

"Hello, is anybody here?" Tracy called out, her voice echoing through the forest. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" Tracy screamed as the hag revealed her decaying smile. "Welcome, chosen one," the hag sneered. "Mom, I think there's something you need to know," Tracy whispered, clutching her injured shoulder. "Lately, I've been having these creepy dreams... and the injuries I get in the dreams appear when I wake up," Tracy confessed. "Your father was one of the angels," Mrs. Hayley revealed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Run, run, run!" Mrs. Hayley yelled as the Hades attacked, sacrificing herself to save Tracy. "Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Principal Wilmer greeted with a warm smile. "Here, you'll learn to be the best version of yourself." "Hi, I'm Daisy. Welcome to Wilmer Academy," Daisy said with a bright smile. "Nice one, babe," Shadley commented after Daisy's witty retort to Sharpay. "What's up with the gloves?" Tracy asked, curious about Shadley's accessory. "They help me manage my psychometric abilities," Shadley explained. Tracy Kendall wakes up in the woods, with no idea how she got there. Her calls for help go unanswered until she finds an eerie, seemingly abandoned cottage. Inside, she's confronted by a malevolent hag who calls her the "chosen one," sending monstrous Hades after her. Just as she's about to be captured, she wakes up, realizing it was another of her disturbingly realistic nightmares, complete with real injuries. Tracy's mother, Mrs. Hayley, notices her daughter's distress and the mysterious scratch on her shoulder. Tracy confesses her nightmares and the inexplicable injuries. Mrs. Hayley then reveals a shocking truth: Tracy is the descendant of angels who were banished from heaven, and her father was one of them. As they prepare to flee from the dark forces pursuing Tracy, Hades attack, killing Mrs. Hayley. Tracy is saved by five teenagers with supernatural abilities from Wilmer Academy, a school for the gifted. At Wilmer Academy, Tracy learns about her heritage and the significance of her powers. The academy, led by the enigmatic Principal Wilmer, becomes her new home where she must uncover her abilities and prepare for the dangers ahead. Among her new friends are Daisy, who can create portals, and Shadley, the principal's son with the power of psychometry.

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The parallel paths

Diane's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at Daisy, her mind struggling to comprehend the audacity of her request. "Are you out of your mind?" she asked, her voice laced with incredulity.

Daisy's eyes, however, remained steadfast, her determination palpable. "I need to do this, Diane. It's the only way to bring him back."

Diane's expression turned from shock to concern. "Daisy, listen to me. You can't bring him back. He's gone, and no amount of magic or manipulation can change that. You're not bringing back the man you loved, but a mere imitation, a shadow of his former self."

A single tear rolled down Daisy's cheek, but her resolve remained unshaken. "Isn't it better than nothing?" she asked, her voice cracking with emotion.

Diane's grip on Daisy's shoulder tightened as she pleaded with her. "No, Daisy, it's not better. You're playing with forces beyond your control, defying the natural order of things. You're not just risking your own well-being, but also the balance of the universe. You can't repeat the same mistake twice, Daisy. Please, listen to me."

But Daisy's jaw was set, her eyes flashing with determination. "I'm sorry, Diane. I've made up my mind. There's no going back on this one."

Diane's sigh was heavy with resignation as she watched Daisy walk away, her mind involuntarily drifting back to the events of three years past. The memories came flooding back, a mix of joy and sorrow, of love and loss. She remembered the day Daisy and her lover, Shadley, had met, their love blossoming like a wildflower in spring. She recalled the laughter, the adventures, and the dreams they had shared. But most of all, she remembered the tragedthat had torn them apart, leaving Daisy shattered and alone.

As Diane's thoughts returned to the present, she realized that Daisy's obsession with bringing Shadley back was not just about love, but also about guilt and regret. Daisy felt responsible for Shadley's death, and this was her way of atoning for her perceived sin. But Diane knew that this path would only lead to more heartache and suffering. She had to find a way to stop Daisy before it was too late.

Three years ago...

Diane's skepticism was palpable as she gazed at Daisy, her voice laced with disbelief. "You can't be serious, Daisy. Doppelgangers? Identical versions of us, living parallel lives? It sounds like the stuff of science fiction."

Daisy's eyes gleamed with an unsettling intensity as she nodded fervently. "I'm telling you, Diane, it's the truth! It's all here, in this book." She grasped the worn leather volume, her fingers tracing the strange symbols etched into its cover.

Diane's curiosity got the better of her, and she reluctantly took the book from Daisy. As she delved into the yellowed pages, her expression transformed from doubt to astonishment. The words spoke of parallel universes, of mirror images, and the possibility of interdimensional travel.

