
Winter's Requiem

When Idrish is accused of killing an elven royal, the female hunter is forced to enter the winter arena in the king's favor. But as a commoner of Springgan, a country with a bloody history of slavery and hierarchy, can she protect the ones she loves when she can barely protect herself? *** What happens when an elf is in possession of a power that's beyond one's social standing? Idrish Aeric is living at the bottom of Springgan's strict hierarchy, barely able to scrape a living for her younger siblings through hunting and foraging. Her simple life is turned upside down when she receives a legacy from a royal elf and she has to run to protect her family. In order to escape death, she's forced to enter the elven royal family through marriage and join the winter arena in the king's favor. But in a world ruled by power and slavery, is Idrish ready to step up her game to change the system--or will she wind up dead before the requiem of the winter plays?

Ruru_Mont · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Destined Hands

As my decision echoed through the tense air, I was overwhelmed by emotions. Tears streamed down my cheeks as the weight of the situation bore down on me. The ache in my heart grew with every thought of Killan, of the choices that had led us to that point. The uncertainty gnawed at me, and for a moment, I was frozen by the gravity of it all.

Kenru's voice reached me, a soothing presence amidst the turmoil. He knelt before me, his proximity grounding me. "I only want the best for Poras and Cali. I never dreamed of a lavish life. I just wanted to live normally, find peace, and watch them grow. B—but ever since I acquired these gauntlets, w—why does it feel like reaching even the simplest dreams is a struggle? Why is it so hard to attain my modest desires in this world?"

Kenru's response was gentle, his words offering a perspective of resilience. "It's all going to be worth it, Idrish. The sweetest triumphs come only when we've worked hard for them. Through blood and sweat."

"Idrish, sad. Idrish, calm. Calm." Bonbon's voice joined in from behind, accompanied by a soothing sensation that emanated from the fabrics still wrapped around me.

"We're behind you, Idrish," Rouma added, her energy-focused hands a symbol of her preparation for the potential danger. Her expression was serious, but her eyes reflected her unwavering loyalty.

Kenru's words held weight as he spoke from experience, his gaze steady and earnest. "I initially doubted your abilities when I first saw you. You don't fit the mold of heiresses I know. But day by day here in Mors, you've proven me wrong. You've proven us all wrong. You've earned our trust, our respect, and our loyalty."

"Kenru is right. You're the fight we refuse to lose. I— I'm willing to risk my life to ensure you leave this arena safely."

I turned my gaze to Borracho, his unyielding courage evident on his face. He meant every word.

"Idrish's heart is strong. Idrish's heart guides. Follow your heart."

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I took a step forward. At last, I found the strength to stand, to face them all with newfound resolve.

With the intention of protecting my team, I released the concentrated energy that formed the shield. The massive metallic structure dissolved into fine particles that dispersed in the air. The once-mighty shield transformed into a protective covering that enveloped each member of Camp Meridio.

The team's surprise was tangible. Rouma's bewildered expression reflected her confusion. "What are you doing, Idrish?" she inquired, casting me a puzzled look.

"Go on, kid. Do what your heart tells you," Borracho added, his voice a mixture of support and challenge.

As the particles formed a protective aura around my team, my gaze met Kenru's and then Rouma's. Determination replaced uncertainty as I prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. In that pivotal moment, my heart guided me, and I was ready to embrace the consequences of my choices.

With Sir Borracho's words echoing in my mind, I offered him a slight smile, as if acknowledging the gravity of the situation. It felt like that might be the last time I saw them, like a departure was imminent. My heart ached with a mix of emotions, and it was hard to feel any joy in the midst of it all. Shouldn't I have been happy to feel, to be alive? But it was as if the enormity of the challenge had eclipsed any sense of happiness. Was it because it was so difficult, so beyond anything I'd ever faced? Was it because I was tempted to surrender?

"No! No! You shouldn't give up! You have a greater purpose than me! You're bigger than this! Please, don't surrender!"

Killan's desperate shout, now muffled by the thick chains binding him, jolted me awake. It was like a ray of sunlight piercing through the clouds, waking me from my own doubts.

"Don't listen to the desperate call. Desperation leads us to wrong decisions, Idrish," Lady Montay retorted, her voice cold and calculated.

"I will surrender, but you have to release him!" Killan vehemently protested, his voice muffled by the chains that bound him. He struggled against them, his face contorted with urgency.

The situation crystallized before me. The tension was notable, and I saw Killan's life hanging in the balance. He may have been asking, "What are you planning?"

"Walk toward the center until you reach that point, and we'll allow him to move toward your team. Don't do anything foolish, Idrish of House Calore," Lady Montay instructed, her tone sharp and demanding.

The countless soldiers of The Miss stood poised around Camp Meridio, weapons in hand, waiting for any command to strike. Axes, bows, swords, and spears glinted in the dim light, an army ready to carry out a massacre.

I took a step forward, and Killan followed suit. Our knees shook with every step as we walked toward each other. With every step, my heart beat louder, like the booming of war drums. I could feel the intensity building up as we approached each other. This might have been the last time I saw him.

Our distance narrowed to just a few meters, and then two meters. My heart raced faster, my chest constricted, and it became hard to breathe. My emotions rose like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf me.

As I continued walking, the tears in Killan's eyes caught my attention. I sensed the deep sorrow emanating from him, the fear that coursed through his veins. I was close enough to see every emotion that flickered across his face.

I stopped for a moment, looking at him—really looking at him. I remembered the first time we met, his dark eyes, his solid presence that awakened something within me. "Killan," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the tension.

He shook his head, his gaze never leaving my face.

"Move! Faster!" Lady Montay's command sliced through the air like a blade.

We resumed walking, each step a challenge against my own doubts. We closed the gap, and soon there was just a meter separating us. At that point, I realized that it was my chance to convey everything I'd ever wanted to say.

"P-please take care of Poras and Cali," I managed to say, my voice quivering with the weight of my emotions. A sob escaped me, my eyes burning with unshed tears that I'd held back for too long. I felt them trickle down my cheeks.

Killan's breathing hitched, and he took another step closer.

Then, in a sudden, unexpected move, Killan bridged the distance between us and enveloped me in a tight embrace. I was caught off guard, my breath hitching as his arms encircled me. For a moment, the world stopped, and all I felt was the warmth of his body against mine.

Instinctively, I responded to the embrace, holding him just as tightly. I could hear the sound of his heart, racing just like mine. It was as if time had paused, as if that could be our last moment together.

A sob escaped him, the sound of his pain echoing through the silent camp. "Promise me, if we meet again, even if it's in the next lifetime, promise me you'll find me."

I fought back my own sobs, my chest tightening with emotions too complex to express. "I—"

"Move!" The Miss's voice interrupted, sharp and menacing. "Move, or I will kill both of you!"

The urgency in her voice jolted me back to reality. Killan's embrace loosened, and he moved away from me, leaving a gap that felt like an abyss. We locked eyes once more, a silent exchange of emotions that words couldn't encapsulate.

"You still have a chance to change the course of events, Idrish. I will be by your side..."

Killan's last words resonated within me. The course of events was in my hands. Yes, it was in my hands.