
Winter Black

Just a Harry Potter fanfic. The Mc is born as a black and will rise house black to its full glory. Won’t be reading the comments sorry, but do I care not. Hope you like it read if you want or don’t your time. Ohh almost forgot something will belong to other authors like J.K Rowling Ps. This is a boy not a girl I pretty sure the name winter is a boy or girl. For the last time winter is a BOY.

LunarWolf121 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


5 years later

Winter pov

"Mom, why are we going to gringotts. Why can't I stay at home in the library?" I asked my mother as she found me in the library. "You have to take your inheritance test to become the heir of Ashwood." My mom said I guess she wanted me to become heir. Though I didn't really care, I was reading a book on how to become a shaman. They borrowed the power of a spirit. When you become a master it is basically like djinn equip.

So I was studying how to perform the ritual and the materials required. I guess I would have needed to go to Diagon alley. As soon as we entered I saw the famous warning poem.

Enter stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed.

For those who take, but do not earn

Must pay most dearly their turn,

So if' you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned:n

beware Of finding more thani

treasure there.

I didn't Reilly care since a kid like Harry was able to break in and escape. So I didn't really mind. I plan on slowly taking money from my vault and transferring it to the island. "Let your vaults fill with gold and the blood of your enemies run like a river. I have come here to take the inheritance test." I said this in Gobbledegook. I already know. I understand, write, and speak most languages because of my wish. It was very useful to gave. Especially when you want to act stupid and let them talk in a different language. That way you can find out the actual color of people.

"Let your gold be high as mountains, and the blood of your enemies be as deep as the ocean. Follow me young wizard warrior ." The goblin said I guess they treat you with respect as long as you earn their respect. We went to a room with a knife, bowl, and a piece of paper. "We will need you to cut your hand and place the blood in the bowl." The goblin said I just sliced my hand in a deep wound. My bloodline allows me to heal almost immediately so I had to make the cut deeper.

After blood started to drop the wound was already healed. The goblin started chanting and the blood that went into the paper was really a sight even though I had done some rituals with my blood and tears. Stop whatever you are thinking. I am not a massacsis. I use blood because it is required in some things. My tears are phoenix tears that can literally heal all injuries.

Why wouldn't I use the I have a galleon of my tears. Luckily I could control my emotions with occlumency. Know it's almost automatic. That was the only reason I was able to get so much.

After the blood and the paper fused. The goblin gave me the piece of paper. I wasn't that shocked to see the results.

Winter Black

Heir of Ancient and Noble house of Black by blood and magic

Heir of Ancient and Noble house of Ashwood by blood and magic

Black family vault:

86,452,631,904 gold galleons

Dark artifacts

Rare magic books

Magic gems


Ashwood vault:

35,342,430,867 gold galleons

Enchanted artifacts

Lost magic books

Rare magic books

Dark artifacts

Light artifacts



Black manor(location 12 Grimmauld Place)

Black summer villa (location Paris)

Ashwood island (location unknown)

It was pretty much as I suspected. Though I thought I didn't expect that the black family would have so much money. Even though the Ashwood family if they didn't buy a lot they would have had a lot more money.

"I'll take you to the black family goblin young warrior wizard." The goblin said to me which I just nod back. Soon we came into a conference-like room with various runes to prevent people from spying.

An old looking goblin came in front of us while the goblin I was with left. "Let the bodies of your enemies pile up like a mountain, and your money never ends. I have come here to get the heir rings of house Ashwood and house Black." I asked the old goblin who didn't change his expression. He must have been doing this for a long time.

"Let the blood of your enemies become a never ending flood, and your vault big enough for you to swim. Hello young warrior wizard my name is Liphook I am your account manager. I will get you your heir rings." Liphook said, which I nodded as he called another goblin to bring the rings. It only took a couple of minutes for the goblin to bring two boxes. He handed it to Liphook who took it out of his hands and placed it on the table.

"You have to place the rings on your finger. If they don't accept you then it will fly back into the box. If you're not actually a part of the family who knows. One time I saw a person burn to death from not being part of the family blood." Liphook said which I could believe. Who would want someone not from their family to inherit all their wealth.

I grabbed the rings out of the box and placed them on my finger. Then it felt horrible like I was being searched all over my body. Though soon that feeling went away. Man did that feel bad it was like I couldn't hide anything from it. "Congratulations heir black and Ashwood. You can inherit the lord ring on your seventeenth birthday. You don't have access to your main vault until the age of seventeen unless you get permission from the Lord or the last Lord portrait. You will get a monthly income of 10,000 from each vault." Liphook said that I was thinking of what to do since I'm twenty thousand gold galleons richer.

"Liphook I want to ask you how much is goblin silver." I asked Liphook who had a greedy smile on his face. I could tell he was planning something. "It will be seven thousand five hundred gold galleons for a pound." I was not going to pay that much just for a pound of goblin silver. "I think we could take that number down to about a thousand for a pound." I say which he immediately frowned. After an hour of constantly trying to get a lower price, and him trying to get a higher price we settled on three thousand a pound. I bought three pounds for nine thousand gold galleons.

You might ask why I would spend so much money for goblin silver. The reason is because I want to make a scarf that could block a bomb with out a scratch. Combine goblin silver with dragon scales with a lot of other enchantment. You have an over powered scarf that could block a missle. I would never have to take it off if I ever get shot at with a bombarda or a killing curse. Though I could make something like Gaara's sand that would take forever and I couldn't write runes on it.

After purchasing the goblin silver I headed out of gringotts. I first have to meet up with my mother than she can show me where to find the other materials I need.


Sorry I copied from docs copied from my docs and it didn't get everything. Continue reading have a good day.