

I curled in my bed and let my tears fall for like thousand times already this months, another freaking month, that's how long it's been since Lucy kidnapped Rebekah and we still don't know anything about her. She doesn't call too often anymore, only when Rebekah cries too much.

I was desperate, so desperate that I would do anything to get my baby back, even leave Max if it's what it takes to get my baby back. I sniffed with a deep breath, shoving the covers aside to get off the bed after days of not leaving the room.

I headed to the babies' cribs that were moved inside the room so I could be closer to them. After what happened with Lucy, I don't trust anyone with my babies anymore. I picked Maximilian up and cuddled with him, my cheek brushing slightly against his forehead.

"We're going to bring your sister back, I promise." I kissed his forehead and put him back in the crib and then I went to Maxim who was sleeping safe and sound and brushed his face lightly with my fingertips.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead with a short smile lingering on my face. "You guys are the reason why I'm still on my feet." I wiped my tears away with a sniff as I tailed my fingertips across his face and pulled away when he flinched with a whine. "Ssh..." I moved away from the crib and headed toward the shower, taking my clothes off as I stepped inside.

I opened the handle and let the cold water pour down my body from head to toe, hoping to take some of the pain away. I had to stay strong for my babies, they are my goal from now one. I have to think about them too because at the end of the day, I had three, not one. I scrubbed my body from head to toe and got out until I felt that I was done.

I blow dried my hair and made them straight with my straighter until it was perfect. I headed to the room and walked inside of the walk-in closet, pulling out my white blouse and a fluffy beige high waist skirt with Max oversize sweater.

I took a deep breath and with a sigh I walked out of the room. If you guys haven't noticed Max and I don't sleep in the same room anymore, he didn't even bother to sleep next to me, giving me time. I headed down the stairs and stopped when I heard laughter in the kitchen, how much I missed these happy moments.

I calmed myself down and started to walk again down the stairs, making my way to the kitchen that turned suddenly still when they saw me standing in the doorway. I played with the sleeves of the oversize sweater and looked down, "Alexandra! We're happy that you're finally becoming your old self back."

I looked back up to stare at my mother, my black predator eyes staring back at her mockingly. Old self? Does it look like I'll ever be okay? "Old self? You call this old self. I'm broken mom, I will never be okay until my daughter is right here where she needs to be."

"Alexandra...." I shook my head as I scoffed, a smile appearing on my face as I laughed, scaring even myself. "I don't know how you all can be happy in a moment like this, two months, it's been two months since the kidnap of my daughter. I can't even take care of my sons, I have this pain, guilt. Crying isn't even working for me anymore; I don't know how many more tears I can shed."

Max pushed his chair back and made his way toward me as he went to pull me into a hug but I moved away, gripping the sweater. "I want my daughter back, Lucy could be miles away, states away and we don't even know!" He yanked me forward into a hug as I gripped his shoulders, crying my heart out.

"We will find her, I know we will."

Lucy's POV

I sat in my office and scrolled through the magazine with my feet crossed on my desk as my mother pace back and forth with that thing in her arms that won't stop crying. "Make her shut up!" I flicked my magazine aside and stood up abruptly, heading toward my mother.

"She won't shut up." My mother hissed back at me as she shoved me with that thing and left me alone with the burden. I groaned loudly and looked down at the thing in my arms that had the same eyes as Max, pure gold.

I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face at the thought of Max. "Why did you have to be Alexandra's daughter?" She stared back at me with widened eyes, her innocent eyes staring deep into my soul. "What are you doing to me?"

I felt it. A fuzzy feeling deep within me that was melting its way through my heart, breaking every stone wrapped around my heart like a cocoon. She let out a short cry as she moved around in my arms, yawning sleepily.

I swayed her in my arms gently as I muttered the song, I heard Alexandra sing to her. "A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella. Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea. A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella. Mi niña tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea."

I walked toward the office chair and sat down slowly, still muttering the lyrics of the song softly. "Fuentecita, que corre clara y sonora. Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora. Calla mientras la cuna se balancea. A la nanita nana, nanita ella."

"A la nanita nana, nanita ella, nanita ella. Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea. Fuentecita, que corre clara y sonora. Ruiseñor que en la selva cantando llora. Calla mientras la cuna se balancea. A la nanita nana, nanita ella." I looked down at a sleepy Rebekah and blinked my eyes furiously as the tears threatened to fall out.

