
Widow Of Secret English Version

The Widow Of Secret is a tale of a seer who’d successfully rule the realm, but because of the prophecy’s power, it became a myth. Every weak generation will be targeted, but a knight and low noble title help the princess named Karvia. Karvia, formerly weak from sickness, is different from the spirit of people in the real world. The spirit, although its host body is weak, has intelligence a medicine cook, and archery. Savier land is in desperate need of help, how is Angel now trapped in a princess? And how did the Queen save the Kingdom become a Kingdom is a land of many crops and side dishes in the state of Savier. Savier State is temporarily the smallest island but has a very large population.

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Leon in the eyes of King and Princess Karvia Part 1

Leon knows that he is a lowly noble, but because of the intelligence of the brain and the expertise that Leon's mother and biological father gained from hard work he became a powerful noble and the throne of being a magician became an upper class. Princess Belinda who served as Adriana's successor was a princess who only took care of the inner palace. However, when the Savior king saw Belinda was good at medical Science with great magic so that the rank of Belinda's daughter became the top level even equal to the SSS level in the wizarding world, since the king helped Belinda establish a magus school many talented magicians in the Wizarding world. Belinda also knows that her cousin wants to match Princess Belinda with the Savior's Friend, the king doesn't want Belinda to know that there are rumors between Elzanta and Raja. The Savior prince did not want to be King, for fear that Elzenta, Belinda, and Adriana were in danger. The prince was afraid that his weakness would become a threat. Before coming to power, the Savior had given up the throne to Belinda.

" Savior, the brother I admire. Are you afraid the rumors about you have impregnated Elzenta will become the enemys weapon? I mean, is…." when Belinda was about to explain, Savior explained the truth.

"This throne will be destroyed, if I was married to my boyfriend. Not because Elzanta containing child of an illicit relationship, but because of the nobility of spider and scorpion jengking reject marriage more clan. "

"Do not cover the current weakness here, make a weapon for destroying their weaknesses. I've been keeping this island when the sisters went, and when the brother was saving my best friend. "

"You know Elzenta."

"Elzenta biological mother was a relative nobility of black and white wolf. History Queen witch who settled on the island never taught us eternal magic. So please Adriana and Elzanta for free. Do not be afraid to help us. "

"Adriana is a teacher while Elzanta is your best friend, I'll help them by marrying Elzanta. After that you're married to my best friend. He's gray wolf guarding the border. "

Since Belinda advised the Savior, Savior finally went to the mission and married Elzanta. Their daughter was born when Elzanta was seriously ill, at that time Queen Elzanta was attending Belinda's wedding. Not wanting Belinda and Adriana to worry about the queen's illness, Queen Elzanta entered the room with a magic move. The teleportation magic of a high-class magician.

"Queen, you're not going to the party?"

The queen sat on the bed, casting a spell to seal the power.

"I will give birth to my child now, please the King help me."

"Wait for the party to be over or let me announce."

The queen was lying limp and her body jerked very strongly.

"King, don't tell anyone. I'm afraid our child will become a weapon for the enemy."

"Belinda told me to give the title of princess and future queen for our child. After the rumors circulated, we ordered Adriana and Belinda to hide in a remote village where we could relax. There is a hidden castle that I built for us. So, we will hand over the castle to Adriana and Belinda."

"Belinda is indeed smart, she is my sister's student."

"This is the best for us, that's why I ordered Belinda to fill my vacant throne and ordered her to marry my best friend."

Roses and Lavender suddenly cover Angel's memory of the history of Karvia's father and mother. Karvia's biological mother and father need Karvia's power to fight the snake, scorpion, and spider nobles.

Only a few more, Karvia was allowed to go home, the Angel spirit trapped in Karvia's body made a new magician's spell, namely a spell to detect enemy attacks. Angel also thanked Adriana for allowing Angel's spirit to exchange with Karvia's spirit. Angel knows that now not in the real world, Angel's job is to act like a princess who has been appointed as a prospective queen. Marriage Karvia and Leon are also planned by Elzanta, Adriana, and Belinda. In the eyes of Karvia and the King of Leon son of a widow who has top-level magic. Fortunately, Karvia's soul gave strength to Angel's spirit to educate Angel to behave like royalty.

"Karvia may ask? Is it permissible to the palace? " Karvia asked.

Because Angel wearing a spell to unite the mind while treating the body that Angel was riding, Karvia attitude can blend with the attitude Angel, Angel's ability to think makes magic learned in the unseen world using Karvia body into a 300 strength many times.

The legend of the Widow of secret does exist and is real in the unseen world. They settled on the island Savier Violet, Angel now was ready to help Karvia. With a spirit that enters the body Karvia, Angel felt the force in the body Karvia really terrible to defeat the enemy but can not be used until exhausted because now Karvia is experiencing organ damage due to toxic wastes resulting from the royalty snake, scorpion, and spiders.

Elzenta is indeed a strong daughter and becomes a queen, Savior, a father for Karvia, also intelligently chooses Leon to marry Karvia. That way Leon can strengthen the alliance against the serpent, scorpion, and spider nobles. The three nobles were arrogant towards the weak nobles because they couldn't make a defense against the enemy.

But Angel is happy to be able to make Karvia admired even though other people don't know that Karvia's spirit is in Angel's body and Angel's spirit is in Karvia's body. The others included Karvia's Cousins, Leon, Veinor, Rei, Belinda, Karvia's biological parents, and the villagers.

And yes, Dryad made the entire ICU full of plants like a paradise garden.

"Dryad, there's a witch who's allergic to the plants you grew in the ICU."

Dryad saw Belinda take out a white ball, the white ball was a small doll that could become big if Belinda smelled the ball held in her hand.

"The ball, don't throw it out. My goodness, Belinda. If you take it out, I might be dragged back to heaven, not to the unseen world to monitor the world you control."

The white ball disappeared. Belinda conjured the white ball with a spell that Belinda thought of. The item teleportation spell from the place Belind Karvia tried to walk, saw Leon, Belinda, Veinor, Samantha, Dryad, Oberon, Titania, and Rei talking. Leon, who was talking viewed Karvia walk shuffling, power for moving still recovering.