball and kept shaking it.

Turning back in fear, he saw that the eyes and mouths of the two workers were gone again, as were the two women.

The small hand retracted into the girl's eye, but it forgot to put it back in, and the one-eyed waiter came to kneel in front of the man, tilted his head up, and opened his mouth as wide as a faceplate.

The man seemed to cry and laugh as he shed tears, and following the girl's suddenly enlarged esophagus, he saw many faces in his vision, opening and closing their mouths, one after the other.

Then the two faceless women came to him in a dance.

The men couldn't help but nod their heads along with their dance moves.

The speed of his nodding gradually increased as the movements of the dance became faster and faster.

Suddenly, the man's features followed suit, his eyes zooming in and out in a big way, and his mouth and nose lengthening and shortening rapidly.

By the time the man ran out of the store, all five features were gone, turning him into a faceless man.



"Morning Badge, disarm your defenses and lodge into your flesh and blood, the holy light properties within will allow you to ward off contamination, stabilize your spirit, and intermittently remove the effects of contamination,"

"The side effects are a reduction in your transcendental activity, a weakening of all your abilities, and brain damage from wearing it for long periods, with a time limit."

Fintan explains what the props do and hands over a white and silver colored badge.

Eleazar took it and after looking it up and down for a moment, watched as the knight pressed the brooch into the socket of his collarbone, followed by an expression that grimaced and looked very sore.

He then looked to Witcher.

"What are you waiting for?"

Eleazar mused for a moment, following his lead and pressing the silver insignia into his collarbone socket as well.

At that moment, a conical sharp pain spread out from his chest, and he could feel as if his soul had also been pierced by the insignia, and an invisible confinement fixed the spirit body firmly in his body.

Witcher's mouth dropped open and his brows furrowed together as he let out a silent cry of pain before rubbing his chest to calm his ugly expression.

"This hurts too much!"

And Knight is already proofreading against the clock.

"One hour, remember, we can usually only wear these holy light props for one hour, of course, if you're strong-willed forget I said that."

After making their defenses, the two on the roof looked down at the street below again.

The streets are full of faceless people, wandering around in a state of confusion.

A heavily polluted northern town with a resident population of around two thousand, but less than half of the people noticed the change and fled in panic, based on their descriptions, this place has indeed come into contact with something related to the Evil God, or simply someone reciting the names of those who are not to be called by their direct names.

"You investigate the source of the contamination, I'll find out if there are any survivors."

The knight again briefly assigned tasks according to the strength of both sides.

With that said, he crawled like a spider through the eaves into the window below. Eleazar pondered for a moment, and simply jumped straight down.

The streets were quiet for a moment, and then uncountable contaminants swooped in.

With a flash of silver light like that of the waning moon, those monsters flew backward at an even faster speed.

In the middle of the day, the knight who had finished checking the house stepped out, and he saw that the bodies of the contaminants were laid out in the street from the end of the street to the end of the street.

The back of the man who was in a slaughtering frenzy could still be vaguely seen in the distance.

Fintan was baffled.

Walking into a swarm of monsters means being in contamination all the time.

And every time the Morning Glory Badge takes effect, it brings a sharp pain like a tear in the soul.

The man whose face is always bland and who has recently taken to drinking has that much willpower?

It didn't take long for everyone in the polluted town who didn't have five senses to fall into a pool of blood.

That transformation ritual called Dark Harvest kept running, slowly eating away at the Legendary Magic Potion that had a huge amount of energy as a monster fell, transforming it into Transcendent Activity.

After exploring a few houses the knight walked out helplessly.

"How's your investigation going, no survivors on my end."

Witcher, who was tilting his head back to realize the changes in the magic potion, opened his eyes.

[Residue of magic potion: 10000 9023]

"There's been a lot of progress, all the contaminants on the street have been cleaned up."

"I was asking about the source of the contamination..."

Eleazar explained blandly, "Let's get all that stuff in the way cleaned up first so we can facilitate the investigation."

Listening to the words without any emotional ups and downs, the knight silently walked to the next room.


The figure that had just stepped into the room flew out backward, destroying the wall of the store across the street.

Eleazar looked back to see a figure with no features on its face, only a mouth grinning a gap to the back of its head, slowly walking out.

It's a slightly more advanced contaminant, related to the source, and at least used to be in the neighborhood before the mutation.

Witcher rushes up and, in a burst of excruciating pain that rips through his soul, cleaves the monster in half left and right with his silver sword.

Walking across the room again, he pulled out the knight embedded in the wall.

"Shame on you!"

Seeing him return to his usual tone, the knight broke into a fit of rage.

"This sneak attack was supposed to greet you!"

"Okay, okay, at most I'll take the fall for you next time too."

The two then went to the home of the senior contaminant and they carefully investigated the clues.

"Look at this!"

The knight who seemed to have found something yelled upstairs.

Eleazar quickly walks up the stairs and then sees Fintan holding an invitation with the title page:

[This is a cruel and unjust world where order is chaos and the only eternity is pain.]