
Will Of The Universe

When two universes collide, destruction is inevitable..... The endless chaos will give birth to a new UNIVERSE..... Space shatters and timelines collapse and the world is turned upside down...... The entire Universe takes shape once more and natural laws are reestablished......  Kurt a typical 17-year-old high school boy, who in order to save his crush from terrorists, (could have become girlfriend later on, but....) Gets himself killed. Then gets reborn in the Alpha Centauri star system on an unknown planet, just in the earth's neighborhood (sun solar system) with a system made by an unknown entity. He made his settlement and found alien species. One day the planet to which Kurt was teleported, gets invaded. The invasion catches him off guard, and what he had to do now was already specified; [Alert!] [Forced emergency quest- eliminate the invaders. [Penalty on failing the mission- Death] “Death? and here I thought my system wasn't so bishy. Well, let’s do it!”   Is the world he was once still the same? What destiny holds for him in the future?  ---------------------------------------------------------- Complete 4 chapters first before deciding anything. English is not my first language, so please spare me for grammatical mistakes or nonsensible sentences (HARDLY ANY). And don't forget to write reviews please, I need to know where the improvement is needed. Keep reading, the rush has yet to begin. Wishing - Happy Reading to you all.

archmatrix · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


'After coaxing Eva for half an hour alone in a separate room, we were finally on better terms. Keyword- BETTER. I would have done something to please her more, you know some suggestive stuff with her, but I had a space flight to take. I was called to the Union HQ, to officially accept the leader position.

Setting the position aside, I wouldn't have accepted anybody else taking over the planet anyway. So, in a sense they saved themselves trouble and me from a headache.

Walesa told me that she was my space dog now. Weird right? I too was taken aback, hearing her say it to my face,

but she explained after that she meant to say space security or something. Her eyes held mischief. Pretty sus, I know.

Well, I directed Eva to assign the blue zalkans some responsibilities. No freeloading on my planet! Somebody needed to overlook the industrial processes, they were gifted with smart brains, naturally it wasn't hard for Eva to instruct them.

Of course, the three blue kids were exempted from work, but I made a virtual educator room to, you know increase their future worth. Yes worth. No, that's just how I think about kids… and I also don't like to deal with them. And yes, they are going to feel the agony I felt when I used to study in school. Though I kinda dropped out, dead, but it's fine, it was the final year anyway.

'So! Saying goodbye and giving kisses to Eva, I departed to ride my dear Nemesis. Walesa had already returned to her ship, and was preparing for our departure. At first, I wanted to buy a flagship myself, but I decided to keep it a little lowkey, I was already open with my high-tech arsenal, and revealing more would have been an overkill and certainly risky.'

Zooming through the clouds, and ascending altitude at record breaking speed, I reached above the cloudy sky. Marveled by the wide expanse of space once again, I switched Nemesis to autopilot.

I looked around like a kid. I always wondered, watching the stars from earth, but now seeing them in front of my eyes. It's simply spectacular!

'This is so nice. Coming here, the system… all of this been really lovely. I'm really grateful.' Tears rolled down my cheek, as I smiled thinking how stupid I am to cry with apparently no reason. But the feeling only got worse, and the tears did not stop.

I swept another gaze at the stars. Curling my lips inside, as I felt another wave of that warm stinging sensation hit me. Fresh drops left my eyes, as my hands brushed them off my wet face. It was a positive but very heavy feeling. My heart was full of emotions.

'It's great! living a second chance. I've learned, life can be colorless sometimes, and many times we try to keep on, hoping tomorrow will be better'. Warm fresh beads, soaked my cheeks again, threatening to flood out of my eyes.

I remembered when my mother and father died, all of my life went downhill. Relations didn't help, even the so-called friends did nothing more than say stuff. Nobody was there. Alone, I wept every night. Trying to find if my life held any meaning, and I did what I thought felt right. I distanced myself from others, trying to come close to myself, understanding things.

Numerous times, very discouraging things happened, as time passed. It hurt. It became too painful sometimes. But I just learned to cope up with it. Not knowing my aim, living just because I was scared of fearing life itself, but I knew it was killing me.

