
CHAPTER 61 Peeves' Mischief

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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CHAPTER 61 Peeves' Mischief

As the students filed out of the Great Hall after the exhausting exams, Crabbe and Goyle made their way towards the dungeons led by Malfoy.

Malfoy swaggered with an air of superiority against the other students, but at the same time, he felt anxious about what could happen in the common room. But even for that, he had some plans. He turned to both of them and said, "You just need to follow me; my father has already allied himself with powerful people in ministry, and they are going to pressure that old man the next time Fawley acts up. So he would be kicked out of the school." 

He smirked and continued, "And we are not alone here either. My father set a few people from the upperclassmen; they will fix him up the next time he acts up." 

As they passed students from Gryffindor, Malfoy couldn't resist making snide remarks under his breath, loud enough for those nearby to hear. "Probably failed miserably, Weasley," he taunted Ron, earning an annoyed glare in return.

Ron, already frustrated from the exams and weary of Malfoy's taunts, couldn't hold back any longer. He stepped forward, his face reddening with anger. "Why don't you shove off, Malfoy? No one asked for your opinion."

Crabbe and Goyle took a step closer, ready to back up Malfoy, but before the situation could escalate further, Hermione stepped in. "Malfoy, enough of your unnecessary provocations. We're all tired from exams, and no one needs your insufferable commentary," Hermione scolded, her eyes narrowing at the Slytherin.

Malfoy, caught off guard by Hermione's firm response, momentarily hesitated. He exchanged a quick, disdainful look with Crabbe and Goyle before deciding it wasn't worth the trouble. With a dismissive wave, he continued on his way, but not without throwing one final parting shot.

"Enjoy failing, Weasley. It suits you," Malfoy sneered, disappearing into the dungeons. Ron, still seething, shot a frustrated glance at Malfoy's retreating figure. Hermione placed a reassuring hand on Ron's shoulder, offering silent support. 


Derrick grunted in a gruff tone. "Why are we changing the first years' diapers?" Flint delivered a smack to Derrick's head. "Do you think I enjoy doing this? Don't you know who his father is?"

Higgs interjected with a worried expression. "If you don't want something bad to happen to your family's businesses, we need to do this."

Flint's eyes flashed with anger, and he spoke in a menacing tone. "Besides, I have some unfinished business with that arrogant prat. He isn't acting like a 1st year, and we need to put him in his place."

Bole added a hint of hesitation in his voice. "I've heard something, but I don't think it's true. Do you remember the few days Fawley and his friends disappeared? It's the same time Quirrell died under mysterious circumstances. Some say Quirrell was a dark wizard, and those first years faced him, along with some other 1st-year students from Gryffindor."

Flint's gaze intensified as he contemplated Bole's words.

"Quirrell, a dark wizard? That's the rumor? And Fawley faced him?" Derrick crossed his arms, looking skeptical.

"Sounds like a load of nonsense. How could a bunch of 1st years take on a dark wizard?"

A skeptical expression on Flint's face. "Look, a 1st year facing off against an adult? I still think it's a load of rubbish. Quirrell might have been an incompetent fool, but no 1st year could pose a real threat to an adult wizard. It's preposterous."

Bole added, "But it is a fact he is not an ordinary 1st year, or he wouldn't stand up to you. He must have something or someone he is trusting." 

Higgs picked up on that and said, "Are you talking about Professor Snape? Fawley has been taking private lessons from him." 

Flint menacingly smiled and said, "That is why I am not going to underestimate him, but when I am finished with him, he won't dare to look us in the face, let alone stand up to us."

At that moment, Malfoy and his goons reached the bottom of the stairs. Malfoy said, "Gentlemen, I think my father must have informed you about what you must do." Flint cut him off and said,

"Yeah, yeah... We know what to do..."

He pointed towards Goyle and Crabble, "Let's clarify: we are not Goyle and Crabble. We are doing this for the sake of your father, and we are not your goons." 


The group of Slytherin students made their way through the dungeons, the echoes of their footsteps reverberating off the stone walls. Malfoy led the way, followed by Goyle, Crabbe, Flint, Higgs, Derrick, and Bole. 

Suddenly, a burst of mischievous laughter echoed through the corridor, and Peeves materialized through the walls, his translucent form causing a ripple of annoyance among the students. 

"Peeves! What do you think you're doing in the dungeons? We don't have time for you." Malfoy demanded, his voice dripping with indignation. Flint cut him off and said, "If you don't leave, we will be calling Bloody Baron."

Usually, this would be enough to scare him away, but this time, it was different; other than a shudder, Peeves didn't care about Bloody Baron. Peeves responded with a sly grin, hovering just out of reach. "Oh, the little snake doesn't like a bit of fun, does he?"

The poltergeist then proceeded to tease and taunt Malfoy. At first, it was playful but annoying; he was flying around them and taunting Malfoy, but then, with a flick of his hand, Malfoy's hair turned bright green.

The other Slytherins tried to intervene, casting spells to fend off Peeves, but all the spells went through the ghosts. Flint, frustrated, shouted, "Get lost, Peeves! We don't have time for your nonsense. I am going to tell Bloody Baron about this, and you are going to pay for this."

Peeves cackled in response, continuing his antics. "Time for a bit of chaos, my slippery and slithery friends!" Higgs attempted to cast a Binding Curse. "Incarcerous!"

Ropes shot from Higgs's wand, aiming to ensnare Peeves and restrict his movements. Yet, Peeves effortlessly slipped through the magical restraints, leaving the Slytherins increasingly frustrated.

Derrick unleashed a more powerful spell. "Confringo!" A burst of fiery explosion erupted in front of Peeves, causing a brief disruption in the spectral form. However, the mischievous spirit reformed, cackling and mocking the Slytherins. "Hihihihi, is that supposed to do something? Peeves didn't feel a thing."

Flint, growing more exasperated, decided to try a different tactic. "Impedimenta!" The Impediment Jinx slowed Peeves down temporarily, creating a brief window of respite for the Slytherins. Yet, Peeves, reveling in the challenge, danced around the slowed-down environment with gleeful movements, and the spell only lasted for several seconds.

Peeves started to circle around Malfoy and singed taunting rhymes,

"Malfoy, Malfoy, oh so fair,

Your hair's gone green; do you even care?

A dash of nature in Slytherin's lair,

Windswept robes, quite debonair!"

As Malfoy's attempts to fix his hair only worsened the situation, Peeves continued with his rhythmic mockery.

"Robes aflutter, in disarray,

Slytherin charm, now on display!

Chasing wands, a fun ballet,

Can't catch it, oh dismay!"

Peeves, with a gleeful grin, concluded his rhymes with a warning laced in jest, 

"Listen up, little bully Malfoy, 

Heed my play, 

Our mischief and mayhem shall come your way!"

After giving his warning, Peeves charged into the wall while releasing a burst of uncontrollable laughter. Peeves took off his hat and said goodbye to Malfoy as he went through the wall.

"Until next time, little bully."

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