
Widow Of Secret English Version

The Widow Of Secret is a tale of a seer who’d successfully rule the realm, but because of the prophecy’s power, it became a myth. Every weak generation will be targeted, but a knight and low noble title help the princess named Karvia. Karvia, formerly weak from sickness, is different from the spirit of people in the real world. The spirit, although its host body is weak, has intelligence a medicine cook, and archery. Savier land is in desperate need of help, how is Angel now trapped in a princess? And how did the Queen save the Kingdom become a Kingdom is a land of many crops and side dishes in the state of Savier. Savier State is temporarily the smallest island but has a very large population.

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17 Chs

Three Confusing Men

Karvia when she finished the treatment woke up, she transformed herself into a European princess by flicking her hands into the wet clothes.

"Done, it's probably in the hospital." I feel very strange, this is not a hospital-like in the real world there is no medical equipment. Angel's mind.

"Karvia, want to come with me for a walk."

In front of Karvia's operating room, her hand was held by the bat noble. This vampire prince is very considerate and there is a seed of love in this bat man's heart.

"May I ask, why do you like this sickly me and the 3 nobles who are present rejecting me..., "At that moment the bat prince took Karvia to the child examination area. There was a small child who was in his mother's lap with a convulsive body. At a glance he saw the memories of childhood, Angel suddenly remembered the times in the real world that Angel was once like a child, but she erased the memory of his mind now she must make this mission a success and research the disease that makes all the villagers on the island of Savier anxious.

"How, are you touched by a small child. Whether you are disabled or healthy, the villagers' choice is you. You are the heroin to quell the strange rumors in Savier."

"Because we are the same age, so I can't call you prince. May I call you uncle."

"Sure, but I'm also here crowned for the competition as King of Savier Island."

"Oh, yes. Aren't the snake, spider, and scorpion nobles all female descendants. Maybe they don't want me to marry uncle, opposite prince or Leon. Uncle, Leon, and the opposite prince have sss level magic and I A is because my rank is numbered even though I'm level one but my status is level A because queens and kings are also level A."

"It could be that they're jealous of you because I'm pretty and also top rank in the wizarding world."

"What, uncle is very flirtatious. I reported it to grandfather Josep if you dared to be flirtatious with a woman who attacked me."

"It hurts, don't pinch me,"

Karvia then went straight to the place of the woman who was holding the small child. "Can you put your daughter to sleep?"

The woman immediately bowed down to the princess. "Mother, you don't have to be this formal, even though I'm a princess, but I also have a heart and don't want to be formal. Just call me Karvia, not princess," Karvia continued. The woman gave her child to Karvia.

"My name is Sia and my son's name is Rio. I was banished when the queen and king were not married, they said my son had the plague."

"Mother, don't be sad, your child will be sad too. Rio is very smart."

Oh my goodness, this little boy was carried by me immediately calmed down and he held my shirt. You barbaric noble, how dare you to throw away a person who has no wealth and slander. Karvia was angry inside. Rio fell asleep in Karvia's arms tightly.

"Kar, let's go for a walk, poor Rio, who was separated from his mother."

"I can read your mind, my magic is great. You said, I was wrong to bring this beautiful girl to the nursery," said Karvia naughty.

"Master is jealous, so that Miss Karvia can read your mind."

"Oh, this mother is her child. Later when you have a seizure, you have to report to me so I can check. Because I am also an expert on herbs and acupuncture treatment."

At that time Karvia immediately kissed the lips of the vampire prince. "Even though you're my uncle, but I also like you." Immediately, the handsome prince with red eyes made the wheelchair that was occupied by Karvia instantly disappear with her and Karvia.

Just about to take Rio for a walk, she didn't know that one prince was jealous. Karvia thought by shaking her head. Karvia, who is current martial arts expert and good at making beautiful magic, might become a bone of contention for three handsome boys and achieve success in the magic academy. SSS level is written on the badge of the three princes. The magic kiss was only to calm the vampire prince's heart who was jealous of a 4-year-old little boy, Karvia who saw him burst out laughing.

"Hey, you're laughing now. I heard from Leo and the half-fox prince that you don't laugh often."

But when they both make love, there is an urgent.