Though I had some breakdowns now and then Slowly all of this became normal. Life wasn't as cheerful as I felt it was, when I was a child, when I believed in God.

'And when I laid there watching her running towards me, in my final moments. I realized I was late, very late.'

"It took me way too long, t-to notice I was mistaken, everything went wrong!!" I sniveled through my hands. Tears falling down my face.

"Life was meant to be enjoyed; I wasted the only life I had!"

The pent-up emotions, all of the regretful feelings for last 17 years, left me in the form of salty wet drops. I sniveled like that for some time.

Having all my regrets wash away, I heaved a long sigh.

"Shit, I'm a mess right now." I looked at the cockpit glass, and rubbed the sticky wetness off, scrubbing my hands all over my face. My eyes were little red and droopy.

"(Sigh) I'll just wash up on the ship." I could see the giant mothership advancing leisurely among infinite stars, as Nemesis slowed down the speed.

[ Leaving outer orbit in 3]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

And with that I felt it. The sensation of being free, unbound by gravity. It's weird, having yourself feel weightless.

[ Transitioning to Ion thrusters… ]

The engine came to a halt. Drifting though the space unbound from gravity, I heard metal clanking, and rotors shuffle.

[ Resuming navigation ]

And in a jiffy, Nemesis started advancing again. Ride through the space was smooth, smooth as fuc-ahem. So, yea, in a few minutes I got to the huge ship. Taking Nemesis off the autopilot, I made a dive around the giant, to find the deck entry. But I found no entry, or any kind of gate open.

"Connect to Walesa"

[ …Intercom connecting…]

[… (click!) "Yes?" ]

"Hey, Walesa, how do I get in?"

[ "O-oh Boss! I forgot about that, just a sec…" ]

"Sigh…" I waited while trying some spaceship-acrobatics in space.



[ "Boss! You can dock the ship now, I've opened the hatch." ]

"Okay… let me see" I maneuvered the Nemesis close by the just opened hatch.

Confirming the entryway was big enough, I slowly proceeded forward. The hanger room was filled with people surrounding the docking pad. It made me a little nervous. Carefully descending the ship, I finally landed the Nemesis. The base pad locked itself to the ship, when I hopped out of the cockpit.

"Welcome aboard, Boss!" Walesa stepped forward, giving me a little bow. And just as she finished greeting me, the whole crowd around the room also roared up;

"—Welcome aboard! —"

Not gonna lie I was just about to shriek. Calming myself in a split second, I gave a light nod in response. Attitude? No no, A light nod was the only thing I could muster up in front of so many people. And why were so many people here in the first place? I gave a glare to the only responsible person I know of.

"N-now now, back to work everyone! Boss needs to rest up" she ordered turning around, and thankfully all of them left quickly.

"Hah…. What was the need to bring so many of them here?" I grumbled. Just standing in front of a crowd gives me an anxiety rush.

"Boss! Don't be a jerk! They came to welcome their patron, and you responded with only a nod?" She complained closing the distance between us, staring right into my eyes. Too close.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't prepare a speech, somebody didn't bother informing." I shot back, not blinking once.

And a staring competition started. Of course, I won.

"You cheat! You blowed in my eyes!" I just scoffed at her lie. Yes, she's lying.

"Hmph! Here…" She gave me a gift box, her eyes wandering away from my face.

"Being quite sincere now, are we?" I smirked. Opening the box, a glass jar containing gray liquid came into view.

"I'm thankful for the gift. But What is this?" I questioned tilting the jar upside down.

"You know the squad that attacked you? They weren't following my orders." She said, pointing at the jar. "He was to blame for everything."

"He?" I glanced at the jar, trying to access what the liquid was? And it surely didn't look 'HE'.

[ Finely blended cells, and humor closely resembling that of optical organ. ]

"The fuck!? Oye! Shit!" The jar broke, falling down.

"The squad wasn't at fault either, they were misinformed by him." Her eyes moved towards the broken jar. "So, I tortured him, these are his eyes. You want any other part? I can take you to him, if you want?"

"What?! Are you insane! Just kill him. Why would I want his eye juice?" She's crazy! Don't tell me this was another reason she wasn't signed.

