
Winter Black

Just a Harry Potter fanfic. The Mc is born as a black and will rise house black to its full glory. Won’t be reading the comments sorry, but do I care not. Hope you like it read if you want or don’t your time. Ohh almost forgot something will belong to other authors like J.K Rowling Ps. This is a boy not a girl I pretty sure the name winter is a boy or girl. For the last time winter is a BOY.

LunarWolf121 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


Back to the present, Winter was reading in the castle library. They live on the island where Lisa's family owns. The library was extremely big. It had all subjects of magic one could learn. From the killing curse to how to become an animagus.

Winter was reading on the basics of metamorphmagus. So he could better control his ability to transform. He didn't have the clumsiness of most metamorphmagus because of his godly-like control he wished for.

"Winter it's time for lunch, put the book down and come to the table." My mother said to me as I started heading to the kitchen. "Hey mom, when are you going to teach me potions? I already know the basic ingredients and how to mix them." Winter asked Lisa as she gave me a burger and fries.

"Meet me in my lab and I'll start you with the beginning of potions, my little snowflake." Lisa said winter didn't even care about the nickname since he was so happy about potions. Winter hurried and ate his food trying to get to potions faster.

After almost choking Winter drank chocolate milk in a hurry afraid of dying to a hamburger. After a while Winter headed to his mother's potions lab. When winter got there he saw the lab and he was astonished by the look. It looked like a scientist lad from the mid ages with potion ingredients and cauldron.

"Come over here I will lead you through the process to make a strength potion." Lisa said to winter as she saw him walk into the room. Winter started by crushing the snake fang into powder. Then took the arm bone and grinder it. Then put the fanged geranium inside the potion. After waiting a couple minutes winter finished the potion. "Oh my little snowflake is a potion genius. At the age of three he brewed a strength potion." Lisa said as she hugged Winter.

"Mom, where do you get all the potion ingredients from." Winter asked Lisa, who was still hugging winter. Lisa had a bright smile on her face as she looked at Winter. "Oh we never really had to buy our ingredients. The east side of the island is full of rare plants. We use those and store them in a time-stopping room to keep them from aging. The time stopped room uses a small time stone. The time stone has the ability to manipulate time. It is extremely rare they were mainly used for time turners. Though our family was able to buy the stone before it was ground and turned into a time turner."

Winter was shocked that they actually have a stone to manipulate time. 'That instead itself was an op power. I will have to go to the room of hidden things to see if I could find a time turner.' That was what Winter was thinking listening to his mother.


For every twenty power stones a five new chapter will be released. This will only happen for limited time you have until I reach chapter twenty. So if you guys/girls give this book power stones I will give you five additional chapters.