

As Beatrice stared at the metallic bug in her hands for a few moments, she couldn't help but let out a sigh, shaking her head.

"There's nothing visible on the outside," mumbled Beatrice as she slowly moved the bug around, trying her best to see if anything was visible.

But sadly, Beatrice could not find anything that could help her figure out the use of the bug.

After a few moments, Beatrice took out a small black box from under her net, opening it and revealing a thin transparent needle sitting inside of it.

Just as Beatrice was about to place the bug inside of the box, she suddenly hesitated before suddenly closing it and placing it back under her desk.

A moment later, Beatrice got up from her desk and opened a drawer, revealing a dozen or so small empty boxes sitting inside, some of them made out of metal, some

After picking a suitable box, Beatrice placed the small metal bug inside of it, before sealing it shut, making sure that no matter what it little bug did, it could not exit the small metal box.

"This should be fine," mumbled Beatrice as she opened up another drawer, placing the metal box inside it before closing it again.

The reason Beatrice decided to hold the two objects separately was very simple.

With how tricky this Ighor Ruinheart was, Beatrice was completely sure that the two objects could probably work together in some way.

At the same time, fearing that the bug would break open the box it was confined in and fly out, Beatrice decided to use a metal box instead.

After making sure that everything was in order, Beatrice once again sat back down at her desk and began examing the Information Cube, once again trying to decypher the numerous inscriptions placed onto it.


At this moment, Ighor Ruinheart, who by all means seemed to be completely asleep, was deep in thought.

'It looks like she was cautious enough to not place them together,' thought Ighor, seeing that his trap had not had its desired effect.

Even so, Ighor was not discouraged in the slightest.

Although there was a large chance that the Witch of Death was merely tricking him and luring him to show her his cards, Ighor still took the bait.

After all, this was probably his last chance to escape this place.

Suddenly, something began slowly moving inside of Ighor's brain which Beatrice had previously inspected.

Although Beatrice did research the brain a great deal, compared to Ighor, who has been researching it for over one hundred years, she was still too far behind.

Perhaps not even the Witch of Death had such a deep knowledge of the brain, after all her research was focused on something else entirely.

At this moment, a tiny metallic being slowly began crawling out of Ighor's eyeball.

A few moments later, the tiny being had successfully exited Ighor's body, landing on his palm.

After waiting a few moments, the being suddenly began drilling into the ground, when Ighor's expression suddenly froze.

At this moment, Beatrice was still fully focused on examing the information cube, after all, she had already done her due diligence.


The next day,

As Beatrice was about to walk in front of a cell, she suddenly stopped and slowly took in a deep breath, before continuing on.

The moment Beatrice walked in front of the cell, she suddenly felt a conflicted gaze land on her.

Inside of the cell stood what looked like a teenage boy, one who looked even younger than Beatrice, but even so, Beatrice did not dare underestimate the boy.

This was Daniel, the mage with the most hatred for her teacher out of all of the ones she had captured not long ago.

But unlike Beatrice's expectations, Daniel's opinion on her seemed quite weird, causing Beatrice to not like him in the slightest.

As such, the moment Beatrice saw that he was about to open his mouth, she suddenly shocked him, and began quickly checking that everything was alright with his cell.

After that, Beatrice quickly walked away, not wanting to be in this place any longer.


The moment Beatrice walked into another hallway, she suddenly felt the walls around her shaking, causing her to slightly frown.

"Will this guy continue doing this every day?" mumbled Beatrice as she suddenly shocked the mage who was being confined inside of the cell, causing the shaking to suddenly stop.

After that, Beatrice then walked up to the cell and stared inside.

Unlike the other mages, who were unrestrained and free to move about inside of their cells, inside of this cell stood a middle-aged man, chained to the wall with all of his limbs restrained.

Right now, the middle-aged man was slightly shaking, having lost control of his body.

"It looks like the chains are still fine," mumbled Beatrice as she further examined the cell from the outside.

As Beatrice inspected the wall behind the man, the latter suddenly began struggling, causing Beatrice to once again shock him, causing him to lose control of his body.

"The wall is also fine," mumbled Beatrice before walking away, leaving the limp middle-aged man alone.

As Beatrice was walking, she suddenly felt the walls once again begin shaking, causing her to frown.

"If you became able to shock their spirits, would it have taken so much more effort to pacify them?" mumbled Beatrice as the shaking once again stopped as the middle-aged man lost control of his body.


Staring at the blond woman, who was sitting on the ground inside of her cell, Beatrice felt a headache incoming, but even so, she began inspecting the cell, making sure that the latter had made no attempt at escaping.

"Little Beatrice, I see that you still have some goodness in you, retur-"

Before Irelia could finish her sentence, she suddenly lost control of her body, as her spirit was suddenly shocked by Beatrice.

Whilst making sure that the latter's cell was in good condition, Beatrice shocked her a few more times, not allowing her to open her mouth even once.