I sniffed with a deep breath and picked up the office phone, pressing the numbers and put the phone on my ear. "Hello?" The voice answered hurriedly, like it was waiting for the call. "Insupportable I..." I gulped down slowly, my saliva suddenly thick and dry in my throat.

"What happened! What happened Lucy? Is Rebekah, okay? What did you do to her?" Alexandra's freaking out voice asked multiple questions and I couldn't help but broke at how vulnerable she sounded.

"No, she's okay." I sniffed loudly and gulped down. "She's here in my arms sleeping, she's so beautiful." I cried on the phone as I stared down at her sleeping face. "Listen here you bitch, give us our baby back or I swear to God that I'll kill you!" Max angry voice shouted through the phone.

"Lucy everything's okay, tell me what happened?" Alexandra's tender voice asked me, and I couldn't help but feel bad for everything I did to her. She's so sweet and kind girl who I never got to befriend because of my stupid idea that Max would someday be my mate.

How stupid was I? I spent all my life hating on other people and look at me now, where are all of my friends who backed me out when I needed them? They all fled and left me alone in the middle of nowhere. "The thing is that I see her here so tiny, sleeping, breathing peacefully and she's so different compared to you and I'm a monster."

"She's a baby, that's how babies are. Give her back to me Lucy she needs to be with her mom." She said broken, her voice sounding hurt. "Don't tell me so because you make me feel bad." I cried out as I moved my arm up and down gently. "She's so tiny and vulnerable right?" I breathed down raggedly as I stared down at her.

"Lucy." She started to say but I cut her off. "I look at her and think." I stopped for a moment as I looked ahead. "I could have a baby like her."

"And you can have it, you will have your baby." She insisted sharply and I sighed tiredly, sniffing. "No, I won't have her because you took that possibility away from me. You took everything away from me and this baby who is now in my arms should be mine." I gritted out sharply with a bit of anger in my voice.

"But she's mine." She barked back strongly, her patience dying down. "I already know that." I answered hurting. "Lucy, look at her, look at her in the eyes, look at her hands, her face, look how beautiful she is. Look at her with the eyes of your heart and you'll understand." She went back to her insupportable and pathetic self, making my dark side appear once more but I press it down.

"There's nothing to understand insupportable, I'm like this and I would like to be different, distinct but I can't, and I know everything I did and I am what I am." I hung up on her and stood up carefully, heading out of the office.

I walked toward my room and leaned down on it carefully, placing Rebekah's sleeping form next to me as I put my head on the pillow. The door opened and my mother walked in. "Crap! I went to the bank, and I couldn't take money because there were werewolves from Anderson's pack everywhere, how are we going to survive if we can't get our money!?"

I shushed her as Rebekah started to fuzz but went back still. "Shut your mouth." My mother cocked her head and stared at me with an incredulous look on her face and a humph. "What's wrong with you? Yes, I know that baby made you tired but don't worry baby because we're going to get rid of her." She pointed her fingers at Rebekah and stood up. "So, grab your stuff cause we're leaving."

"What are you planning on doing?" I sat up abruptly, bringing Rebekah with me. "What am I going to do? I'm going to grab that baby and take her away I assure you that. I'll do with her what I never got to do with you."

"What are you telling me? That we're going to take her away and sell her?" I stood up with her close to my body as I stared at my mom. "Yes baby, exactly that." She picked Rebekah's things and stuck them in her bag, slumping it on her shoulder.

"No." I said sharply, stepping away from her. She whirled around and stared at me with one raised eyebrow. "What?" Her face turned red and her whole posture changed. "You hear me, you'll never take her away." I turned around and ran toward the door, yanking it open as I rushed out of the door.

She yelled my name from behind me, making me walk faster until the point I was running. I ran out of our new hidden place and straight into the woods, far away from my mother. "Lucy!" I ran faster at my name being called again and made my way farther through the woods, slowing down to calm down my beating heart and leaned against a tree trunk.

I glanced down at a sleeping Rebekah and sighed, rocking her. "Lucy!" I broke into a run again until I was out and stopped, breathing down heavily. I waved my hand up and down when a car passed by and sighed in relief when it stopped.

"Sir, I need your help."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

anais_baromeocreators' thoughts