
Wicked Seduction: Captured By My Rival

“The Sluttiest thing a hero can do is show up at Villain’s doorstep, bloodied and bruised, and say, ‘I didn’t know where else to go!’” …………….. After the World of Kevin Wilson, the enigmatic business owner of V.R Corporation and the mysterious heir of Wilson family, collides with Zion Ford, the mysteriously notorious business Rival, who continuously pulls him closer by stealing his clients, they embark on a dangerous journey fueled by love, hate, and passion that keeps their fate entangled. However, unknown to Kevin, behind the mask of cocky rival, Zion holds the darkest secrets, manipulating a dangerous game played with every life he wanted to take, that included Kevin’s. What will happen when secrets slowly start to emerge to the surface? What will happen when Kevin finds himself on the target of mysterious person hungry for power, time and again knocking on Zion’s door and falling into his embrace, the very person who was supposed to be his enemy? What will happen when Zion starts falling for Kevin, the very person whom he was twisting to play his cards? Will the story of love ever bloom between them or will it just turn to ashes burning in the fire of revenge, and hunger of power?

_Shristishah · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Owner Of Your Life!

Someone was chasing!!

The realization hit hard and that too when his heart had started to go off track in an erratic rhythm. Adding to his streak of bad luck was the fact that he was hurtling through a winding mountain road, where any loss of control would be a one-way ticket to hell without any companion. Not that people who go to hell have any!

He was wondering, who could it be! Someone who found his true identity despite all his attempts to disguise his presence? 

He regretted not wearing his facial disguise of his usual identity, Kevin Will, the owner of V.R Corporation in his late thirties. He sighed, thinking about hard it would have been for him to live every other day as the heir of Ashford Corp. People always feel nostalgic when they're at their end, he had heard. He wondered if that was the case as his heart squeezing painfully at the same time almost squeezing life out of him.

From the corner of his eyes in the rearview mirror, he could see the car behind him speed up, clearing their intention to hit his car.

"Fuckin' Hell!!!" Kevin cursed, trying to catch his breath. He was sweating profusely as he stepped on the accelerator, trying to make it to the downhill before his car gets hit but at this point, he could feel his heart failing him. A scream almost tore his throat as the blows of pain started getting stronger, enough to make him slowly lose control over his car.

His breath came out in huffs and puffs as he gripped on the steering, speeding away while the chaser closed the distance between them.

Gunshots pierced the air, and the windshield shattered into a spiderweb of cracks. His hands trembled, unable to grab his revolver to shoot back and stop them. He swerved left and right, desperately trying to evade the bullets. The deafening pops continued, and one whizzed past his ear, leaving a burning sensation.

Kevin's vision blurred, and he pushed his foot harder on the gas pedal. The winding mountain road became an adrenaline-fueled race against death. Every corner was a gamble, every bend a leap of faith.

As the pain in his chest intensified, Kevin pushed himself to the brink. His fingers trembled on the wheel, and his vision swam in and out of focus. He gritted his teeth, trying to hold on to consciousness.

Now, the cruel irony was apparent. Kevin wondered which would claim him first: his ailing heart or the relentless pursuers who seemed adamant to end his existence. He had long stopped believing in miracles, having lost faith in the almighty who had failed to save his parents. Now, all he had was his life, lived in honor of their dying wish and memory. But that life was now hanging by a thread, reliant on a body and heart that seemed destined to fail.

Taking a deep breath, he sped his car on the slippery swerve to outpace them. A sigh of relief almost escaped his lips when he thought he had outpaced his pursuers, unaware that a cruel twist of fate awaited him.

Before he could exhale, the vision of the road in front of him became clear. It was blocked by a line of cars, their drivers and several men waiting with sniper rifles aimed at him. His heart slowly sank with his heartbeat starting to decelerate. He craned his head to look back with the last hope of turning around but it was bulldozed by the chasing car blocking the way.

He took a deep breath and a chuckled escaped his lips as his heartbeat started to decrease. He never imagined his death would be in the middle of nowhere, surrounded two sides by his enemies, and on the other side by mountain and cliff.


He mused on the thought weather to bet his life on his heart killing him first or the bullet shot. His breath started coming off short as the vision of his eyes struggled to sustained. His world seemed to slow to a crawl, his soul slipping away as if his lungs were filling with water, robbing him of breath. His ears started ringing deafeningly while he watched them point their guns at him, from everywhere. 

He slowly closed his eyes, finally giving up the boring life that he had long not wanted. Just as he closed his eyes, there was a loud screeching noise before the sounds of the gunshots followed by a huge blast flaring up in from the off cliff that snapped his eyes open. 

In the blink of an eye, his heart nearly skipped a beat when a deafening screech and a series of gunshots were followed by a colossal explosion off the cliffside. His eyes shot open as he glimpsed a pitch-black car passing dangerously close to his, teetering on the edge of the cliff. A moment more, and it would have been game over. Astonishingly, the car swerved in front of him, screeching to halt, covering his entire car from the gunshot with his shocking bulletproof car.

