
Chapter 22: Azef (4)

Chapter 22

Days had passed and slowly we were nearing they day wed be tied down together. I hadn't caught a glimpse of Zachary for the past few days and for some reason I felt quite down. I sighed as I picked up the tea on the small garden table, as I allowed myself to close my eyes allowing the wind of the outdoors to calm me.

After being cooped up inside id decided to drink some tea in the garden and to my surprise, it was exactly what I needed.

"My lady, is there anything else you would like for us to bring fo you?" they questioned.

I put the teacup down and smiled at the head maid that was in attendance to me. Though the head maid was kind and gentle, I still missed Susan. I wonder if I asked Zachary to bring her if hed let me…

"Nothing for now, though I would like to be alone for some time," I said as their shoulders tensed.

"I apologize my lady, but his highness has requested we stay by your side at all times," the maid said hesitantly.

Ah, so that was why I wasn't ever alone unless I slept. Did he not trust me enough to leave me alone? Sighing I waved her off.

"Don't worry about me, I will be fine, you may go," I said with a small smile trying to rid of them like mosquitos stuck to honey.

"But..!-" I cut her off,

"It's fine, leave," I said. As the head maid sighed giving into me. She looked at the few other servants and nodded as they all took their leave, allowing me to breathe more comfortably.

It was as though he had put me under surveillance and I didn't know whether to think it was because he cared or he didn't believe in me and was still suspicious of my approaching him. But who could help it? The bastard daughter of a marquis, proposing to the crown prince only to get married to him for convenience. How trifling.

Sighing I stood up and decided to take a short walk around the garden I had somewhat become familiar with while being escorted by Allen. The palaces map was engraved in my mind, and though I still had the entire west wong to explore, Zachary said, I wasn't allowed to go there yet.

Was he renovating something? Or were there family jewels or something kept in safe? I did not know, but I listened and stayed away from it while suppressing my curiosity.

The autumn leaves crunched under my feet as I walked down the garden. The slight sun, piercing my pale skin almost as though ready to burn through me. Nothing felt more refreshing than this. Getting lost in thought I continued to walk through the garden. Where I was going I did not know, and I wish I did. I stopped in the middle of nowhere, the palace slightly out of sight. How I got to where I was, I had no idea.

"Way to go, Winter…" I praised myself sarcastically.

Turning around I tried figuring out where I was and turned around trying to continue walking back. Which you guessed, had no difference, since I had gotten myself even more lost. I sighed sitting on the grass near a tree waiting for someone to come find me.

Placing my back against the tree, I put my hand down only to lift it just as quickly. Was there someone else here?

Turning to look to the side of a tree, a small hand extended from the side. Slowly standing up not to alarm them, I moved to the other side where they lean against the tree asleep.

A little bot with beautiful blond hair that shone in the sun breathed slowly in his slumber. His beautiful blonde lashed long, glistened as his mouth parted slightly.

Was there a servant or a visitor that had a child that I wasn't aware of? Stepping on the leaves that crunched under my feet, I jolted slightly as his eyes opened locking with mine. They glowed red and alarmed as he pushed me back, tumbling slightly himself. He watched me threateningly from behind the other side of the tree, slightly dazed.

"I didn't mean to startle you," I said smiling towards him.

He simply looked me in the eyes unmoved.

"Are you lost?" I asked him as he stared at me.

"You are not supposed to be here," he said as I raised my eyebrows.

"Ah, is this area restricted?" I questioned and he simply nodded. "Then why are you here?"

He didn't answer as we simply looked at each other in silence. Was he not supposed to answer or did he not know?

"Umm, well I kinda got lost, could you direct me back to the palace?" I questioned as he simply nodded.

We walked side by side in silence and slowly we neared the palace as it came into sight. I smiled to turn to him only for him to be gone. Turning around quite worriedly, I looked around the area only to see no one there. It was as though he vanished through thin air.

"My lady…!"I heard a voice call as footsteps neared me. I turned around to see Allen as well as the head maid.

"There you are..!" she said out of breath, "We looked for you everywhere, where were you?" she questioned.

"I kind of wandered off," I said sheepishly.

"Well, its good to see that you are okay," Allen spoke. "Help her in and prepare her for lunch, his highness said he would dine with her," he said to the maids as they lowered their heads heeding to his words.

"Wait, Allen!" I called out to him as he stooped.

"What is it your highness?" he questioned.

"There was a little boy that seemed to be lost as well," I said, "Nut nearing here I think he ran off, do you know who he is?" I questioned.

Allen seemed tensed by my sudden words.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no, its nothing, I will send some people to look for him. As for he is, you will need to ask his highness," Allen finished off without adding another word to it, and I knew no matter how much I pried I wasn't going to get a single peep out of him.

Sighing I nodded. As I allowed the maids to escort me to prepare myself.

A little boy, in a restricted area. It couldn't be, could it?

Oh my, what has happened? Will Zachary answer her questions? also with the wedding nearing what's going to happen?

Updates are every day between 4 am-7 am GMT+2 or 7 pm-10 pm GMT+2 unless stated otherwise on my Instagram page.

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