
Chapter 312: Not Going Home Sober (Five)_1

Grandma suddenly passed away, and everyone at home was immersed in grief.

Especially Lydia Mitchell, who washed her face with tears almost every day.

For several days in a row, it was Ryan Gregory who took care of the funeral arrangements.

He still organized everything methodically, yet he never shed a tear.

Only Sofia Hamilton knew his pain was in his heart...

In those days, his smile had faded, and he would often sit alone in Grandma's room, as if he had locked himself away in a closed-off world, not allowing anyone to see his sorrow.

Sofia stood on the second floor, looking down at him as he stood beside the piano, lost in thought.

He had visibly lost weight in just a few days.

"Go to him, stand by his side, care for him more. In fact, he is suffering more than any of us,"

Lydia Mitchell's voice suddenly rang out from behind her.