It was in that just a brief moment; his eyes met the pair of the shimmering cold eyes in the dark that melt his insides with the warmth of the security that he never once had in his life, before it flickered away dangerously as he pulled the revolver with his one hand and started firing at the cars. 

Kevin almost lost his few remaining breaths as he watched the man in the car sharply shooting the cars in the wheels, explode and careen down the cliffside.

The once threatening silence soon turned into a panicked chaos as there were panicked gunshots overruled each time by the single thunderous shot with the scream of each person. Kevin's eyes were glued to the man in the dark car, awestricken, as he precise shots and ruthless efficiency!

He didn't know who the man was or why was he even there, dragging himself so casually into the death zone to protect him.

"Ah..!" A pang of pain shot in his heart again, this time intensified by tenfold. He was all covered in sweat and he could feel his consciousness slowly slipping away.

His eyelids threatened to drop no matter how hard he tried to keep it open as he watched the bloody mess there. It wasn't long before he sank into darkness, drowning deep as if his lungs were filled with water, sucking out the breath.


The man's eyes were dangerously locked to each and every one of his targets as if they were his prey. With each shot releasing from his gun, blood splattered everywhere but that wasn't enough for him. It didn't take a few minutes for half of them to go down the cliff while the half who had a good attempt to run away, intrigued him even more to chase and kill as if it was his primary instinct. 

However, before he could chase them, he heard a loud roar engine from Kevin's car making him snap his attention towards him right in the moment. His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Kevin passed out on the car.

He frowned as soon as he realized what was going on. He jumped out of the car without a second thought before he stormed towards Kevin's car and pulled him out. He was passed out, and more of that, his heartbeat was frantically dropping. But none of them mattered first.

"You don't think you can die after making me go through this shit for you, do you?!" The words left his lips with a deep-menacing chuckle in his deep, husky voice, capable of sending chills down anyone's spines. He shouldered Kevin's weight, struggling to move away from the chaotic mess that was created with the lifeless bodies. They stumbled over the corpses, cursing as they rolled down the treacherous mountainside.

He tried to cover Kevin before speeding up, until he stumbled on the corpse, curse reverberating from his throat as they were sent rolling over in the downslope of the hellish mountainous road.

He wrapped his arms around Kevin before a huge blast echoed everywhere, securing him from the fiery debris raining on him as they rolled down. He planted his feet firmly on the rocky slope, using every ounce of strength to halt their descent, leaving him almost out of the breath.

The friction almost made the man to pull his foot back but he sustained the pain as if it was nothing before they finally ceased to roll. As soon as they were stable, he slowly laid Kevin on the ground, staring at his unflinched face for a moment. He placed his hand on Kevin's chest, feeling his heartbeat slowing, his breath shallow.

In a swift move, he removed his jacket and began pounding on Kevin's chest to keep his heart beating. He continuously kept on pounding on his chest until he stared at his face, that was struggling for breath. His hands clenched into fists, grappling with the moment, until Kevin's breathing grew shallower.

"Arh, I never came across such a needy stubborn man, you know!" He sat back for a moment, running his hands through the hair. His face glowed under the moonlight, making his silvery-grey eyes shine brightly with a twisted smile.

"If giving you breath counts as kiss, then remember, this is my first kiss that you stole, fucker!" He cursed with a slight smirk, staring at Kevin's face, before slowly leaning down to him, his lips finally pressed on his as he started passing him breath. He did that a few more times, systematically, getting his heartbeat back and giving him breath.


Kevin felt something warm on his lips, at the same time, something squeezing him, in and out as if he was getting some air pumped in the midst of drowning. With few jolts of air, his eyes suddenly flew open, his wet lips trying to take in as much air possible. His chest was heavy in pain with something drumming on it, his hands instinctively grabbed the thing, trying to stop it until he felt a warm … hand!

He was momentarily shocked to feel someone's hand, not knowing who it belonged to. His mind raced with thousands of thoughts at a moment until his eyes slowly moved up to see a strange face looming over him, ceasing every thought on his mind. The darkness covered his face except for his shimmering bright eyes. Those were the same eyes!!

It felt familiar, too familiar as if he had known it all his life but yet he couldn't recall. His sharp features were outlined with his messy hair dangling all over his face despite being covered by darkness.

"Who are you?" Kevin's voice came out in a hoarse whisper, trying to know who he was and why he was doing all of it but before he could ask anything else he was suddenly knocked out by the man, with his faint tittered whisper dancing in the air!

Kevin clutched his hands tightly, trying to cling to his consciousness to get his answers but he drifted to unconsciousness, wondering if wonders do happen. The words in the air danced feathery lightly in his ears as if it was just his hallucination!

"The one who owns your life now…!"