
why i in Harry Potter universe?(1,084,170)

Meet Cain Smith, a little child full of curiosity who discovers a magical and mysterious world. He struggles with his forgotten past and his initial interaction with the mysterious Information Centre. When Cain explores the world of wizardry, he is given a fascinating gift that leads him on a quest to learn the truths about himself.

DARK_Kin · Derivasi dari karya
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16 Chs


Mr. Blotts, the friendly owner of Flourish and Blotts, had successfully presented the Smith family with a book suitable for young Cain. The title of the book was "Beginner in Magic." It promised to be an excellent introduction for someone just starting their magical journey.

"How much is it?" Angelia inquired.

"Ten galleons, madam," Mr. Blotts replied.

"Dan, pay for it," Angelia directed her husband.

Jordan, ever the pragmatic father, handed over the necessary coins. "Here's your money, sir."

With the transaction complete, Cain now possessed his very own magic book. It was a symbol of the magical world he had entered, filled with endless possibilities.

Back at home, Cain sat alone in his room, gazing at the wall with a blank expression. Disappointment clouded his young features as he thought about the book. Initially, he had been brimming with excitement, but when he began to read the first paragraph, his enthusiasm had waned.

The book's words stared back at him, and he sighed. It read: "To learn magic, you need to have a wand."

Cain's heart sank as the reality of his age set in. His father had told him that wands were only available to wizards and witches aged 11 and above. That meant he had to wait another six long years before he could even hold a wand, let alone use one for magic.

"I'm stuck with barely being able to use magic for now," he thought dejectedly.

But Cain, not one to give up easily, decided to continue reading the book. To his surprise, the book only contained information about three basic spells.

"3 basic spell for ten galleon, now that is a rip off" thought Cain, but he still read all those spell...

1. **Lumos:** This spell makes a wand emit light. It's like a magical flashlight.

2. **Alohomora:** This spell unlocks doors. It's like a magical key.

3. **Engorgio:** This spell makes things get bigger. It's like a magical magnifying glass.

Even though he couldn't use these spells yet, the knowledge excited and frustrated him in equal measure.

Cain couldn't help but wonder about the day when he would finally be able to wield a wand and unleash the magic he had read about. It was a distant dream, but one that fueled his determination to learn and grow. The journey toward becoming a skilled wizard had only just begun, and he was determined to make the most of it, even if he had to wait.

"I need to patient and when i good at using magic, only then i have a chance to know what exactly happen to me and why its happen"


To be continue