
chapter 7 not acceptable

The who Village walked out to a little clearing in a patch of Woods next to the Village there there was two steaks side by side. both steaks had leather straps on each one. they took the first boy and they tied him to the steaks with the leather straps. Then one of the elders came out and he announced. For the negligence of a human being and attempted murder followed by harmine and Alpha's mate this boy is sentenced to 15 lashings, is there anyone who wants to take his place, no one proceed. I felt so bad for that boy and that was going to happen to the other boy.then I realized that the marks on Jacobs back must have been from this I couldn't understand really what happened but I couldn't let it happen.after 10 lashings the boy was limp.Can I TAKE THE REST OF THE LASHINGS FOR BOTHE BOYS 5 FROME EACH!!?? Jacob looked at me and was astonished .the elder said are you serious do you want to actually do this ,jacob you can't let her do this.I won't let you do that then the boys father came up to me .I will take responsibility for my boys I will take the rest of the lashings five from each that way, that to Jacob can keep his beautiful mate. I gave him a huge and he took the boyses places. Jacob came up to me and wrapped his arms around me and he said if you were to take the rest of the lashings, I would never be able to live with myself. we just go home I can't watch this no more. yes we can. then he kissed me on my cheek. when we got home Jacob made us dinner.There seemed to be something rong. when I asked if there was,he stud up.WE SHOULD GO TO BED ,will need are rest. oh ok.this night he did not be his usual self.he didn't lay me down he even kept his shorts and sirt on.I layed behind him.Are you mad at me?No I'm not.....its just that.that what? That I won't you so bad! Well we dont have to mate but at least I can do this for you.I stud up walked over to his side of the bed and dropped my dress he got up and took his shirt off and picked me up.he kissed me. Jacob?Yes?no ,I'm not ready.oh ok I understand.Can I ask you something rose?Yeah you can ask me anything.( knock ,knock ,knock)