
chapter 4 beast battel

BANG ,BANG is all we could hear. Me and Abbie ran out the door that's when we saw Jacob and some other male fighting. You can't have my female I saved Her She's Mine! I'm the Warchief I should deserve a beautiful mate like her. Are they talking about me Abbei? I think so.The banging noise was them throwing each other against the huts. I'm the alpha male around here so I saved her I get her now do you want to die today.And that's when Jacob shifted into lion. his Mane was big and when the other male shifted into a lion to his Mane was a little smaller.They circled each other.Jacob let out this Roar that could be heard from miles away. I was so amazed. Jacob swatted at the other male caught him right in the face.That's when the other male put his head down in submission. Jacob turned back into a human and the other male did too. Jacob whent over to the other male. Now you know why I pitied you I don't like to hurt my family but she's my female and no brother of mine is going to take her from me. Do you understand!? Yes Jacob I understand I won't touch her I promise. Jacob helps his brother up and they hug and then Jacob starts walking toward us with his brother.Rose this is my brother Sam.Hi sam it's nice to meet you.gos to shake hand.sam turns and starts to walk away.It was nice to meet you to rose sorry we had to meet like this.

Jacob are you ok?Yes I'm fine rose. it was starting to get dark and everyone was heding to there huts. Abbei can I stay with you?I dont think my brother would mined i will ask him.ok thanks.ten minuets later Abbei comes back. I tried rose but Jacob whonts you to stay with him. oh ok that's fine.