
chapter 9 the western male part 2

When I woke up sam was gone,I stood up and looked around I saw that it had snowed that night. Huh no wonder it was cold last night. There was some bread and jam on his table and a note it said, Dear rose sorry I'm not there I had to go help fined laim because the snow covered his tracks help your self to anything you need be back soon, sincerely sam. I let out a sigh . Well he did say help myself to anything, I put the jam on the bread and it tasted like raspberries. It was so good. I found a jacket and put it on. I didnt really want to go out side but I needed to talk to Jacob, when I opened the door there was someone I didnt know run up to the door.he didnt look like anyone in the pride. he was huffing,h....hey l...let me..... in.befor I could say anything he pushed his way in and he slammed the door. he had gray ears and a black and gray tail with pirsing blue eyes. You shouldn't be in hear, you sould go. He looked at me, and started to walk tords me. What is a pretty little thing like you doing all by yourself. I'm not by myself.DONT LIE TO ME. Ok..... ok I am by myself but Sam will be back anytime know. Did you just say sam as in samuel Jacob's war cheaf?! Yes "I was just trying to distract him long enough so sam could fined his sent". ARE You Sam's female?! "I didnt know what to say" Yes.....Yes I am. he got a sinister smile and then. Your coming with me! I am?He picked me up and out the window and into the woods.