
Witch fate

When everything ended during the time Harry potter and his friends stopped Lord Voldemort from destroying Hogwarts everything was at peace. A few years have passed and a young girl named Nicole was an orphan who had a gift at birth that no one wanted to adopt her. She always loved to see things that no one else seen and made up words that were like spells. One day on her 11th birthday she had received a letter and was invited to Hogwarts. She has always been the alone type of girl and decided to start her own path. Along the way she meets three friends Roselee Weasley, Eric Malfoy, and Luke Potter one of Harry Potter grandchildren. She had heard stories but now what will fate lead her now?

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4 Chs

Chapter 1: beginning

One stormy night a baby was born with a magical gift a witch with a curse and powerful bloodline , but on that night things where never the same every again. The baby was left on a door step of an orphanage with a note a familiar and a locket that her parents gave the baby, and were trying to keep the baby safe from one day learning the truth. The baby grew up into a young girl name Nicole she always wondered why she was abandon at birth but didn't think about it much. She was never adopted since things were not ordinary when it came to her and liked how she was now. She had just turned 11 and while she was playing with the only thing her family left her which was a pet snake named voltex. She then sees an owl swooped through the window with a letter in the mouth.

She then opens it and reads out loud "You have been accepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry we will be expecting a reply and everything has already been paid." She was wondering if she had to pay since she didn't have much money to be able to pay since she saved up. She was happy and excited that this had never happened before and was jumping that she jumped all the way up to the sky and broke the roof.

She had to go to diagon ally to get the right books and a wand also money Incase she needed anything else. She didn't know where it was until she had help from small friends to show her the way. She already has her pet so she doesn't need to go get another one. She looks at the broom store and wonder how much was there. A person was behind her and said "You must be Nicole names JR Blackwood I'm here to help you out." She shakes hands with him and he helped her with everything even said that her family made a deposit for her many years ago and she got a small bag with gold coins in it. Her wand was a redwood wood with a unicorn hair core, 10" and pliant flexibility. He then said as he was dropping her off "If you need any help I will sense it and find you" he then disappears.

She then packs what she was given at the orphanage and from her parents. The letter had directions that lead the way to a train station called King's Cross platform 9 3/4. She was at the train station but didn't know where the platform 9 3/4 was until a small figure had shown her where. She has the ability to see things that no one can see and it looked like a fairy. She then follows the small figure and sees other children go into a wall. She was nervous and then asked the group of family "Is this platform 9 3/4? How are we suppose to go through?" The mother said "You just go through and it might be best to run for a kick start." The young girl said to her "good luck" and Nicole ran and was amazed on how everything looks.

She then walks into the train and didn't know where to sit everything was new to her. She then walks into an empty car and sat there and hold her stuff close her heart. Voltex was with the other familiars trying to be on his best behavior because he wanted his master to enjoy herself. Nicole then hears the door open and sees three people standing and staring at her. The boy asked "Hi, can we sit in here all the seat are already taken?" She nods as they came in and put there stuff on the top. The girl sat with her as the two boys sat next to each other.

The boy looked at her and raised her hand to her and said "Hi, names Luke potter it's nice to meet you." She shakes his hand and the girl said "My name is roselee weasly." She shakes her hand and the other boy said "My name is Eric malfoy." She shakes his hand and then said "It's nice to meet you all my name is Nicole. I don't know my last name." She then looks at Luke and said "So are you like harry potter great grandson?" Luke then says "I am his great grandson. My parent's have told me sometimes I look like him in a way.

Roselee said "My parents tell me I look like my great grandmother. She was smart and talented in her own way despite being a muggle." Eric said "At least you guys don't have to live up to the name of Malfoy. I am glad to be one but I am not arrogant unlike some of my siblings that are on here and my older siblings as well it's tiring." He sighs and laughs while thinking about all the rules he has in his family. While they were talking roselee brought out a game to play with everyone to pass the time. They then see the school and the train then stops at the train station.

They all got off and then were told to get onto the boat to enter the school. She was sitting next to Luke in the boat as like magic the boat began to move on its own to the school. She was nervous and excited at the same time. As they got off from the boat she then sees one of the teachers standing there and walked them up the steps and said "You all will wait here as I will see if we are ready for you." She then goes through the door as we wait and then Nicole sees more of Eric family as he goes to them.

Nicole looks around as they were standing and it felt huge to her and she was rather nervous. A lot of the students went to Luke and his siblings and they all wanted an autograph. Roselee was with nicole and said "This place is just as I imagined it to be and much more" they both agree to that. The professor then comes out and leads and they all lined up to be sorted into their housing. They all sat down as the sorting hat was then passed onto each student and then came nicole. She was nervous as the hat was placed onto her and the hat said "Slytherin" and so she sat with eric since he was also placed into slytherin. She walked with the group to their chambers the girls and guys slept separate she didn't know anyone there but she has met a few people there.

She meets Rina Parkinson and Tina Zabini her new roommates and became friends with them. They talked about how their families were powerful and that they don't mess around if a member of their team gets hurt or mess around with the other housing just stick with them and they will be with you for a long time.