"Miss Karvia can you help me, there is a code blue in medical room 220." The bat prince nodded and made the medic, Karvia, the bat prince head to the room that sounded urgent. Arriving in room 220, Karvia and the vampire prince made a magic spell with a magic hand that they both took out. The bat prince and Karvia made a white candle and the seal of happiness they had noted from the wolf princess. Don't know when the bat prince got the recipe from the wolf princess. Karvia started inserting needles into the acupuncture points for the healing she had learned from Leon. One by one the needles Karvia emitted blue flames, Rio who was still 4 years old had stopped convulsing.

"Thank God it's over... I..." Before I finished speaking Karvia suddenly fell and convulsed. One problem was solved, but because Karvia was born prematurely and was born disabled, the Angel in her body was in pain.

Karvia why are you like this at such an important time. Angel thought as his body got better. But Karvia's convulsions started to get worse and didn't stop. The bat prince sends a letter to Leon and the mixed-blood prince to go to room 220 to help the critical Karvia.

"Karvia, my love endure. My Sweet Girl. You must win against your illness."

The bat prince gave blood by feeding on his slashed hand.


Leon's expression was disheveled and tears fell when he saw Karvia who had fallen asleep unconsciously. His eyes were still unresponsive when Leon flashed the flashlight, the bat prince opened the ICU door and the mixed-blood prince prepared medical supplies.

"Karvia, you're awake."

"Leon please help us install medical equipment," said the bat prince. Which heart is not sad when he sees the woman he loves suddenly sick. Karvia is the prima donna in the kingdom of Savier Violet, these three princes have registered to become king candidates.

"Leon... it hurts... my stomach... hurts... my heart is about to explode," Karvia said. But those words turned to sadness, Karvia was still convulsing and her head was covered with wires to track the energy flowing through her brain.

"Half-fox prince, give me heart medicine for Karvia," said the bat prince. His red eyes can detect sick or healthy organs. After Karvia stopped. In the southern seas, medical equipment is also as sophisticated as in the real world, but because of the actions of traitors, the king is forced to give strict supervision to laboratories and hospitals of magic. Currently, Leon can breathe a sigh of relief because advanced tools can make Karvia healthy.

"Leon, thank you so much for helping me. I owe you one."

"Would you mind accompanying me to stay here for just one day?"

What should I do, if I politely refuse Leon must make him disappointed. Angel thought, lying down he answered the question.

"I accept, you must accompany me until I recover."

Leo kissed Karvia's hand. She blushed a lot when Karvia answered the question by allowing Leon to be in the ICU.

"Leon, after the battle against the monsters is over and the traitor is caught by the king. What's your next plan?"

"I want you to come to the village with me as a commoner." Karvia nodded and kissed Leon's hand. Leon maybe after all this we'll never see each other again.

"Leon can we go to the forest so I can recover my energy?"

"Sure, I'll take you to the forest."

Leon took Karvia to the forest but while in the forest the half-wolf prince suddenly went crazy. Leon who saw immediately calmed down. "Leon, you don't have to go there. You just call my uncle. He's a bat prince who can help this mixed-blood prince."

Leon left Karvia and the prince of the other country.

"Half blood, calm down it's me. I'll be here with you."

"Karvia, you dodge. I am in the power to finish you off."

"Sorry, but you have to eat this. It's a healing herb."

"Karvia, I'm sorry to make you worry. I don't know why it's like this in the forest."

"This must be when you fight someone takes advantage of your body, this is an animal in your hair."

"You are indeed a herbalist, you are a talented magician even though every time your energy is weakened by disease."

"I don't want you, Leon, and my uncle to feel sad when I'm like this."

"You are stubborn and stupid."

He praises me or even puts me down. But that's okay, I like this kind of guy anyway. Angel thought and instantly Sakura fell.

"The goddess of love has blessed us, will I take you for a walk in the forest?"

"Of course, I'm also here to increase my energy."

The trees here are also suitable for any sick witch, fortunately, the trees on the medical island thrive and make the villagers who seek treatment every day recover quickly. These three men made Karvia wonder. This is the man I must accompany if at any time they are affected by evil magic.

The magic mirror that Karvia was carrying suddenly shone.

"Karvia you are fine dear."

"Queen, Via is fine. How is Queen?"

"The enemy has been silenced, they don't know when to attack again."

"Via, you have to come tomorrow at the gate, mother will bring precious gems."

But the mirror had run out of its magic. Karvia looked back at the mixed-blood prince.

"I'll just call your ancestor's name, Zepeto. I knew Zepeto's grandfather when he was in the forest giving me this necklace."

"My ancestor died after Adriana was killed."

They both looked up at the sky, the day was still long to grieve. Leon still hasn't come with the bat nobles.