


I figured that my detention time would start when I got to the first class of the building on the second floor, and I was right because as I got there, someone was already there picking up books from one side of the class and putting it in the mini wagon, pulling on the end as it rolls over to the next side.

The person had their back to me, and I had no doubts it was Cyra. Possibly thinking that out loud, almost as if he hears it, his head snaps back to me, blue eyes looking darker than it should as if a storm was brewing in it. Dark long lashes furling over it, as though attempting to conceal all the darkness, although he stared at me unblinking with a scowl on his face. Wait- a scowl on his face? I did a double take and sure enough he wore a scowl on his face.

I make my way inside the unknown classroom and as I reach his side, making sure to keep some distance, his eyes still on me, I let out a nervous laugh, "H-hey detention partner, ready to have some fun?"

His eyes harden, and he grumbled out almost accusingly, "You're late!"

Furrowing my brows at his sudden change in behavior, I set my lips in a straight line, "If you so badly don't want to be here, you shouldn't have run your mouth to the principal in the first place and we wouldn't be here, so neither of us would be wasting our time!" I watch as his entire demeanor changed upon hearing my words, and if I though he was angry before, well this look made the observance of that look, assume the role of a child's play character as the main role of Lucifer.

I don't know, but it seemed that something happened between the short span of sixth and eight period, and I'm thinking it's definitely the latter, since that was when I walked in on Cyra and Dora and I have a feeling it had something to do with me, but what exactly it is, I'm not sure.

What I know for sure though is that this is not the Cyra I was expecting. I'd have thought he would be happy to see me suffer in detention as he annoyed me out of my mind. But instead, he looked angry, the hot- no the SCARY type I meant. EEK. What am I thinking?

Right, back to it, he looked at me like I killed his favorite dog and fed it to him. And I didn't so I'm not sure what happened that he now looks like he wants to kill me. He should know that this is his fault we are now in this mess. I wanted to scream at him, I should be the one giving the angry stares to him, not the other way around. As I'm thinking this, my thoughts stop short.

He let the end of the handle fall with a CLANK on the tiles and in a huge step he comes towards me, and with a horrified expression on my face, I move back instinctively and bump in the chair behind me as both me and the chair nearly hit the floor, but before I could fall, Cyra grabbed my waist, his fingers digging into the thin material of the crop top as his hands slide over my back and hauls me with force. I barely had enough time to shelter my body from the force of attacking his, as I put my two hands in front of me, slamming it to his chest as he pulls me up.

My eyes widen as he stares down at me, baring his teeth as he grinds out to me, "What are you insinuating little tigress?"

"I-I'm not insinuating anything!" I mutter to him and try to shove at his chest but of course the devil doesn't even budge. Hauling me impossibly closer, he bends his head, hot air from his mouth tickling my ear as he grounds out, "Well it seems to me, you just called me a blabbermouth, and I don't appreciate that." Then he swiftly pushes me away, not too hard that I fall, but enough that I stagger a little.

"That's not-" but he cuts me off, "Save it!" he mutters a little too quiet for my liking but sounds threatening all the more. His eyes hardening once more, jaw ticking, room filled with tension, he finally breaks the silence, "Look, let's just get this over with," and starts walking back to the wagon, as I quietly follow him. We both start picking up the books and putting them in the wagon, he mostly pulls it around as we move from class to class.

About half an hour later, we both made our way with the wagon filled with books to the library. It surprisingly didn't take as long as I thought, but luckily most of the classes had the least number of books, mostly being five, so I quickly went in and grabbed them while Cyra waited outside of the class, before we moved on.

We both didn't say a word to each other after he accused me of calling him a blabbermouth in the first class. We just quietly moved in silence, but I could feel the anger radiating off him in waves so big, it nearly tripped me down onto the floor.

I chose to stay a little distance behind him, and every other time he just stopped and turned back to me with a glare, and I'd hurriedly walk faster to meet up with him, making sure I maintained a good amount of space in case he decided to grab me and throw me into a little corner where he'd cut me into tiny pieces and no one could ever find me.

The thought alone made me shiver and as if he could hear my thoughts, he sneaks a glance my way then smirked, while my eyes widened and I moved a little more to the farthest corner from him.

As we left the wagon of books in the library, we signed a book that the librarian presented to us. She said it was to show that we completed our detention for the day so the book would be sent to the principal at the end of the week and he would check to see who completed and who didn't do their detention time and then it would be doubled.

Damn, I already felt sorry for the skipped spaces of names above mine. Thay have quite the fun coming up next week for themselves. I saw her pass Cyra a note and told him to show it to his coach. I furrowed my brows, that must be why he was in a mood, he didn't show up for his practice today. But then that didn't make sense. If he knew telling the principle would lead to this and it would have held up his practice time, then he shouldn't have done so, it still didn't feel right.

I continued out and as I'm by the stair going down to head out, someone brushed past my shoulder, slightly pushing me to the rails. I scowled at the person's back, until I realized that of course it was Cyra, confirmed when he suddenly turned around, giving me one of his angry stares. My scowl didn't once falter, and I stared back at him as he disappeared out of sight.

As I move out of the building, towards the gates outside, I see that Cass is already there waiting, probably angry that I took this long so get out today. I approach slowly as I get there trying to think of an excuse without telling the full truth, but as I open the door, she takes one look at my face and instead of being angry like I thought she would be, she asks, "Are you okay?" And then I kind of just caved and said, "I was doing my detention time."

"Okayyy," she prolongs the word and then she asks, "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Do I want to tell her about what I did today? Maybe not, but it might help me figure out stuff. "Sure," I say to her.

"Good, but first missy, mama didn't send you to school looking like that this morning"

"Wha-" Looking down, I realized what she was talking about. I lifted my head up at her, grinning sheepishly, "Uh, about that, I got strawberry pied and showered, when of course I pied the person first, who then pied me, then emptied their strawberry juice on my head, which I then finished on their head," I rambled out.

She stared at me, eyes going wide before she bursts out laughing, "Who did u piss off sister?"

I roll my eyes then got in the car, shutting the door, I turn to her. "I'll give you all the juicy bits, if you promise not to spill to Mom and Dad, or Bea." She grinned at me, "You sneaky little blackmailer, consider it done!" We both started laughing as we make our way to Bea's school to pick her up.