







Attracts positivity

Sheilds from negativity/tension/the evil eye

Brown candles represent stability and strength, allowing one to stay grounded in times of uncertainty. The evil eye is a belief of bad luck or even curses believed to be caused (usually) by someone glaring at another person and wishing harm on them. Some people also believe that the evil eye can be used by word of mouth (for example, someone speaking badly of another). It is seen as one person passing on their negative energy to another. If you wish to know more about the evil eye, please do some research: I recommend pilotguides.com/articles/pagan-faith-beware-the-evil-eye/ for more details.

Meditating with brown candles can bring stability to ones life and help with having positive thoughts over negative ones. Brown candles are also useful for using in nature magic as they can represent earth (dirt). If you want to cast a spell to strengthen friendship, brown candles will probably be a good choice.