
Will You Remember Then?

Allyza lifted her eyes to Hayri, her fiance who stood beside her on the deck. He looked back at her with those tender eyes, filled with so much love and admiration for her. Little did he know, that the woman he loved and adored so much for five years was the one he was long haunting down to kill to avenge for his father.

gents46 · perkotaan
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296 Chs

Home in Molave 8

Everyone had already gathered at one of the restaurant's tables when Hayri walked into the room. Out in the corner of his eyes, he saw Jane with Kyle on her side. For all honesty, Jane was special to her ever since they were kids, but this was the first time he ever got emotionally disturbed about her. He knew it was far from the affection he had for Allie, yet he could also tell that this was something strange.

"Good morning, everyone," Hayri greeted with a thin smile, running his eyes to each one of them while getting replies in chorus.

"Louise, here," Jane called out and gave him an awkward glance, "sit beside Kyle."

Hayri pulled out the chair next to Kyle, patted his head, and smiled at him.

"Hello, boy! How's your sleep?" Hayri asked, unable to think of another question to break the awkwardness.

"I had a long one," answered the boy, passing him a shy look.