
Will You Fall?

Why he wouldn't notice me?! I did everything I can, even the stupidest thing I never knew I will do, for him just to acknowledge me—my undying love for him. He keeps on denying! Clearly, he doesn't want me to love him. Well, whatever! I owned my life. I'll do everything just to make him fall for me. But... Will you fall? For me?

wiyenn · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Archedeon Lanesco

"Don't you have a class today?" my mom asked while I'm eating my breakfast lazily.

"It's still seven in the morning. There's a program on our school so it's okay if I come late," I answered half asleep.

I slept late last night that's why I'm still sleepy. Well, it's not really my fault. I stalked Archedeon's facebook account last night. I saw many girls posted on his timeline.

It made kinda pissed so report all their account. Those stupid girls didn't know Archedeon is mine. So they should stop liking him!

after I fixed myself, I waited Archedeon on the bus station. We're not really isochronous in going school deliberately, it's just we're on the same village and school so it's not surprising if we have the same route.

That what he think,s but for me? Obviously no. I deliberately wait for him so we will go to school together.

I didn't wait for him too long. I saw him walking where I'm sitting at. My heart raced because of excitement. He's just wearing our school uniform but he still looked dashing! No wonder, he can easily catched someone's attention especially girls.

"Good morning, love! How's your sleep last night?" I asked cheerfully but he just ignored me.

He walked straight to the bus, I didn't noticed it is already stopped in front of me, and didn't wait for me.

I ignored his rude behavior—my smiled didn't even falter. Well, I'm used to it.

He's always cold, not only to me but in everyone. He doesn't talk that much even though you asked him many questions, he'll only answer if your questions about school lessons.

So sometimes I used that fact so I can talk him that he will surely talk back.

"Did you already answered our weekly activity in math?" I asked as I followed at sat beside him.

"Yes," he answered in the coldest possible manner.


"How is it? Was that hard? Do you think I can also answer that?"

Yes, I'm really desperate to hear his voice. Even if he is cold as ice. It's fine with me as long as he will talk back.

"You can do it," he simply said but it gave a big impact to me.

My lips slightly opened because of amazement while I looked at him dreamily. He may be cold. He can even hurt me using those cold words of him. But he can also make my heart overwhelmed with just his simple words.

I'm so in love with his man. Can't wait to make him mine.