Diane's eyes widened as she looked up at Daisy, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're not seriously considering...opening a portal to another universe, are you?"

Daisy's enthusiasm was unnerving, her smile bordering on fanaticism. "Why not? Think of it, Diane! A chance to meet our parallel selves, to experience a reality beyond our own."

Diane's grip on the book tightened, her mind reeling with the implications. She couldn't fathom why Daisy was so fixated on this far-fetched idea. Was her friend succumbing to madness, or was there something more sinister at play?

The air was heavy with tension as Diane pleaded with Daisy to reconsider. "This is dangerous, Daisy. We're tampering with forces we don't understand."

But Daisy's resolve remained unshaken, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "I have to do this, Diane. I have to know."

"I certainly am," Daisy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm going to use my powers to open a portal to another universe. It will be an exciting adventure!"

Diane rolled her eyes, her expression a mix of disbelief and concern. "No, Daisy, it will be stupid, foolish, and dangerous. You can't just tamper with the fabric of reality like that!"

But Daisy seemed determined, her resolve unwavering. "Please, Diane... I need your help. You're my best friend and my strongest witch. I can't do this without you," she coaxed, her voice laced with persuasion.

Diane hesitated, her resistance slowly wearing down. "Okay, fine," she agreed reluctantly. "But let's say you find this lookalike you believe in so strongly... what then?"

Daisy's response was casual, almost nonchalant. "We'll switch places, of course."

Diane's eyes widened in shock, her mouth agape. "You're not serious, are you?" she asked, her voice laced with disbelief.

But Daisy's nod was emphatic. "Yes, I am. If I find her, I'll ask her to switch places with me."

Diane shook her head, a mix of irritation and concern. "You've really lost it, Daisy," she retorted, her voice laced with sarcasm.

But Daisy just smiled, her dimples flashing mischievously. "You'll see, Diane. It will be an adventure like no other!"

Daisy's eyes gleamed with excitement as she finally found what she had been searching for - a parallel universe with a lookalike. "Found it!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with anticipation. She worked tirelessly to open a portal, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air.

As the portal stabilized, Daisy stepped through it and found herself in a room that was eerily familiar. Books lined the shelves, and a bunk bed sat in the corner, but it was the girl standing in front of the mirror that made Daisy's heart skip a beat.

The girl's hair was styled in a voluminous coil, and her glasses perched on the end of her nose. But it was her striking resemblance to Daisy that left her breathless. The only difference was the absence of glasses and a slightly different hairstyle.

"Clara, you are—" the girl began, but her words trailed off as she turned to face Daisy. Her eyes widened in shock, her mouth agape. "What the fuck!" she exclaimed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Daisy's grin was from ear to ear as she stared at her lookalike. The two girls sat on the bunk bed, their eyes locked intensely. "Who are you, and why do you look so much like me?" the other girl asked, her confusion evident.

"I'm Daisy Willow, and I'm your lookalike from another universe," Daisy introduced herself, her smile still plastered on her face. But the other girl looked even more perplexed.

The girl's eyes narrowed, her brow furrowed. "You're my lookalike from another universe?" she repeated, her tone skeptical. Daisy nodded enthusiastically. "I'm so excited you're real!"

The girl's confusion turned to curiosity. "How did you find me?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

Daisy hesitated before answering. "I used my ability... portal creation to open a portal leading to this universe."

The girl's eyes widened in surprise. "You have abilities?" she asked, her voice laced with excitement. Daisy nodded, her grin returning. "I have an ability similar to yours."

The girl's eyes lit up. "I'm Noelle Brooke," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Daisy's eyes sparkled with joy. "I'm so glad I found you, Noelle. We have so much to catch up on."

"No worries, Noelle. I'll teach you everything I know," Daisy said with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Noelle's face lit up with gratitude as she embraced Daisy in a tight hug. "Thanks, Daisy. You're a lifesaver!"

Daisy's grin grew wider as she gestured towards the portal. "Now, let me take you to my universe. It's going to be an adventure like no other!"

Noelle's eyes shone with anticipation, but she hesitated for a moment. "Hold up a minute," she said, dashing off to grab a pen and paper.

She scribbled a quick note - "Gone to a friend's. Be home late" - and then returned to Daisy's side, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Okay, let's do this!"

With a flick of her wrist, Daisy opened a shimmering portal, and the two girls stepped through it together, leaving their familiar worlds behind. And that was just the beginning of their incredible journey...