"Oh, I forgot you didn't know about this stuff. You see, in black market futchereon's body parts are on fire." She exclaimed, as if she was telling something very amazing thing.

"Disgusting!" I spat. "Whatever that futchereons is I'm not into such alien kinks" I clarified.

She rolled her eyes. "Hah! Boss! You're an alien too, you know."

"And anyways it's on black market in the first place because it's 'ofcourse' illegal. But the main thing it's so precious on market because futchereons are related to royal family of Union. It's said if one consumes there flesh raw, it can grant you powers."

"Oh, That's convenient. Just kill the royal family and gain powers!" I joked, not trying to sound impolite in any way.

"Shhh!! Don't say that again if you don't want to die. There are people on board, and they won't mind reporting to the union for some energy capsules. Insulting Royal family is considered a sin!" She whispered, looking around if anybody was around. Well, there was no one around other than us, I scanned it some minutes ago. I had another question.

"Let's go to your room, boss! You can ask me questions on the way." She motioned me to follow her.

"What's energy capsule, is It something valuable?" I continued following her.

"Very! Yes. Energy capsules are space currency. And it has many grades, depending on the energy type and density. As an example, if you have one high grade Energy capsule, you can buy a living quarter in the union century with it, and still continue to live in luxury for the rest of your life!"

'So, it's equivalent to diamond, maybe a very big one?'

Passing by the metal corridors, our footsteps rang aloud, all throughout the way. We were silently walking. It was uncomfortable somewhat.

"So, like this guy who leaded to all the chaos on my area, was futche- or whatever it is?" I inquired, trying to start a conversation, and gain some more knowledge on space world.

"Yea, well futchereons are rare, and purebloods are even rarer. Even the probability of receiving powers from raw flesh decreases a lot if they are not pure. And nobody messes with them anyway, 'cause you know 'Royal family' has put some very strict regulations against it." She sounded fed up. "But this guy was working on my ship, in mission control unit. You know people like him are useless, so their families send them to higher positions with bribing and stuff."

"Hmm, that's all fine. But what are you going to do, with that guy now?" I asked, as we took a left turn to another corridor, but it was much wider one.

"Him? Well, I'll torture him some more. Then give his broken body back to Union officers. They'll interrogate him further. With the evidence I've provided against him, and the fact that because of him a whole newcomer squad got killed. He won't be coming out with bribes. Not unless the royal family itself pardons his crime, which won't happen in a million years." She smiled, halting her steps. Confused why she stopped here, I stared at the single door in front of us.

"I'll be leaving now Boss. I've sent you the details on the Union and its history, so try to understand some things before we reach Headquarters. If you want to further browse through the Union data, the info panel will be on your bed. You can contact me if you need anything." She gave a light bow turning around as she paced out of sight, taking right by the next passage.

Heaving a long exhale, I got close to the door, as the metal gate slid to the right. The room was spacious, not as big as on my planet, but surely very much bigger than where I lived on earth. There was a big double bed in the middle of the room, near the back wall. The room was filled with paintings. A bar on the left corner, which strangely carried only wines. I'm not a fan, so who cares.

'She did an amazing job with this I guess.'

'But one thing didn't go unnoticed by the great observer me. Since the time I stepped on the ship. Her body language was quite assertive? The time she came close, extremely close, and how her hips moved walking by the corridors, all this time I saw a faint smirk on her face. She knew I noticed that too.'

"Hahaha, getting bold now aren't you?" I chuckled, picking up the info panel from the bed.

"Time to learn some stuff."

[ Downloading data...]

[ Uploading 3600000000 TB memory…]

"Oh fu-!" And the sudden pointy headache, which I think should have killed me, made me again go to my most beloved resting state-near death unconsciousness.

[ Data transfer complete…]




And fellas we going to do it this way. I think I’m improving a bit with my recent chapters, need some reviews.

You must’ve notice that I write irregularly, this is because I write when I have time. So don’t expect much regularity, because some school stuff is happening right now, so regretfully no time. Man today’s exam was easy af!.


“Value every moment, because it never last long. Just existing there for yourself and others, you make life so much beautiful.”

(Hail hydra!)

archmatrixcreators' thoughts